Thursday, July 30, 2020

Walking is the Best Exercise

Walk Away from arguments that lead you to nowhere but anger.
Walk Away from people who deliberately put you down.
Walk Away from thoughts that reduce your worth.
Walk Away from failures and fears that stifle your dreams.
The more you Walk Away from things that poison your mind, the happier your life will be.
So, Walk Away from Anguish and Anxiety --Towards Happiness.        
Walk away from false hopes and pride - towards peace of mind.
                                     Shanti - Peace - Shanti


  1. Walking away, a great advice.

  2. Walking is a great way to live healthy in worldly life as well.

  3. Walking is a good exercise for physical health. And walking away from argument is a good exercise for emotional health. वाद करे सो जानिये। निगारों क सो काम, संतन को फ़ुरसत नहीं। स्मिरनॉफ करने नाम

  4. Dhan Nirankar.
    Walking away from arguments is the best mind and peace preserver. It is not always the being right that is important but keeping peace is always a winner.

  5. All said & done. "WALK THE TALK" makes the difference.

  6. I love walking! Need to practice walking away ��


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