Friday, November 25, 2016

A wrong concept

Quite often we hear a popular phrase: 
"Parmatma ki ichha ke Bina kuchh nahin ho saktaa"
"Nothing can happen without the will of God"

However, the true quote from the Scriptures is......

"Parmatma ke bina kuchh nahin ho saktaa"
"Nothing can happen without God" 

Another popular phrase:
"Parmaatma ki ichha ke Bina pataa bhi nahin hail saktaa"

"Nothing, not even a leaf, can move without the will of God"

But the actual phrase is:
"Nothing, not even a leaf, can move without "God"

I don't know when and how the word "will of God" got added in these phrases. 
"What is the difference?" One may ask.

There is a big difference... that may create confusion in the mind. By saying "will of God", not only we imply that God has 'desires', but preferences as well. It means God is not impartial and just, that He favors or disfavors certain people, creates and destroys according to His preferences. 
If nothing can happen without the "will of God" then why does 'sin and evil' exist in the world? It means that all the bad things; killings and hatred etc. are happening with the "will of God".

But when we say "nothing can move without God", has a different meaning altogether. It makes perfect sense and it is perfectly scientific. 

Every gadget and appliance in our homes runs on electricity. We see the appliances working but do not see the energy behind them. For example, we only see the light bulb shining, not the electricity flowing through it, because the light bulb is physical and electricity is Formless. Though we don't see the electricity, yet we know that the bulb cannot shine without the electricity.

Now, can we say that the bulb cannot shine without the 'will of electricity"? 

We don't see electricity shining, heating or cooling, or even flowing - but none of the household appliances can work without it. And without a doubt, we know it's the 'electricity'- not the 'will of electricity' that makes the appliances move or work.
Electricity simply provides the energy. Shining, heating or cooling depends on the design and programming of the gadget, not on the will of electricity. 

Similarly, God is 'Nirankaar, 'Nirgun' (Formless and attribute-less) - the 'Basic source of energy' behind everything. Nothing can move without God. 
But Love or hatred, kindness or cruelty, generosity or selfishness, helping and saving or torturing and killing etc, depends on the individuals, not on the so-called 'will of God'. 

           'Rajan Sachdeva'


  1. Nice One Rajan Ji
    Thankyou So Much For This Clarification.

    Vishal Babbar

  2. Thanks so much well in time . I had similar thought yesterday and was questioning and chatting with Nirankar . Received his reply thru ur article .
    Thanks so much

  3. Very well explanation.....

  4. Excellent explanation. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Thanks so much for Fantabulous words of wisdom.
    We also hear
    "nirankar k hukam k bina patta b nahi hilta".
    Hukam is misunderstood.. Its order or system or arrangement.

    Thanks again..

  6. Very insightful topic indeed! It goes to show how we should be extremely careful when quoting or translating phrases. I think if I remember correctly the "will of God" concept is more of a Christian philosophy. It is widely used in their sermons and literature. Christians philosophy also personify God...which goes along with the use of the "will of God" phrase.

  7. Brilliantly explained…. Thanks!


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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