Friday, July 9, 2021

In the court of justice

In the court of justice,
Both the parties know the truth
It's the judge who is on Trial
       - Justice J R Midha of Delhi High court -
                on his farewell speech 
                      (From the web) 


  1. Dhan Nirankar.
    I would never have thought it like that. 🙏🙏
    What a way to open one’s eyes.
    Thank you Rajanji 🙏🙏🙏

    1. Yes Dr. Sudha ji
      It is an eye opener.
      I believe it was said by Justice J R Midha during his farewell speech but I did not add his name because I am not able to verify it - yet.

  2. Very True....Thanks For Sharing

  3. Even though this is an obvious fact, it is yet a remarkable observation as we tend to overlook the obvious. Therefore the obvious has to be pointed out. 🙏🙏

  4. Yes. Prof Sahib. This message is going viral now-a-days on social media handle where it's credited to some Judge's retirement day speech. If it's Mr. Midha then it's reveleation.
    Position of Judge is always critical as he has to justify his/her verdict by adhering to rule book n evidence placed on record."Statute of Liberty" is blindfolded BECO'Z of this fact only. LAW makes no discrimination.

  5. Interesting perspective and we all know of times where, from our limited perspective, judges have fallen short.

  6. Dhan Nirankarji. The correct way to look at it.


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