Sunday, September 30, 2018

How We Look Beyond Names & Religions

How to Balance Ambition with Contentment?

It is really hard to be content in our current world of Materialism, where ambition and the teaching of not to be Content comes keep moving forward.
How would you say we balance ambition with contentment ?

First of all, we have to see what our priorities are. 
If we want to progress in materialism, then being more ambitious and ‘no-contentment’ might be important. But those who are more spiritual - do not have much ambitions left and naturally become content. 
Now, if we want to progress in both materialistic and Spiritual worlds – which many people do - even then we need to set the limits – not only how much ambitions - but what kind of ambitions as well. Are we ambitious to get some power, and name & fame among the spiritually inclined people to become rich and famous by delivering inspirational lectures? 
Or, are we more ambitious towards moving forward into the realms of pure Spirituality – to achieve self-peace – and at the same time, trying to make more money to live a comfortable worldly life? 
As long as our intentions are honest and not to harm anyone in anyway, such ambitions may not be wrong.    
To be content or ambitious – and to what degree – is an individual choice. Everyone has to decide for themselves what they really want to achieve in their life.
                               'Rajan Sachdeva'

Saturday, September 29, 2018

वार्ता का उद्देश्य Purpose of Discussions

उद्देश्य वार्ता का होवे -  ज्ञान-अर्जन के लिए 
प्रश्न पूछा चाहिए  -  शंका निवारण के लिए 
किसी को नीचा दिखाना ज्ञान का मतलब नहीं 
ज्ञान तो होता है 'राजन ' सत्य दर्शन के लिए 

Uddeshya vaartaa kaa hovay gyaan-arjan kay liye
Prashn poochhaa chaahiye shankaa nivaaran kay liye 
kisee ko neechaa dikhaanaa gyaan ka matlab nahin 
Gyaan to hotaa hai 'Rajan' satya darshan kay liye 

The purpose of discussion should be to acquire knowledge.
Questions should be asked to clear the doubts.
Knowledge should not be used to degrade or humiliate others.
The purpose of Gyana or Knowledge is to understand the Truth.

                         'Rajan Sachdeva'

Friday, September 28, 2018

Be Content

Be content with what you have;
              Rejoice in the way things are.
When you realize there is nothing lacking,
                 The whole world belongs to you.
                                 ~ Lao Tzu ~

गुज़रे ये ज़िंदगानी - तेरी याद करते करते

गुज़रे  ये  ज़िंदगानी - तेरी  याद  करते  करते 
हर स्वास में हो सुमिरन तू ही -तू ही कहते कहते 

तेरी याद से ही मेरे हर दिन की इब्तिदा हो 
हर शाम मेरी गुज़रे तेरा ध्यान धरते धरते  

तेरी याद जो भुला दे - वो ख़ुशी मुझे  न  देना 
ख़ुशियाँ भी हों मुबारक़ शुकराना करते करते

करना रहम कि गुज़रे हर लम्हा ज़िंदगी का
सबरो-शुकर से दिल को आबाद करते करते 

वो भी गए जहां से दो गज़ कफ़न में लिपटे 
जो रहे तिजोरियां ही सारी उमर भरते भरते     

बेख़ौफ़ हो के जीने में  मज़ा है  ज़िंदगी का 
क्या कियाअगरचे जीए बे-वजह ही डरते डरते

'राजन ' की इल्तिजा है ऐ मेरे साहिबे -जाना 
रहे तेरा ही तसव्वुर मेरे दिल में मरते मरते 

        "राजन सचदेव "  (जम्मू 1978)

तर्ज़ :   कटते हैं दुःख में ये दिन पहलू बदल बदल के 

इब्तिदा                  शुरुआत    Beginning
तिजोरियां               Safe-box
बेख़ौफ़                  अभय    Without any Fear
इल्तिजा                 प्रार्थना, विनती,  Request 
तसव्वुर                 ख़्याल, विचार    Thoughts         

Guzray Ye Zindgaani - Teri Yaad Kartay Kartay

Guzray ye zindgaani - teri  yaad  kartay  kartay 
Har svaas mein ho sumiran tu-hi tu-hi kehtay kehtay 

Teri yaad say hee meray har din ki ibtidaa ho 
Har shaam meri guzray tera dhyaan dhartay dhartay 

Teri yaad jo bhulaa day - vo khushi mujhay na denaa 
Khushiyaan bhi hon mubaaraq shukaraana kartay kartay

Karnaa reham ki guzray har lamhaa zindagi kaa
Sabaro-shukar say dil ko aabaad kartay kartay 

Vo bhi gaye jahaan say do gaz kafan mein lipatay 
Jo rahay tijoriyaan hee saari umar bhartay bhartay 

Be-khauf ho kay jeenay mein mazaa hai zindagi kaa
Kya kiyaa agarchay jeeye be-vajah hee dartay dartay

'Rajan' kee iltijaa hai ae meray saahib-e-jaanaa 
Rahay teraa hee tasavvur meray dil mein martay martay

                        "Rajan Sachdeva"
                       Written in Jammu in 1978

Tarz (Tune):  Katatay hain dukh me ye din pehalu badal badal kay 

Ibtidaa    ----------  Beginning
Tijoriyaan  -------  Safe box
Be-khauf  ---------  Fearless, without any fear
Iltijaa  ------------  Request, Appeal  
Tasavvur --------  Thought 

Thursday, September 27, 2018

What We Obtain Easily ...

What we obtain easily,
                We esteem too lightly -
                             And give very little value to it.  

मैं अकेला खड़ा रहा ....Main Akelaa Khadaa Rahaa

मैं तो ग़ज़ल कह के अकेला खड़ा रहा 
सब अपने अपने चाहने वालों में खो गए 

Main to ghazal keh kay akelaa khadaa rahaa
Sab apnay apnay chaahnay waalon me kho gaye

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Who is Greater - Guru or Nirankar(God)?

Question:  Who is greater – Guru or Nirankar (God)?

To be honest, I don't understand the significance of this question at all.
Why do we need to differentiate between the two? 
Why is it important to give more significance to one or the other?
I had written previously and shared numerous times in vichars the beautiful example of ‘Tea and the Cup’ given by Baba Gurbachan Singh ji - that when we want to have tea, we need a cup to drink it from.
Now, why do we need to place more importance on one over the other? 
While drinking tea – do we ask ourselves which one is more important? 
Or do we ask our guests “Would you like tea or a cup?” 
Or after serving them tea, do we ask “Which one do you think is better or more important to you – tea or the cup?”
No one ever asks such questions. 
In fact, these questions do not even come to our mind. 
Tea and the cup – both have their own roles. 
Tea provides us warmth and energy that we seek for. But it cannot be had or served without the cup or a container.
Similarly, Guru and Nirankar- both have their own important roles to play in our lives. 
Undoubtedly, they both are equally important – and there is no need to place one’s importance over the other.


But didn’t Kabeer ji say that Guru is greater than God? 
There is a very popular doha – verse written by him:
           गुरु गोविन्द दोउ खड़े - काके लागूँ पाय 
          बलिहारी गुरु आपुने जिन गोविन्द दियो मिलाय 
          “Guru Govind dou khaday – kaa kay laagun paaye
           Balihari Guru apunay – jin Govind deeyo milaaye”

What is your opinion about it?
                                          - - - - - 
First of all, though, this verse is quite popular among people, the scholars doubt if it was actually written by Kabeer ji. There is no authentic proof that this verse was in fact written by him. But then again, this could be said about the writings of any other saint or any writer of the past.
But regardless of its authenticity, this verse does not say anything about one being greater than the other. 
The correct literal meaning of this verse should be:
“Guru and Nirankar – both are in front of me. To whom should I bow?
I am so very grateful to the Guru, who connected me with the Almighty”.

Obviously, the word ‘Balihaari’ could be in question here.
Balihaari is very commonly used in northern India to show one’s liking and gratefulness towards someone. 
There are numerous songs and dialogues in Hindi saying: “Topay Bali bali jaaun – O’ Sajnaa main topay balihaari etc. Mothers in Punjab can be often heard saying to their children “Balihaari jaavan – vaaray vaary jaavan”. 
It’s a phrase to show one’s appreciation, and gratitude towards someone.
Now if we see, Kabeer ji was showing his gratitude towards his Guru Ramanad ji - saying I am so grateful to you that you have connected me to the Almighty God.
A disciple is always grateful to the Guru and that’s the way it should be. 
But there is no need for a disciple to question if the knowledge is greater or the Guru – the provider of the knowledge. 
They both have very significant and vital roles in our lives and are equally important.
                                       ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Buraa un ko kahun - बुरा उनको कहूँ -

बुरा उनको कहूँ - मुझसे तो ये हो नहीं सकता 
कि मैं ख़ुद भी हूँ  'इक़बाल' अपने नुक़्ताचीनों में 

Buraa un ko kahun - mujhse to yeh ho nahin saktaa
ke mein khud bhi hun 'Iqbal' apnay nukhtachino mein

                                      'Dr. Iqbal'

Is it Possible to Attain Oneness?

All religions and Holy Scriptures claim and preach that “we are one".
But yet, we see so many divisions everywhere based on skin-color, economics, profession, 
upper and lower classes, nationality, political & religious views, etc. 

Christianity preaches - We are all children of God. And God loves everyone equally.
Hindus believe: "Mujh me Ram, tujh me Ram – Sab main Ram samaya".
“There is Ram (God) Within me and there is Ram within you
 – Ram (one Almighty God) prevails in everyone”.

In the Quran, Allah says: 
"We have sent our messengers in every community in the world (to unite them)"

Guru Kabeer ji says: 
“Avval Allah noor upaayaa- qudart ke sab banday” - 
"God created everyone – all people are from His divine nature".

Sant Namdev proclaimed: 
“Sab Govind hai, sab Govind hai, Govind binu nahi koi”
All is God - All is God – There is no one other than God”.

According to Gurubani: 
सबै घट राम बोले रामा बोले - राम बिना को बोले रे”
“Sabai ghat Ram bolay, Raama bolay – Ram bina ko bolay re?”
Ram (God) speaks through every form (body) - who speaks other Than Ram (god)?
Sab mai ek reha bharpoor   - सब मंह  एक रहिआ भरपूर  
One Almighty God prevails in everyone and everything.
Sab mahin Jot - Jot hai eko  सब मंह  जोत - जोत  है एको 
There is Holy spirit in everyone and the spirit is one. 

Avtar Bani also proclaims:
             इको नूर दी उपज है सारी - इक दा सगल पसारा है 
"Iko noor di upaj hai saari – ik da sagal pasaara hai” 
“Everything is creation of the same Divine light (of God)  The one and only God prevails all around”

In fact, there are hundreds of such references in all Holy books - these are just a few quotes for example.

As we can see clearly from the above references – all religions claim oneness of whole humanity and yet we see more divisions on the grounds of Religions and faith itself. 
So, naturally a question arises in mind – “is it ever possible to attain Oneness? 
Oneness of whole humanity - and to see oneness in everything?”

Great sages and scholars of the past and the psychologists have tried to find the ways of breaking the walls and uniting the divided humanity. One good solution is to preach the concept of Oneness of God. Logically, when God; The Father is one - then all children must also be one – which makes everyone a part of one big family and creates a sense of belonging to each other. 
Being part of a harmonious and loving community helps to dissolve our barriers and limiting beliefs, and to grow and implement the feelings of Oneness. Community supports us on our own journey and allows us the opportunity to serve others. It helps us open up to new and different ideas and connect us with a sense of Oneness.
Therefore, the followers of all great saints and scholars - Prophets and messengers started their own communities – loving and harmonious - with a sense of belonging to each other. Because there was love, harmony and a sense of security by being with like-minded people around, more and more people got attracted towards such communities and joined them. But unfortunately, in this process they became disconnected from others - even from their old, original communities and slowly, more and more new communities kept forming. 
Moreover – over the period of time, such communities became much bigger and the differences started to creep in within each of these new formed communities as well. 
And eventually, the very purpose of creating or founding these communities was lost. 

So, the question still remains– “is it ever possible to attain Oneness?

Yes, but only through direct experience, when we go beyond the mind, intellect, and ego.
The fact is that we are one but we think we are separate. We have forgotten our Oneness. 
The ancient Hindu Scriptures taught the Advaita philosophy; the philosophy of Non-Duality.
                 "Ekah Brahm, Dviteeya naastay". (Rig Veda)
There is only one God - without the second. 
Furthermore, Non-duality does not mean only the Oneness of God, but oneness of the universe as well. 
When we forget this principle of Non-duality, we create an illusory world of duality, which leads to suffering. 
All disagreements, conflict, and wars are due to the mistaken belief of duality - that we are separate. 
Somewhere, I read this beautiful analogy:
"When we realize we are one, who, or what is there to fight against? On a cosmic level, two people fighting is as ridiculous as if your hands decided they didn’t like each other and started fighting".

Our both hands are not exactly the same - one is usually stronger than the other - but nonetheless, they are part of the same body. Similarly, all humans may not appear to be similar and equal, but everyone is a part of the same Divine-Nature of the Almighty.

Oneness does not mean coming together of all like-minded people - with similar ideology and goals. 
Oneness is the coming together of all opposites.

                    'Rajan Sachdeva'

Monday, September 24, 2018

The Meaning of Peace

There was once a king who offered a prize to the artist who could paint the best picture representing peace. Many artists tried. The king looked at all the pictures, but there were only two that he really liked, and he had to choose between them.

One picture was of a calm lake. The lake was a perfect mirror for the peaceful towering mountains all around it. Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy white clouds. All who saw this picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peace.

The second picture had mountains, too. But these were rugged and bare.
Above the mountains was an angry sky from which rain fell - in which lightening played. Down – at the lower side of the mountain tumbled a foaming waterfall.
This did not look peaceful at all.
But when the king looked more closely, he saw behind the waterfall a tiny bush growing in a crack in the rock. In the bush, a mother bird had built her nest.... in the nest, the mother and the baby bird were sitting calmly – peacefully looking at each other.

Which picture won the prize?
The king chose the second picture.
"Because," explained the king, "peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. Peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart. 
That is the real meaning of peace."

एक राजा और बाज़

एक राजा को उपहार में किसी ने बाज़ के दो बच्चे भेंट किये । 
वे बड़ी ही अच्छी नस्ल के थे, और राजा ने कभी इससे पहले इतने शानदार बाज़ नहीं देखे थे। 
राजा ने उनकी देखभाल के लिए एक अनुभवी आदमी को नियुक्त कर दिया। 
कुछ महीनों के बाद राजा उन बाज़ों को देखने की इच्छा से उस जगह पहुँच गए जहाँ उन्हें पाला जा रहा था। 
राजा ने देखा कि दोनों बाज़  काफी बड़े हो चुके थे और अब पहले से भी शानदार लग रहे थे । 
उन की देखभाल कर रहे आदमी से राजा ने कहा: 
"मैं इनकी उड़ान देखना चाहता हूँ , तुम इन्हे उड़ने का इशारा करो"। 

आदमी ने ऐसा ही किया। इशारा मिलते ही दोनों बाज़ उड़ान भरने लगे 
लेकिन जहाँ एक बाज़ आसमान की ऊंचाइयों को छू रहा था, 
वहीं दूसरा कुछ ऊपर जाकर वापस उसी डाल पर आकर बैठ गया जिससे वो उड़ा था। 
ये देख , राजा को कुछ अजीब लगा -
“क्या बात है जहाँ एक बाज़  इतनी अच्छी उड़ान भर रहा है वहीं ये दूसरा बाज़ उड़ना ही नहीं चाह रहा ?” 
"जी हुज़ूर, इस बाज़  के साथ शुरू से यही समस्या है, वो इस डाल को छोड़ता ही नहीं।” 
राजा को दोनों ही बाज़ प्रिय थे,और वो दूसरे बाज़ को भी उसी तरह उड़ते हुए देखना चाहते थे। 
अगले दिन पूरे राज्य में ऐलान करा दिया गया कि जो व्यक्ति इस बाज़  को ऊँचा उड़ाने में कामयाब होगा उसे ढेरों इनाम दिया जाएगा। 
फिर क्या था, एक से एक विद्वान् आये और बाज़  को उड़ाने का प्रयास करने लगे। 
लेकिन बहुत दिन बीत जाने के बाद भी उस बाज़ का वही हाल था, वो थोडा सा उड़ता और वापस डाल पर आकर बैठ जाता। 
फिर एक दिन कुछ अनोखा हुआ, राजा ने देखा कि उसके दोनों बाज़ खुले आसमान में उड़ रहे हैं। 
उन्हें अपनी आँखों पर यकीन नहीं हुआ और उन्होंने तुरंत उस व्यक्ति को बुलाने के लिए कहा जिसने ये कारनामा कर दिखाया था। 
वह व्यक्ति एक किसान था। अगले दिन वह दरबार में हाजिर हुआ। उसे इनाम में स्वर्ण मुद्राएं भेंट करने के बाद राजा ने कहा: 
"मैं तुमसे बहुत प्रसन्न हूँ, और जानना चाहता हूँ कि जो काम बड़े-बड़े विद्वान् नहीं कर पाये वो तुमने कैसे कर दिखाया।
उसने कहा : मालिक ! मैं तो एक साधारण सा किसान हूँ, मैं ज़्यादा ज्ञान की बातें तो नहीं जानता, लेकिन मैं इतना समझ गया था कि वो बाज़ बचपन से ही पेड़ की उस डाली पर पूरी तरह से निर्भर हो चुका था जिस पर उसका घोंसला था। उस डाली पर बैठ कर वो अपने आप को पूरी तरह से सुरक्षित समझता था इस लिए वो थोड़ी दूर इधर उधर उड़ने के बाद फिर उसी डाल पर वापिस आ जाता था। 
मैंने वो डाल काट दी जिसपर बैठने का बाज़ आदि हो चुका था और छोड़ना नहीं चाहता था। 
जब वो डाल ही नहीं रही तो वो भी अपने साथी के साथ ऊपर उड़ने लगा।

हम भी अक़्सर किसी चीज़, किसी मनुष्य या किसी कर्म-काण्ड पर इतने निर्भर हो जाते हैं की उसके बिना स्वयं को अपूर्ण या अपंग समझने लगते हैं।  हमें लगता है कि उस आधार के बिना हम अधूरे हैं और कुछ भी कर सकने में असमर्थ हैं।  
प्रभु ने केवल इंसान को ही सोचने और समझने की ऐसी विशाल शक्ति प्रदान की है। हम सब में मानसिक तौर पर ऊँचा उड़ने की सामर्थ्य है। 
लेकिन कई बार हम जो कर रहे होते है उसके इतने आदि हो जाते हैं - उस पर इतने निर्भर हो जाते हैं कि अपनी ऊँची उड़ान भरने की क्षमता को भूल जाते हैं।
यदि आप भी सालों साल से किसी ऐसे ही काम में लगे हैं जो आप के आगे बढ़ने और ऊँचा उड़ने के रास्ते में रुकावट बन  रहा हो -  
तो कहीं आपको भी उस डाली को काटने की ज़रुरत तो नहीं जिसपर आप बैठे हैं ?

King and A Hawk

On the occasions of a king's birthday, someone gifted him two hawk chicks.
The chicks were of a rare breed and the king had not seen such beautiful specimens before. So, he appointed an experienced handler to take care of them.

A few months later, the king visited the hawk rookery. He observed that the hawks had grown considerably bigger and looked quite majestic. The king wanted to see them in flight, so told the bird handler to instruct the birds to fly. The bird handler complied.
While one hawk kept soaring to greater and greater heights, the other one, after just a short flight, returned to the branch from where it had taken off. Surprised, the king asked the handler about this discrepancy. The handler replied: "This hawk has always had this problem. He always flies to a short distance and comes back to the branch. 
Now the king loved both the birds equally. So, he made an open announcement in his state that whoever could make this hawk fly just as well as the other, will get a big reward.
And soon, many experts and knowledgeable people came and started trying out various ways to make the bird fly high - but they all failed. Every time, the bird would take a short flight and come back to the same branch. 
Then one day the king was pleasantly surprised to see both the hawks soaring way high in their true grandeur! The king could not believe his eyes! He immediately summoned the person who had made this happen. This man, an ordinary farmer, came to the king's court the next day. After giving him a gift of gold coins to this farmer, the king said: "I am very pleased with your work, and would like to know how you got the hawk to fly while even renowned experts couldn't do it."
The farmer said that he was just an ordinary farmer and not an expert on such matters. However, he had observed that the hawk had developed a feeling of security from the branch and became too dependent on it since the childhood. He felt insecure flying too far away from it and always came back to the same branch. Realizing this, the farmer had that branch cut off from the tree. 
With its comfort factor gone, the hawk now followed its natural instincts and started to fly high – just like the other hawk 

We too, often get so dependent on certain things - or a person or certain rituals that we lose confidence in our self and start thinking of ourselves as incomplete or disabled. We start feeling that we are somehow deficient and unable to accomplish anything on our own - by our-self - without the help of those rituals or people.

The lord has bestowed the capability of deep thought and knowledge only to the humans. Each and every one of us is capable of reaching greater and greater heights in our chosen field. But rather than challenging ourselves, we fall back into our comfort zone, thus losing the ability to achieve greater heights. 
If we are also finding ourselves into the same kind of rut - falling into same groove and pattern of life that is preventing us from flying high, maybe it's time to cut off that cozy branch on which we are perched?

Sunday, September 23, 2018

What is Prayer

Prayer is not a "spare wheel" that you pull out when in trouble.
It is a "steering wheel" that directs the right path throughout the life.

चलते चलते कट ही जाएगा सफ़र Chaltay Chaltay kat hee Jayega Safar

चलते चलते  कट ही जाएगा  सफ़र - आहिस्ता आहिस्ता 
मंज़िल मिल ही जाएगी न कर फ़िक़र - आहिस्ता आहिस्ता 

चलते चलो राहे-हक़ पे दोस्तो - हिम्मत न हारना 
कामयाबी पैर चूमेगी मगर - आहिस्ता आहिस्ता 

देखा है अक़्सर बिगड़ जाते हैं काम - जल्दबाज़ी में 
तय होता है बीज से फल का सफ़र - आहिस्ता आहिस्ता 

मज़हबो-मिल्लत की दीवारों से ऊपर उठ के तो देखो
बन जाएगी सारी दुनिया अपना घर - आहिस्ता आहिस्ता 

तुम अकेले तय न कर पाओगे ये अनदेखे रास्ते 
साथ होना चाहिए इक राहबर - आहिस्ता आहिस्ता 

'राजन' तुम निकल के तो देखो ज़रा जिस्मों की क़ैद से 
रंजो ग़म से हो जाओगे बेख़बर - आहिस्ता आहिस्ता 
                            ' राजन सचदेव '
                              22 सितंबर 2018 

Chaltay chaltay kat hee jayega safar - aahistaa aahistaa 
Manzil mil hee jayegee na kar fiqar - aahistaa aahistaa 

Chaltay chalo raahe-haq pe dosto - himmat na haarnaa
Kaamayaabi pair choomegee magar - aahistaa aahistaa 

Dekha hai aqsar bigad jaatay hain kaam - jald-baazee mein 
Taye hotaa hai beej say phal ka safar - aahistaa aahistaa 

Mazahabo-millat kee deevaaron say oopar uth kay to dekho
Ban jayegee saari duniya apnaa ghar - aahistaa aahistaa 

Tum akelay taye na kar paogay ye an-dekhay raastay 
Saath honaa chaahiye ik raahbar - aahistaa aahistaa 

'Rajan tum nikal kay to dekho zaraa jismon ki qaid say 
Ranjo-gham say ho jaaogay bekhabar - aahistaa aahistaa 

                                 ' Rajan Sachdeva '
                                     September 22, 2018

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Hurt By The Church?

आजकल हम लोगों से कम मिलते हैं Aajkal hum logon say kum miltay hain

हद से ज़्यादा बढ़ जाएं ताल्लुक़ तो ग़म ही मिलते हैं
इसलिए हम आजकल लोगों से कम ही मिलते हैं

Had say zyaada badh jaayen taalluq to gham hee miltay hain
Is liye hum aajkal logon say kum hee miltay hain

Friday, September 21, 2018

लगता है अब दिलों में सदाक़त नहीं रही

लगता है अब दिलों में सदाक़त नहीं रही
किरदार में किसी के नफ़ासत नहीं रही

बंदगी करते हैं ग़रज़ से या ख़ौफ़ से
बे-ग़रज़ और बे-ख़ौफ़ इबादत नहीं रही

हर किसी से तो मोहब्बत कर सके न हम
लेकिन कभी किसी से अदावत नहीं रही

बुनियाद कच्ची हो गई है जब से ज्ञान की
पहले सी वो श्रद्धा की इमारत नहीं रही

हक़ दूसरों का छीन के हँसते हैं देखो लोग
जैसे किसी के दिल में नदामत नहीं रही

मज़हब भी एक धंधा ही बन के है रह गया
दुनिया में अब कहीं भी शराफत नहीं रही

वो भी अब मेरी तरह संजीदा हो गए
बच्चों में वो पहले सी शरारत नहीं रही

वो इश्क़ में पहले सा जोश अब नहीं रहा
वो पहले सी हुसन में नज़ाकत नहीं रही

ना जोशे जवानी है - ना जोशे जुनून है
वो ज़ौक़-आफ़रीन ज़हानत नहीं रही

न दम सुख़न गोई में है, न सोच है नई
वो शायरी में हुसने - इबारत नहीं रही

आँखों में वो ख़लूसे मोहब्बत नहीं रही
चेहरों पे अब वो नूरो-वजाहत नहीं रही

क़ैद हो के रह गई है सोच आजकल
विशाल आसमां सी ज़हानत नहीं रही

अब समझ में आ गया इस दौर का चलन
'राजन 'अब किसी से शिकायत नहीं रही
     'राजन सचदेव '
                       14 सितंबर 2018 

सदाक़त                                 सच्चाई    Truthfulness
नफ़ासत                                 शुद्धता, निर्मलता, Goodness 
अदावत                                  दुश्मनी  Animosity 
नदामत                                   शर्म, प्रायश्चित Shame, Feeling of being ashamed or humiliation  
संजीदा                                   गंभीर Serious 
ज़ौक़-आफ़रीन ज़हानत         हल्की-फुल्की साधारण चालाकी रहित मानसिकता Open, Light heart nature
सुख़न गोई                             बोलने का अंदाज़, प्रभावशाली व्याख्यान, Oratory, Speaking style 
हुसने - इबारत                       भाषा और व्याकरण की सुंदरता Beauty of language and grammar 
ख़लूसे मोहब्बत                      विशुद्ध प्रेम   Purity of love 
नूरो -वजाहत                          चेहरे पर नूर,  मुख मंडल की आभा, चमक Shine, glow on face 
ज़हानत                                  सोच, विचार   Thinking,  Thoughts 

Lagata Hai Ab Dilon Mein Sadaaqat Nahin Rahee

Lagata hai ab dilon mein sadaaqat nahin rahee
Kirdaar mein kisee kay nafaasat nahin rahee

Bandagee karatay hain gharaz say ya khauf say
Be-gharaz aur be-khauf ibaadat nahin rahee

Har kisi say to mohabbat kar sakay na hum
Lekin kabhee kisee say adaavat nahin rahee

Buniyaad kachee ho gayi hai jab say gyaan kee
Pehlay see vo shradhaa ki imaarat nahin rahee

Mazahab bhee ek dhandhaa hee ban kay hai reh gaya
Duniya mein ab kaheen bhee sharaafat nahin rahee

Haq doosron kaa chheen kay hanstay hain dekho log
Jaisay kisee ke dil mein nadaamat nahin rahee

Vo bhee ab meri tarah sanjeedaa ho gaye
Bachon mein vo pehlay see sharaarat nahin rahee

Vo ishq mein pehlay saa josh ab nahin rahaa
Vo pehlay see husan mein nazaakat nahin rahee

Na dam sukhan-goyi mein hai na soch hai nayi
Vo shayari mein husnay - ibaarat nahin rahee

Na josh-e -javaani hai, na josh-e- junoon hai
Vo zauq-aafreen zahaanat nahin rahee

Aankhon mein vo khaloos-e-mohabbat nahin rahee
Chehron pay ab vo noor-o-vajaahat nahin rahee

Bus qaid ho kay reh gayee hai soch aajkal
Vishaal aasmaan see zahaanat nahin rahee

Ab samajh mein aa gayaa is daur ka chalan
'Rajan' ab kisee say shikaayat nahin rahee

                                'Rajan Sachdeva'
                     (September 14, 2018)

Sadaaqat                                         Truthfulness
Nafaasat                                          Goodness 
Adaavat                                           Animosity, Hostility, Enmity 
Nadaamat                                       Shame, Feeling of being ashamed or humiliation  
Sanjeeda                                          Serious 
Zauq-Aafareen Zahaanat            Open, Light heart nature, Jolly nature
Sukhan-goyee                                 Oratory, Eloquent Speaking style 
Husane- ibaarat                             Beauty of language and grammar 
Khaloose-mohabbat                      Purity of love
Nooro -Vajaahat                            Shine, glow on face 
Zahaanat                                         Thinking,  Thoughts 

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...