Sunday, October 1, 2017

Three Rules of Nature

                            Three rules of nature:

                                                  First rule
If seeds are not planted in the field, nature fills it with weeds and grass.
Similarly, if we do not feed our mind with positive thoughts
                  then negative thoughts find their way and fill up the empty mind.

                                                Second rule
                    Whatever someone has will be what he passes on.

Fire gives warmth and light
                        The clouds distribute water and coolness
One who is ‘Happy’ shares "happiness"
                            One who is ‘Sad’ shares "Sadness & Sorrow" 
The wise provides "knowledge" 
                            The ‘Pessimist’ spreads negativity, doubts and false beliefs.
Fearful spreads "fear" 
                      And “Fearless” teaches the same - to be free of fear.

                                             Third rule
                     Whatever you get from life, learn to digest - because:

The food; if not digested well - Gives rise to disease

The “Praise”; if not absorbed properly - Gives rise to Ego

Wealth –if not disbursed properly- gives rise to ‘show-off’

Uncontrolled tongue - gives rise to gossips

Opinions, if not controlled – give rise to criticism

Uncontrolled Criticism - gives rise to animosity  

Secrets; if not guarded – give rise to danger 

Sorrow; if not controlled – gives rise to frustration

Pleasure & Desires; if not controlled – give rise to immorality

                   These above mentioned rules - 
if understood and followed properly, will empower us.
                                 So, choose wisely and consciously.

'Rajan Sachdeva'


  1. Dear Rajan Sachdeva Ji,
    Dhan Nirankar Ji. Thank you for your lovely guidelines, which makes our day.
    Loves and blessings.
    Ishwar Chugani
    Universal Brotherhood
    Yokohama Japan.

  2. Very Nice! Thanks a million for sharing.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...