Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Three Lessons, My Father Taught Me

When I was a small child, I was very selfish, always tried to grab the best for myself. Slowly, everyone left me and I had no friends. I didn’t think it was my fault. I always criticized others.
My father tried to help me understand how to succeed in life.

One day, my father cooked two bowls of noodles and put them on the table. One bowl had one egg on top and the other bowl did not have any egg on top. He said, “My child. You choose. Which bowl do you want”?
Eggs were hard to come by in those days! We only got to eat eggs during festivals. Of course, I chose the bowl with egg! As we started eating, I was congratulating myself on my wise choice – the bowl of noodles with egg on top. Then to my surprise as my father ate his noodles, there were two eggs at the bottom of his bowl beneath the noodles! I regretted so much! And scolded myself for being too hasty in my decision. My father smiled and said to me, “My child. You must remember what your eyes see may not be true. And if your intent is to take advantage of people, you will end up losing!”

The next day, my father again cooked two bowls of noodles: one bowl with an egg on top and the other bowl with no egg on top. Again, he put the two bowls on the table and said to me, “My child. You choose. Which bowl do you want?”
This time I was smarter. I chose the bowl without any egg on top. 
To my surprise, As I separated the noodles on top, there was not even a single egg at the bottom of the bowl! 
Again, my father smiled and said to me, “My child. You must not always rely on past experiences - because sometimes, life can cheat you or play tricks on you. But you must not get too annoyed or sad, just treat this as learning a lesson. You cannot learn this from textbooks.”

The third day, my father again cooked two bowls of noodles - again one bowl with an egg on top and the other bowl with no egg on top. He put both the bowls on the table and again said to me “My child. You choose. Which bowl do u want?”
This time, I said to my father, “Dad, you choose first. You are the head of the family and contributed the most to the family.”
My father did not decline and chose the bowl with one egg on top. As I was eating my bowl of noodles, I was sure in my heart that there is no egg hidden inside the noodles. To my surprise! There were two eggs at the bottom of the bowl.

My father smiled at me with love in his eyes and said:
“You must remember my child! When you think for the good of others, good things will naturally happen to you!”

I always remembered these three lessons my father taught me - and did my business accordingly. 
True enough, my business was a roaring success.
                                         ~ Xi Jing Peng ~ 

Monday, July 30, 2018

उससे मिलने की तमन्ना है लेकिन Usay Milnay ki Tamannaa hai Lekin

मेरी साँसों में समाया भी बहुत लगता है
और वो शख़्स पराया भी बहुत लगता है
उससे मिलने की तमन्ना भी बहुत है लेकिन 
आने जाने में किराया भी बहुत लगता है

Meri saanson mein samaaya bhee bahut lagtaa hai
Aur vo shakhs paraaya bhee bahut lagtaa hai
Us say milnay ki tamannaa bhee bahut hai lekin 
Aanay jaanay mein kiraaya bhee bahut lagtaa hai

Attitudes are more important than facts

What happens to a man is less significant than what happens within him.
It is how you deal with failure that determines how you achieve success.

Attitudes are more important than facts. 
Our attitude towards life determines life's attitude toward us.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Agar Poori Qaaynaat Chahiye अगर पूरी क़ायनात चाहिए

मुट्ठी भर ही चाहिए - -
                               **  तो सिकँदर बन जाओ

अगर पूरी क़ायनात चाहिए -- 
                              **** तो कबीर बनना पड़ेगा 

Mutthi bhar hi chaahiye --
                            ** To Sikandar ban jaao

Agar poori qaaynaat chahiye -                   
                      **** To Kabeer bananaa padega

Friday, July 27, 2018

Guru-Purnima - A Tribute to Ustad Vilayat Khan Sahib

 My Guru, My inspiration, My motivation
Ustad Vilayat Khan Sahib (Abba)

(August 28,1928 to March 13, 2004)

Thinking of him today, on this auspicious day of Guru-Purnima, along with many other fond memories of him, I remembered, one particular incidence. Just a couple of months before he left this mortal world in 2004, I went to visit him in his Princeton, New Jersey home. He was little sick and weak but in high spirit. After dinner, three of us, Abba, Amma and me, were sitting in the living room, talking and waiting for Hidayat babu, who was at some concert and was going to be back quite late.  Abba talked about some old times, and like always, told some fantastic stories. We talked till past midnight when Amma said it’s too late and he should go to sleep. I helped Amma to clear the table and took empty tea cups and plates to the kitchen. When we came back from the kitchen, we saw Abba on the stair case, holding the railing and stepping up slowly, one step at a time. Amma asked loudly, “what are you doing? Why are you going upstairs”? I was surprised too since his bed room was on the main floor of the house, not upstairs.

Softly and quite lovingly, he said I am going to see if Rajan’s room is alright. “Dekhoon uske kamray me kambal, pillow vagaira sub theek to hai?”

Amma said I have made the room, changed the sheets myself. Blanket pillow and everything is fine, you don’t need to check it.
I was astonished and quickly went up the stairs, held his hand and brought him back downstairs saying “Abba! You don’t need to do this for me.”

In this special Indian ‘Guru-Shishya Paramparaa’ (Teacher- disciple relationship), disciples are supposed to respect, serve and take care of the guru for rest of their lives but Guru, other than teaching is not expected to do anything else. His teaching is much more valuable than a student can ever think of.
Naturally, I became quite emotional at his gesture of such love for me, who is not even worthy of being called his disciple; since, because of my circumstances, the actual time of my learning under him was very short.

I often remember this incidence with great reverence, along with many other fond memories of the times I spent with this legendary, one of the greatest personalities of our times.

                Great people are great in every way.
                                        ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

Note: The legendary Ustad Vilayat Khan (August 28, 1928 to March 13. 2004) was the greatest and most revered Sitar Nawaaz (Sitarist) and the recipient of "Aftab-e-Sitar" - the highest musical award given by the President of India.
He was lovingly called ‘Abba’ by all his students and disciples.

Guru Purnima - A Personal Gratitude

Today is considered an auspicious day - dedicated to the Gurus and teachers. 
Though we should always remember and respect our Gurus, teachers and all those who taught us something to make our life better, including the parents, relatives and friends - However, a specially dedicated day like this is a great reminder to pay our regards toward all of them.
Guru Purnima is an Indian tradition dedicated to spiritual and academic teachers, who are evolved or enlightened humans, ready to share their wisdom, with very little or no monetary expectation.
It is believed that a person is blind without a teacher to guide him. The Shastras proclaim that a human being is born twice or dvija, first by the union of the father and mother, and second when he is accepted by a bonafide guru, who acts like a father and delivers him the knowledge with love.
I have been very fortunate to have met a few such great people in my life.
Though there have been quite a few people who might have influenced my thinking and beliefs - there were some great Gurus and Saints who became my mentors - who took me like a son and taught me, guided me with love just as a father would do. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have received fatherly love from Satguru Baba Avtar Singh ji and Baba Gurbachan Singh ji who personally tried to shape my life by giving directions and even orders at certain times. 
I can also never forget my two great mentors - Bhapa Ram Chand ji Kapurthala and Sant Amar Singh ji Patiala - who not only gave me fatherly love and right knowledge, but also took personal interest in shaping my thoughts and putting me on the right track, so I would never lose my faith and direction under any circumstances. 
Rishi Vyas Dev ji was another such great saint who helped my mind in reaffirming the teachings of Bhapa Ram Chand ji. 
Though, I know – considering my limitations, circumstances, and limited understanding - I can never achieve the heights that these great saints had - or even get close to what they had achieved – nevertheless, I have always tried to follow the footsteps of these great masters. 
Another mentor and my Guru in my professional carrier - in the field of Indian Classical music is the legendary Ustad Vilayat Khan sahib– the greatest Sitar player whom we lovingly call Abba. 
I can never repay for what these great masters have taught me – Except for my humble gratitude and appreciation. 
                                                             'Rajan Sachdeva'

Happy Guru-Poornima

Guru Purnima is an Indian & Nepali spiritual tradition dedicated to spiritual and academic teachers, who are evolved or enlightened humans, ready to share their wisdom, with very little or no monetary expectation.
It is believed that a person is blind without a teacher to guide him. A mother and father are the first teachers of a child, but after that, the guru becomes his or her second mother or father. 
The shastras proclaim that a human being is born twice or Dvija - first by the union of the father and mother, and second when he is accepted by a bona-fide guru, whereby he acts as a father and delivers him the knowledge - with the help of mother Gayatri; a personified symbol of the holy scriptures (the personification of knowledge). In other words, Guru is considered father and the Holy Scriptures and literature as mother. Guru teaches with the help of, or according to the Scriptures. 
The festival of Guru Poornima is celebrated on the full moon day (Purnima) in the month of Ashadh (June–July) - as it is known in the Hindu calendar of India and Nepal. 
The symbol of full moon represents perfection. Guru-Poornima is a symbolic reminder of the belief that Guru is Poorna; perfect. 
We cannot learn much from someone if we have doubts about their knowledge in the subject we want to learn. In order to learn, we need to have faith in the Guru or teacher. Therefore, we always try to find a Guru who might have perfect knowledge in the required subject. Once our curiosity about Guru’s knowledge is satisfied, we must have faith in his teachings. 
Guru-Poornima is not only a symbol of gratitude of the students towards the Gurus, it is also a reaffirmation of the belief that the Guru is Poorna. 
This is the most popular belief about the meaning of Guru-Poornima. 
However, another thought came to my mind this morning.
A teacher asked his young student: 
“Johnny. How old is your father”?
“Six years” Johnny said.
“How is that possible?”  The teacher asked.
“Duh…. Because he became father when I was born.”

Similarly, doesn’t a Guru become a perfect Guru when his disciples achieve perfection? 
Therefore, the real gratitude towards the Guru is not just singing Guru’s praise and offering thanks and gifts.
The real gratitude would be when we start working seriously towards achieving the perfection in our-self. 
Just like the parents become happy and feel proud of their children’s achievements, Gurus also become happy and feel proud when they see their disciples achieving heights and perfection. 
Seeing the children prospering, parents feel a sense of achievement in themselves – that their love and sacrifice has paid - that they have fulfilled their role as parents. 
Similarly, seeing the disciples becoming perfect and achieving the same heights, the Guru may also feel that he has fulfilled his role as the Guru. 
Perhaps that would be the real Guru-Poornima for the Guru and the Shishya – the Teacher and the disciple. 
May the Lord bless us all to achieve that Poornima.
                            Happy Guru-Poornima. 
                                                         'Rajan Sachdeva'

Thursday, July 26, 2018

ग़रज सजदा कराती है Garaz Sajdaa Karaati Hai

कोई जन्नत का तालिब है, कोई ग़म से परेशाँ है !
ग़रज सजदा कराती है, इबादत कौन करता है !!
                                                     (अज्ञात )

Koi jannat ka taalib hai, koi gham say preshaan hai 
Garaz sajdaa karaati hai, ibaadat kaun kartaa hai 

Monday, July 23, 2018

Words are Powerful शब्दों में शक्ति है

शब्दों को कोई स्पर्श नहीं कर सकता
                   पर शब्द सभी को स्पर्श कर जाते हैं

No one can touch the spoken words
               But the spoken words can touch everyone 

Sunday, July 22, 2018

हम सब कुछ बदल लेते हैं .......

हम घर बदल लेते हैं  
                लिबास बदल लेते हैं  
दोस्त बदल लेते हैं 
               रिश्ते बदल लेते हैं 
काम बदल लेते हैं 
             गुरु भी बदल लेते हैं 
लेकिन फिर भी परेशान रहते हैं 
              क्यों ?
क्योंकि हम स्वयं को नहीं बदलते 

We change everything ......

We change our clothes
                    We change our houses
We change our  friends
                    We change our relationships
We change our jobs
                    We change our Gurus
But yet - we stay unhappy
                   Do you know Why?
Because we don't change ourselves 

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Bhakti -- With Fear? Or Without Fear

There is a verse in Gurubani that is usually quoted by many:
                            भय बिनु भक्ति ना होय राम 
                      “Bhaya binu bhakti na hoye Raam”
Meaning one can not worship God without fear – without being afraid of Guru and God.
However, there is another verse quoted by some:
                          निर्भय होय भजहु भगवान 
                         Nirbhay hoye bhajahu Bhagvaana
These both verses from Gurubani seemingly appear to contradict each other. However, if we think deeply then we will see that these are not contradictory.
Gurus, Saints, Rishis have to speak differently to different audiences. 
For example, some kindergarten children may have to be inflicted, imposed with fear in order to have them do their homework.
However, a college student may not require any such imposing. 
A criminal minded need to be constantly reminded of punishment - inflicting of fear of consequences, while a naturally honest, pure and kind-hearted person does not need the fear aspect to stay pure and honest. 
So, it depends on the state of mind of the individuals. Bhagavat Geeta, Upanishads and Gurubani - all talk about the concept of No-fear as well.
Since Gurus and Saints have to guide all sort of people, therefore, for those who do not or cannot worship God selflessly - without any reward or consequences - the Gurubani says:
“Bhaya binu bhakti na hoye Raam” - Bhakti; cannot be done without fear.
But some people may not need the fear factor to worship the Almighty – 
to love and have pure devotion in their hearts for the Lord.
For those, Gurubani says:
“Nirbhay hoye bhajahu Bhagvaana”
 Worship the Lord fearlessly – without being afraid.
                            सुणि भै बिनासे सगल नानक प्रभ पुरख करणैहारे 
                  उपजिआ ततु गिआनु साहुरै पेईऐ इकु हरि बलि राम जीउ ॥
                Suṇ bẖai binaasay sagal Nanak parabẖ purakẖ karṇaihaare. 
                Upjeaa ṯaṯ gyaan sahurai paiye ik hari Bal Raam jio.
“Hearing this - all my fears have been dispelled; O Nanak -(that) God is the Primal Being, the Lord - Creator and sustainer.
For the one - in whose heart the 'Brahm-Gyan' has appeared - this world and the next unseen, unknown world, both become the same”. 
Such a person can worship the Lord with purity of the heart without being afraid. 
There is no need for inflicting fear in his mind for God or the Satguru. 
His love is for the sake of Love 
His Bhakti is for the sake of Bhakti – nothing else.
We need to search our own mind to see where do we stand?
Which verse, which concept do we need:
“Bhaya binu bhakti na hoyi Raam” Bhakti; devotion or worship cannot be done without fear?
OR “Nirbhay hoye bhajahu Bhagvaana”
Worship the Lord fearlessly – without being afraid?
Can we love just for the sake of love – and do Bhakti just for the sake of Bhakti? 
                     'Rajan Sachdeva'

Friday, July 20, 2018

अब तो मज़हब कोई ऐसा भी चलाया जाए Ab to Mazhab koyi aisa bhi chalaaya jaye

अब तो मज़हब कोई ऐसा भी चलाया जाए
जिसमें  इंसान को  इंसान  बनाया  जाए

जिसकी ख़ुशबू से महक  जाए पड़ोसी का भी घर
फूल इस क़िस्म का हर सिम्त खिलाया जाए

आग बहती है यहाँ  गंगा में ,जेहलम में भी
कोई बतलाए  - कहाँ जाके नहाया जाए

प्यार का ख़ून हुआ क्यों ये समझने के लिए
हर अँधेरे  को  उजाले  में  बुलाया जाए

मेरे दुख-दर्द का तुझ पर हो असर कुछ ऐसा
मैं  रहूँ  भूखा तो  तुझसे भी न खाया जाए

जिस्म दो होके भी दिल एक हों अपने ऐसे
मेरा आँसू  तेरी पलकों  से  उठाया जाए

गीत उन्मन है, ग़ज़ल चुप है, रूबाई है दुखी
ऐसे माहौल में  ‘नीरज ’ को बुलाया जाए
                      "अलविदा नीरज "

Ab to mazhab koyi aisa bhee chalaaya jaye
Jis men insaan ko insaan banaaya jaye

Jis kee khushboo say mahak jaaye padosi ka bhi ghar
Phool is qism ka har simt khilaaya jaye

Aag behti hai yahaan Ganga mein, Jehlam mein bhi
koyi batlaaye kahaan jaa kay nahaayaa jaye

Pyaar ka khoon huaa kyon ye samajhanay kay liye
Har andheray ko ujaalay mein bulaaya jaye

Meray dukh-dard ka tujh par ho asar kuchh aisaa
Main rahoon bhookhaa to tujh say bhi na khaayaa jaye

Jism do ho kay bhee dil ek hon apnay aisay
Mera aansoo teri palkon say uthaayaa jaye

Geet unman hai, ghazal chup hai, rubaai hai dukhi
Aise maahaul mein ‘Neeraj’ ko bulaayaa jaye
                   By:   "Alvida Neeraj"

Mazhab            Religion
Simt                  Direction, side
Jehlam             Name of a river that flows from India to Pakistan - known as Jhanaa in Punjab        
Unman            Inattentiveness, distracted, preoccupied               
Rubaayi          A type of Urdu poetry which has only 4 lines

Thursday, July 19, 2018

स्कूल के एक पुराने - वृद्ध टीचर

बाहर बारिश हो रही थी, और स्कूल के अन्दर क्लास चल रही थी

अचानक टीचर ने बच्चों से पूछा - अगर तुम सभी को 100-100 रुपया दिए जाए तो तुम सब क्या क्या खरीदोगे ?
किसी ने कहा - मैं वीडियो गेम खरीदूंगा..
किसी ने कहा - मैं क्रिकेट का बेट खरीदूंगा  ... 
किसी ने कहा - मैं अपने लिए प्यारी सी गुड़िया खरीदुंगी..
तो, किसी ने कहा - मैं बहुत सी चॉकलेट्स खरीदूंगा ..

एक बच्चा कुछ सोच में  डूबा हुआ था 
टीचर ने उससे पुछा - तुम क्या सोच रहे हो, तुम क्या खरीदोगे ?
बच्चा बोला - टीचर जी, मेरी माँ को थोड़ा कम दिखाई देता है तो मैं अपनी माँ के लिए एक चश्मा खरीदूंगा !
टीचर ने पूछा - तुम्हारी माँ के लिए चश्मा तो तुम्हारे पापा भी खरीद सकते है तुम्हें अपने लिए कुछ नहीं खरीदना ?
बच्चे ने कहा -- मेरे पापा अब इस दुनिया में नहीं है 
मेरी माँ लोगों के कपड़े सिलकर मुझे पढ़ाती है, और कम दिखाई देने की वजह से वो ठीक से कपड़े नहीं सिल पाती है इसीलिए मैं अपनी माँ को चश्मा देना चाहता हूँ , ताकि मैं अच्छे से पढ़ सकूँ बड़ा आदमी बन सकूँ, और फिर माँ को सारे सुख दे सकूँ.!
टीचर -- बेटा तेरी सोच बहुत अच्छी है ! ये 100 रूपये मेरे वादे के अनुसार और, ये 200 रूपये और उधार दे रहा हूँ। जब कभी कमाओ तो लौटा देना  -  मेरी इच्छा है कि  तू इतना बड़ा आदमी बने कि एक दिन तुझे देख कर मैं धन्य हो जाऊं !

                          20 वर्ष बाद..........

बाहर बारिश हो रही है, और अंदर क्लास चल रही है !
अचानक स्कूल के आगे जिला कलेक्टर की बत्ती वाली गाड़ी आकर रूकती है स्कूल स्टाफ चौकन्ना हो जाता हैं !
स्कूल में सन्नाटा छा जाता हैं !
मगर ये क्या ?
जिला कलेक्टर एक वृद्ध टीचर के पैरों में गिर जाते हैं, और कहते हैं -- 
सर मैं आपके उधार के दो सौ रूपये लौटाने आया हूँ !
पूरा स्कूल स्टॉफ स्तब्ध !
वृद्ध टीचर झुके हुए नौजवान कलेक्टर को उठाकर भुजाओं में कस लेते हैं , और उसे गले लगा कर रो पड़ते हैं !
                                       ~~~~~~~~~       ~~~~~~~~~ 

                                   मशहूर होना, पर मग़रूर मत होना ।
अपनी पुरानी ज़िंदगी को याद रखना - 
कभी किसी ने आपकी कोई मदद की हो तो, समय बदलने के साथ उसे भूल न जाना 
वक़्त बदलते देर नहीं लगती..
शहंशाह को फ़कीर, और फ़क़ीर को शहंशाह बनते देर नही लगती ....

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Be-Matalab Nahin Ye Nazar Kay Ishaaray

Nazar neechee huyi to hayaa ban gayi 
Nazar oopar uthi to duaa ban gayi  

Nazar uth ke jhuki to adaa ban gayi 

Nazar jhuk ke uthi to sadaa ban gayi   

Nazar ultee huyi - bad-duaa ban gayi 

Nazar tirchhee huyi to khataa ban gayi 

Nazar mil gayee  to nashaa ban gayi 

Nazar  na uthee  to nazaa ban gayi  

Nazar phir gayi to sazaa ban gayi 

Nazar tan gayi to qazaa ban gayi 

Nazar nazar ka hee khail hai ye pyaaray 

Be-matalab nahin ye nazar kay ishaaray 

Nazar mein hee rehnaa- na girnaa nazar say

Nazre - karam say banen kaam saaray

'Rajan' duaa ye hi hum maangtay hain

Saaqi ki nazre - karam maangtay hain 

Hayaa                    Shyness
sadaa                     Calling, voice
khataa                   Mistake
nazaa                    Weakness
Qazaa                   Death
Saaqi                    Provider - God in this context

बे-मतलब नहीं ये नज़र के इशारे

नज़र नीची हुई तो हया बन गई 
नज़र ऊपर उठी तो दुआ बन गई 

नज़र उठ के झुकी तो अदा बन गई 
नज़र झुक के उठी तो सदा बन गई  

नज़र उलटी हुई - बददुआ बन गई 
नज़र तिरछी हुई तो ख़ता बन गई 

नज़र मिल गई तो नशा बन गई
नज़र  न उठी  तो नज़ा बन गई 

नज़र फिर गई तो सज़ा बन गई 
नज़र तन गई तो क़ज़ा बन गई 

नज़र नज़र का ही खेल है ये प्यारे 
बे-मतलब नहीं ये नज़र के इशारे 

नज़र में ही रहना, न गिरना नज़र से
नज़रे- करम से बनें काम सारे  

'राजन' दुआ ये ही हम मांगते हैं 
साक़ी की नज़रे करम मांगते हैं 

हया             शर्म 
सदा            आवाज़ 
ख़ता            ग़लती 
नज़ा            कमज़ोरी 
क़ज़ा           मौत 

Sunday, July 15, 2018

​हाथ ​तो उसके भी दुखे होंगे Haath to us kay be dukhay hongay​

​हाथ ​तो उसके  भी  दुखे  होंगे ज़रूर 
​जिसने मेरी राह में काँटे बिछाए होंगे ​

Haath to uskay be dukhay hongay​ zaroor 
Jisne meri raah may kaantay bi​ch​haye hongay

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Moksha - Salvation - Through Self-Efforts or Grace?

In the Introductory Essay of ‘The Bhagavadgita’, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan talks about two prevalent Christian thoughts imparted by Augustine and Pelagius relating the issue: “whether man as a fallen creature is to be saved by the grace of God or whether he can make something of himself and contribute by his own effort to his salvation. 

Pelagius believed in free will, questioned the doctrine of original sin and asserted that men acted of their own moral effort. 
Augustine disputed the Pelagian theory and taught that Adam before the Fall had possessed free will, but after he and Eve ate the apple, corruption entered into them and descended to all their posterity. None of us can abstain from sin of our own power. Only God’s grace can help us to be virtuous. Since we have all sinned in Adam, we are all condemned in him. Yet by God’s free grace some of us are elected for heaven, not because we deserve it or we are good but because God’s grace is bestowed on us. No reason except God’s unmotived choice can be given as to why some are saved and others damned. Damnation proves God’s justice because we are all wicked. That in spite of it, some of us are saved shows God’s mercy.…...St. Augustine and Calvin adopt the view of universal guilt”. 
                                                        (Introductory essay Page 6/3)

The view that we cannot win the grace of the Lord by our own efforts, Radhakrishnan says, results in an intense emotional pietism. 
The doctrine of ‘grace’- of ‘special election’ creates a confusion; as to why God would randomly bestow his grace upon some - while all others are damned. That some people receive ‘God’s-mercy’ and others receive ‘God’s-justice’.  This shows favoritism and ‘injustice’, and such a concept conflicts with the general trend that ‘God loves all’ and that ‘all are equal in God’s eyes’. 
Though, the grace of the Supreme Lord is involved in achieving the Moksha, man’s effort is also required in the total surrender to the Supreme. Bhagavad Gita describes three paths or methods called Yoga to deserve God’s grace: Gyan Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Karm Yoga; path of knowledge, worship and action or service respectively. No ‘Reaction’ (fruit or reward) can be achieved without an Action, the Karma. 

Lord Krishna Says 
"Surrender to me O' Arjuna. I will free you from all your sins and grant you Moksha. Do not fear"
                                                                   (Bhagavad Gita 18: 66)
But 'surrender', we have to do. We need to put our effort in surrendering and moving towards Him.
It is said that if we take one step towards the Supreme, He would come a million steps to meet us. 
“Charan Sharan Guru aik paindaa jaai chal, 
  Satguru koat paindaa aage hoye lait hai”
                                            (Bhai Gurudas ji)

But, once we decide to 'surrender' ourselves - Surrender our will and efforts - 
Then naturally few questions arise:
Surrender to whom? and How to surrender ?                              
                                       'Rajan Sachdeva'

एक मैं ही समझदार हूँ Ek main hee samajh-daar hoon

एक मैं ही समझदार हूँ बाकी सब नादान 
इसी वहम में घूम रहा है देखो हर इंसान 

Ek main hee samajh-daar hoon baaki sub nadaan 
Isi veham me ghoom rahaa hai dekho har insaan 

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Sometimes - when we walk in dark

Sometimes - holding a lamp or flashlight in our hand,
                      when we walk in dark 
We think that we are taking the lamp with us.
                      However, the reality is quite different 
In fact, it's the lamp which takes us through the dark. 

Similarly, sometimes we start to think that we are moving forward on the path of truth 
with pure knowledge - the Gyana.
But the fact is that it's the Gyana which takes us on the path of truth.
We are Gyani - we are Enlightened ones - is a false ego.
However, this kind of thinking that - 
“May the true knowledge; Gyana becomes the basis of our life - 
May we live a life based on Gyana” – is free of ego and inspirational.

May we keep inspiring ourselves and others with such humble and pure thoughts – 
and keep moving forward on the path of Truth with humility. 
                                          'Rajan Sachdeva'

जब हम अंधेरे मे दीया हाथ मे लेकर .....

अंधेरे मे कभी हम दीया हाथ मे लेकर चलते हैं 
                तो हमें यह भ्रम हो जाता है
                                     कि हम दीये को लेकर चल रहे हैं 

जबकि सच्चाई एकदम इस से विपरीत है -
                   असल में तो दीया हमें लेकर चल रहा होता है 

ऐसे ही, कभी कभी हमारे मन में इस प्रकार के विचार आने लगते हैं 
कि हम ज्ञान के साथ सत्य के मार्ग पर अग्रसर हो रहे हैं - आगे बढ़ रहे हैं। 

लेकिन हक़ीक़त तो ये है कि ज्ञान हमें सत्य के मार्ग पर ले जाता है। 
हम ज्ञानी हैं - ये मिथ्या अभिमान है। 
ज्ञान जीवन का आधार बने - हम ज्ञान पर आधारित जीवन जीएँ -
                   इस प्रकार की सोच एवं भावना प्रेरणास्पद है 

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

प्रेम-पंथ ऐसो कठिन

                    ‘रहिमन ’ मैन -तुरंग चढ़ि, चलिबो पावक माहिं।
                    प्रेम-पंथ ऐसो कठिन, सब कोउ निबहत नाहिं॥8॥

ऐ रहीम - जैसे मोम के बने घोड़े पर सवार हो कर आग पर चलना पड़े -
प्रेम का मार्ग इतना ही कठिन है - हर कोई उस मार्ग पर नहीं चल सकता।
                           "जहिं मार्ग पंडित गए - पाछे गई वहीर
                           औघट घाटी राम की तहिं चढ़ि रहियो कबीर "

पंडित लोग अर्थात धर्म के आगू , प्रवक्ता ,लीडर इत्यादि जिस ओर ले जाना चाहते हैं
लोगों की भीड़ उसी तरफ -उनके पीछे चल पड़ती है
लेकिन राम की घाटी - जिस पर कबीर चढ़ रहे हैं -बड़ी ही विकट है।
अर्थात हर कोई इस औघट घाटी पर नहीं चढ़ सकता। 

   "क्षुरस्य धारा निशिता दुरत्यया -दुर्गम पथस्तत कवयो वदन्ति "
                                                                            (कठोपनिषद 3:14)
अर्थात: तलवार की धार से  भी तेज़ -अति कठिन है  यह (आध्यात्मिक ) मार्ग 
ऐसा  विद्वानों  (ऋषि मुनियों )का मत है  

                    "खन्डयों तिखी वालहुं निक्की एतु मार्ग जाना "
                                                          (आदि ग्रन्थ 918 )
अर्थात: आध्यात्मिकता के लिए तो ऐसे मार्ग पर जाना पड़ता है 
जो खंडे अथवा तलवार से भी तीखा और बाल से भी पतला है। 

                   "जे तउ प्रेम खेलन का चाओ -सिर धर तली गली मोरी आओ "
                                                                    (गुरु गोबिंद सिंह)
सिर अभिमान का, अहंकार का प्रतीक है
प्रेम के मार्ग पर चलना हो तो अहंकार का त्याग करना पड़ता है
सर पर अहंकार की गठरी लिए मार्ग पर नहीं चल सकता।
                                         "राजन सचदेव "

Prem panth aeso kathin - Difficult is the Path of Spiritual Love

           'Rahiman' maain turang chadhi, chalibo paavak maahin
             Prem panth aeso kathin, sab kou nibahat naahin "

Raheem says - Riding on a horse made of wax and passing through a mountain of fire - 

such is the path of spiritual love - extremely difficult - not everyone can handle it.                           
                  "Jehn maarg pandit gaye paachhe gayi vaheer
                  Aughat ghaati Raam ki tehn chadh rahiyo Kabeer"

                                                                      (Sadguru Kabeer ji)
"The crowds (of people) follow the path which has been taken and guided by the religious and community leaders.
Kabeer ji says that he is climbing the extremely difficult mountainous road of ups and downs ... all alone".
                    "Kshurasya Dhaaraa Nishitaa Duratyaya
                              Durgam PathastatKaveyo Vadanti" 
                                                      (Kathopanishad 3:14)
"The wise proclaim that the path to cross over (to achieve Moksha) is extremely difficult (Durgam). 
It is like walking on the sharp edge of a razor-blade."
                   "Khaneyahu Tikhi vaalahu nikki aitu maarg jaanaa"
"The path to be taken is sharper than a sword and thinner than a hair"
                                                              (Sri Aadi Granth page 918)
Jesus Christ also expressed a similar idea:
"Strive to enter in at the straight gate, for narrow is the gate and straight is the way that leads to life, 
and few be they who find it."
This journey requires abundant strength and firm determination.
Just as Guru Gobind Singh ji said:
          "Je tau prem khelan kau chaao - Sir dhar tali gali mori aao"
"Enter the street (to my house) carrying your head on your palm"
Head is symbol of Ego. No one can embark on this journey carrying the bundles of ego, anger, jealousy and hatred etc. - instead - keep love, humility and compassion as companions.
                                              'Rajan Sachdeva'

Then and Now

People of previous generation were emotional - 
They always tried to hold on to their relationships.  
Next generation people became practical - 
They started using the relationships to their benefit.  
Now - People have become professional - 
They make relationships only if they see any benefit in it. 🍃 😥
                                       (From - Unknown)

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...