Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Buy one - Get one Free

'Buy one - get one free' may be a marketing gimmick. 
But it is true in real life as well.

We buy - (harbor) anger and get acidity for free.  
We buy jealousy and get free headaches. 
We buy stress and get free ulcers. 
We buy hatred and get blood pressure for free - and so on.

Conversely, if we buy trust, we get friendship free. 
If we buy exercise, we get health free. 
If we buy peace, we get prosperity free. 
If we buy fairness, we get free sleep. 
If we buy love, we get all other good virtues for free.

May God bless us with the wisdom to buy the right things for a healthy and purposeful life!
                                           (Writer Unknown)


झूठों का है दबदबा - Jhoothon ka hai dabdabaa

अंधे चश्मदीद गवाह - बहरे सुनें दलील झूठों का है दबदबा - सच्चे होत ज़लील Andhay chashmdeed gavaah - Behray sunen daleel Jhoothon ka hai dabdab...