Monday, October 30, 2017

Are Beliefs wrong?

Beliefs, even the false beliefs, may not be wrong after all.

Fantasies and some beliefs may seem like nonsense but at least, they stimulate the brain cells. When we look at the things as they are, our brain remains sort of inactive. It simply perceives it as it is, but when we start to imagine or fantasize around those same things, our brain suddenly becomes stimulated and very active.
For example, take the ancient Hindu Scriptural analogy of 'Rope vs. Snake'. We find a piece of black thick twisted rope lying on the floor. If we know that it’s a rope, we cross it or walk by it without paying any further attention to it. But if we, mistakenly, perceive it as a snake, our whole attitude towards it changes immediately. A current of fear runs thru our body and the brain starts to work fast. We may stop and start looking at it carefully to see what it really is, or immediately start running in the opposite direction.

The ‘knowledge’, that it is a piece of rope, makes us at ease, while the ‘belief’ that it’s a snake stimulates us and makes us find an alternative route to escape.

Should we believe in miracles? Do they really happen?

Everyone perceives it differently, in their own way.

A Brahm Gyani (Enlightened one) knows thru his knowledge that everything happens just the way it is supposed to happen.

“Rai vadhay na til ghatay, jo likheyaa Kartaar” (Gurubani)

(Not even equal to the size of a mustard seed can be added or taken out from what is written by the creator)

“Tulasi bharosay Raam kay, nirbhaya ho ke soye
  Anhoni to hoye nahin – honi hoye so hoye”    (Sant Tulasi das)

(Impossible or what is not supposed to happen, will not happen.
 What is supposed to happen – let it happen.)

So, the Gyani stays calm, quiet and at peace in every situation. He also knows that nothing is permanent; everything good or bad shall eventually pass. Therefore, he stays undisturbed.

For the rest of us, believing in miracles, and in the power of prayer gives us hope and relieves some stress in adverse situations.

 ‘Belief’ can stimulate and direct our mind to a different direction, to find an alternative way to relieve stress and find peace thru prayer and devotion. Thru Satsang, Seva and Sumiran.

Every new scientific invention was also just a fantasy or an imagination at one point. Every scientific theory started with a belief - that, after doing some intensive research, turned into knowledge of reality.

Similarly, believing in something or in some ideology, can eventually help us find the ‘Reality’. As long as we keep moving forward and try to find the next step - the ‘Realization’ - beliefs are a good way to start.

                                     'Rajan Sachdeva'


  1. "the Gyani stays calm, quiet and at peace in every situation. He also knows that nothing is permanent; everything good or bad shall eventually pass. Therefore, he stays undisturbed."

    Very powerful line.. thank you for sharing uncle


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...