Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Keep moving and learning

The flowing water does not become stagnant - it stays clean and fresh.
The moving parts of a machine do not get rusted.
Anything that stops moving starts to degenerate and decay.
An instrument or a gadget that has not been used for a long time - becomes useless.
A vehicle that has been stationed - not driven for years - would not start at first try.

The same applies to the human body and mind as well.
The body that tends to move keeps moving.
The body parts that are not being used much - begin to slow down and eventually stop functioning.
Similarly, the mind that tends to welcome and nurture new ideas - and continually keeps on exploring new domains - always stays sharp and active.

All things, including body, mind, and spirit, have one thing in common. If they are not used, they cease to operate.
Once they stop functioning, they begin to shrink and deteriorate.

Sometimes, we tend to think that we have accomplished everything we wanted to have - that we have learned everything we wanted to know. Therefore, we don't need to practice anything - or try to learn new things anymore.
However, regardless of age and how much we have already accomplished, we must keep exercising our body and mind. Constant practice and usage of the muscles, knowledge, and talents is the only way to preserve them.
Because if we don't, then we may quickly lose what we have.

To keep the body fit and in good shape, we need to stimulate and strengthen the muscles - they need to be trained against some resistance. The idea behind the nautilus gym machines and lifting weights is to provide resistance while exercising.
Just as muscles do not strengthen without resistance, mental abilities do not get sharpened without critical and evaluative thinking.
Similarly, the spirit does not rise without something to stir and attract it.

Therefore, we should never stop learning new things and ideas. 
If we do, we will only invite decline.
We should always look for new stimulants for the brain-mind and spirit to keep them active, expanding, and growing.
                                                ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Perpetual learning is living an awakened & agile life....apt thought Professor Sahib...


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