Saturday, July 21, 2018

Bhakti -- With Fear? Or Without Fear

There is a verse in Gurubani that is usually quoted by many:
                            भय बिनु भक्ति ना होय राम 
                      “Bhaya binu bhakti na hoye Raam”
Meaning one can not worship God without fear – without being afraid of Guru and God.
However, there is another verse quoted by some:
                          निर्भय होय भजहु भगवान 
                         Nirbhay hoye bhajahu Bhagvaana
These both verses from Gurubani seemingly appear to contradict each other. However, if we think deeply then we will see that these are not contradictory.
Gurus, Saints, Rishis have to speak differently to different audiences. 
For example, some kindergarten children may have to be inflicted, imposed with fear in order to have them do their homework.
However, a college student may not require any such imposing. 
A criminal minded need to be constantly reminded of punishment - inflicting of fear of consequences, while a naturally honest, pure and kind-hearted person does not need the fear aspect to stay pure and honest. 
So, it depends on the state of mind of the individuals. Bhagavat Geeta, Upanishads and Gurubani - all talk about the concept of No-fear as well.
Since Gurus and Saints have to guide all sort of people, therefore, for those who do not or cannot worship God selflessly - without any reward or consequences - the Gurubani says:
“Bhaya binu bhakti na hoye Raam” - Bhakti; cannot be done without fear.
But some people may not need the fear factor to worship the Almighty – 
to love and have pure devotion in their hearts for the Lord.
For those, Gurubani says:
“Nirbhay hoye bhajahu Bhagvaana”
 Worship the Lord fearlessly – without being afraid.
                            सुणि भै बिनासे सगल नानक प्रभ पुरख करणैहारे 
                  उपजिआ ततु गिआनु साहुरै पेईऐ इकु हरि बलि राम जीउ ॥
                Suṇ bẖai binaasay sagal Nanak parabẖ purakẖ karṇaihaare. 
                Upjeaa ṯaṯ gyaan sahurai paiye ik hari Bal Raam jio.
“Hearing this - all my fears have been dispelled; O Nanak -(that) God is the Primal Being, the Lord - Creator and sustainer.
For the one - in whose heart the 'Brahm-Gyan' has appeared - this world and the next unseen, unknown world, both become the same”. 
Such a person can worship the Lord with purity of the heart without being afraid. 
There is no need for inflicting fear in his mind for God or the Satguru. 
His love is for the sake of Love 
His Bhakti is for the sake of Bhakti – nothing else.
We need to search our own mind to see where do we stand?
Which verse, which concept do we need:
“Bhaya binu bhakti na hoyi Raam” Bhakti; devotion or worship cannot be done without fear?
OR “Nirbhay hoye bhajahu Bhagvaana”
Worship the Lord fearlessly – without being afraid?
Can we love just for the sake of love – and do Bhakti just for the sake of Bhakti? 
                     'Rajan Sachdeva'


  1. Wow very well said ji, how right it is that different stages and personalities sometimes require certain paths

  2. 👌🙏🌷🌹it’s so very true.

  3. Very well said our dear Rajan Sachdeva Ji .
    Premjit Singh

  4. I heard same line yesterday in sangat “Bhakti can’t be done without Fear” n I was taken back... I was in disagreement n thought love should be the only way to go...but didn’t understand the other part as to why there is preaching of “fear guided Bhakti” so often n saw this today...gave a different perspective....I came across these lines “Ordinary fears and phobias destroy our peace. But bhaya bhakti only brings us peace.”


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...