Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The True Universal Experience?

We live in the information age.
Net is overloaded with all kinds of information on every topic, every subject. 
We feel that people are connected - that the world has become smaller. 
We think that everyone knows what is happening everywhere else in the world. 
But then again, there is so much different and contradictory information available on every subject, that it is hard to know what is right and what is wrong - or who is right and who is wrong.
The only valid information we may rely upon might be our own personal experience. 
But then again - our personal experiences also depend on our own observations and perceptions of the events - by comparing them with our previous experiences. 
We all have different choices and different ways of looking at things. Therefore, every incidence could be perceived and experienced differently by each individual. 
In fact, a person may even experience the same incidence differently under different circumstances.
Can someone's personal experience about something or some person really be called a universal True-Experience?

Is there really such a thing that can be called a universal True-Experience?
                                                ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Quite an insight to contemplate upon. In my opinion, every experience has a beginning and an end and has a duration in time, therefore an experience can't be universal. That in which the experience occurs can only be the Universal.
    Sanjeev Khullar

  2. You are absolutely right, Sanjeev ji.
    'That in which the experience occurs can only be Universal' - everything else is an individual perception.
    Thanks for your input.

  3. Very good & inspiring.
    Gulshan Rai

  4. Good one. I feel answer to the last question is 'Love' (Aka The reality, The perception, The feeling, The experience, The Oneness, the Totality, The Supreme Binding Force etc.)
    It is truly universal, boundless, timeless, eternal and also perceivable by all living beings!

  5. Prashant L , ChicagoJuly 28, 2020 at 5:06 PM

    Dear Rajan ji, I posted above comment. Somehow got posted as unknown :) Thanks

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. A truth remains truth in our mind until we experience it otherwise. As far as the universal truth/experience is concerned it is "Death" and ofcourse Nirankaar


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