Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Oye bhi chandan hoy rahay - basay jo chandan paas

        Kabeer chandan ka birvaa bhalaa, bedheyo dhaak plaas
        Oye bhi chandan hoy rahay - basay jo chandan paas
While describing the greatness of Satsang, Sant Kabir Ji says: 
The plants and trees growing near a sandalwood tree acquire the fragrance of sandalwood and get sold at the same price as sandalwood. In the same way, those keeping the company of saints, also start acquiring saintly qualities and become like those saints. 

However, to imbibe the saintly qualities, it's essential that they have a pure heart that is free of the ego!!" 

         "Kabeer baans badaayi boodeya - eyon mat boodhahu koy
            Chandan kai nikatay basay - baans sugandhi na hot "

Bamboo does not acquire the fragrance of sandalwood despite growing around a sandalwood tree.
Firstly - the way it grows, always straight, as if full of ego - it may break but never bends - and secondly because it has knots in it, it does not allow the fragrance of sandalwood to permeate itself.
Therefore, sandalwood has no impact on Bamboo!! 

Similarly, the one who is full of ego - who is self-absorbed and has knots of jealousy and hatred in his heart - who has turned heartless under the influence of ego - despite being in the company of saints is incapable of acquiring any saintly qualities. 
Ego is the biggest roadblock on the path of Spirituality !!
                                            ' Rajan Sachdeva '

1 comment:

सीट बेल्ट बांध लें

उड़ान भरने से पहले, हवाई जहाज में एक घोषणा की जाती है: 'अपनी सीट बेल्ट अच्छी तरह से बांध लें।' क्योंकि, जैसे-जैसे विमान ऊपर चढ़ता है...