Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Prem panth aeso kathin - Difficult is the Path of Spiritual Love

           'Rahiman' maain turang chadhi, chalibo paavak maahin
             Prem panth aeso kathin, sab kou nibahat naahin "

Raheem says - Riding on a horse made of wax and passing through a mountain of fire - 

such is the path of spiritual love - extremely difficult - not everyone can handle it.                           
                  "Jehn maarg pandit gaye paachhe gayi vaheer
                  Aughat ghaati Raam ki tehn chadh rahiyo Kabeer"

                                                                      (Sadguru Kabeer ji)
"The crowds (of people) follow the path which has been taken and guided by the religious and community leaders.
Kabeer ji says that he is climbing the extremely difficult mountainous road of ups and downs ... all alone".
                    "Kshurasya Dhaaraa Nishitaa Duratyaya
                              Durgam PathastatKaveyo Vadanti" 
                                                      (Kathopanishad 3:14)
"The wise proclaim that the path to cross over (to achieve Moksha) is extremely difficult (Durgam). 
It is like walking on the sharp edge of a razor-blade."
                   "Khaneyahu Tikhi vaalahu nikki aitu maarg jaanaa"
"The path to be taken is sharper than a sword and thinner than a hair"
                                                              (Sri Aadi Granth page 918)
Jesus Christ also expressed a similar idea:
"Strive to enter in at the straight gate, for narrow is the gate and straight is the way that leads to life, 
and few be they who find it."
This journey requires abundant strength and firm determination.
Just as Guru Gobind Singh ji said:
          "Je tau prem khelan kau chaao - Sir dhar tali gali mori aao"
"Enter the street (to my house) carrying your head on your palm"
Head is symbol of Ego. No one can embark on this journey carrying the bundles of ego, anger, jealousy and hatred etc. - instead - keep love, humility and compassion as companions.
                                              'Rajan Sachdeva'

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