Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Blissful Memories 1

While going through the story of Nachiketa again, I recalled this phrase was quite important and should be explored further.

 “Priests are supposed to accept readily whatever is given to them as offerings, whether they like it or not. Moreover, they must bless the ‘yajmaan’; the patron or donor. This is one of their priestly duties".
While contemplating over it, I remembered few personal incidences relating to this topic.
I occasionally used to accompany Bhapa Ram Chand ji Kapurthala during his short Prachar tours in Punjab. During one of such tours, one morning, after having breakfast we were leaving from the house where we stayed in. The host approached Bhapa ji and after doing 'namaskar', placed a small bag containing a piece of fabric in front of him and very humbly requested him to accept it. Bhapa ji looked at him and very lovingly said you have already done so much seva arranging the Sangat - serving Langar and serving us and the others in many ways.  You should not have bought this for me. 

The host, with folded hands said “this is my heart felt desire. Please be kind and accept this humble token of our ‘shradhaa’. At that moment, Bhapa ji very graciously took the fabric in his hand, rubbed his fingers over it lovingly and blessed him over and over saying ‘Sachaa Paatshaah mehar kare’, may Nirankar bless you with all the happiness and take away all your sorrows and sufferings. 

Then, to my surprise, the host turned towards me and handed me a small bag also saying this is a small seva (gift) for you. I immediately put that bag on the table and said “No… No. I will not take it”. The host insisted and tried to give it back to me three or four times but every time I walked backward saying “No way... I don't need any thing” 

Bhapa ji looked at me and said it’s all right. Since he is insisting it so much, you should accept it. I said “no Bhapa ji. I will not take it. He asked me why? I said I am here to serve, to do ‘seva’, I don’t want to take any one’s seva. 

He said “Hmmm. I did not know that you have so much ego. Do you think that you are a great sevadaar; that you are so great and independent that you will only do the seva but not accept any gift or seva from anyone else?

I said no Bhapa ji. That is not what I mean. 

Then beta! just accept it thankfully and prey for them. 
Since I did not want to disobey Bhapa ji, I reluctantly took it - but was still feeling uncomfortable. 

Later, while traveling in the bus on the way to next stop, he started telling me what is appropriate behaviour and what is not. "During such visits" he said, "people don't give us some seva or gifts because they think we need them. It is their shradhaa, their love and devotion. One should never demand or ask or even have any expectations from any one but if someone gives you something out of love or devotion, then simply accept it with gratitude and prey for them. Refusing to accept will hurt their feelings. They might think you are too egotistic and do not appreciate their gesture of love. 

 This was one of the many great lessons I learned from him during these travels. That day he taught me the golden rule:
Do not demand, ask or expect, but do not reject either. 

 To be continued 

  'Rajan Sachdeva"

Friday, September 23, 2016

Lub Pe Aati Hai Duaa (My Birthday Prayer)

Lub pe aati hai Duaa bun ke Tamanna Meri
Zindagi Shamma ki soorat ho Khudaaya meri

 ~~~   ***   ~~~

Koi Urooj De Na Zawaal De, Mujhe Sirf Itana Kamaal De
Mujhe Apni Raah Mein Daal De, Ki Zamaana Meri Misaal De

Teri Rehmaton Ka Nuzool ho, Mujhe Mehnato'n Ka Silaa Mile
Mujhe Maalo-o-Zar ki Hawas Nahin, Mujhe Bus Tu Rizq-e-Halaal De

Mere Zehn Mein Teri Fikr Ho, Meri Saans Mein Tera Zikr Ho
Tera Khauf Meri Nijaat Ho, Sabhi Khauf Dil se Nikaal De

Teri Baargaah Mei Ae Khuda Meri Roz-o-Shab Hai Yahi Duaa
Tu Rahim hai Tu Karim hai, Mujhe Mushkilon Se Nikaal De.
                            (Writer:  Unknown)

 Zindagi ho meri parvaane ki soorat  ya'Rub  
Ilm ki shammaa se ho mujhko mohabbat ya'Rub  

Ho mera kaam ghareebon ki himaayat karnaa 
dard mandon se, zaeefon se mohabbat karnaa

Mere Allah ! Buraayi se bachaana mujhko   
Naik jo raah ho us raah pe chalaana mujhko 
                                     (Writer Unknown)

Meaning of few difficult words:

Urooj …..  Success, Victory, Ascent or progress 
Zawaal …..  Failure, defeat or descent etc. 
Teri Rehmaton Ka Nuzool ho = your blessings may fall upon me 
Sila = reward 
Maalo-o-Zar = Materialistic things and money 
Hawas = Greed 
Rizq-e-Halaal =   Earnings through honest means 
Khauf = fear 
Nijaat = freedom 
Baargaah = Darbaar, meeting place, hall, court 
Roz-o-Shab = day and night
Ilm   =  knowledge
Himaayat =   help
Zaeef  =   Week, frail 

लब पेआती है दुआ बन के तमन्ना मेरी (My Birthday Prayer)

        लब पे आती है दुआ बन के तमन्ना मेरी 
        ज़िन्दगी शम्मा की सूरत हो ख़ुदाया मेरी   

                       **   ~~  ~~  ** 

कोई उरूज़ दे ना ज़वाल दे, मुझे सिर्फ़ इतना कमाल दे 
मुझे अपनी राह में डाल दे, कि ज़माना मेरी मिसाल दे 

तेरी रहमतों का नज़ूल हो, मुझे मेहनतों का सिला मिले 
मुझे माल-ओ-ज़र की हवस नहीं, मुझे बस तू रिज़क़-ए- हलाल दे 

मेरे ज़हन में तेरी फ़िकर हो, मेरी साँस में तेरा ज़िकर हो 
तेरा ख़ौफ़ मेरी निज़ात हो, सभी ख़ौफ़ दिल से निकाल दे 

तेरी बारगाह में ऐ ख़ुदा, मेरी रोज़-ओ-शब है यही दुआ 
तू रहीम है, तू क़रीम है, मुझे मुश्क़िलों से निकाल दे 


ज़िन्दगी  हो  मेरी  परवाने  की  सूरत  या'रब 
इल्म की शम्मा से हो मुझको मोहब्बत या'रब

हो  मेरा  काम  ग़रीबों  की हिमायत  करना 
दर्दमंदों से,  ज़ईफ़ों  से  मोहब्बत  करना 

मेरे  अल्लाह !  बुराई  से  बचाना  मुझको 
नेक जो राह हो  उस राह पे चलाना मुझको 

कुछ शब्दों के अर्थ :

उरूज़ = तरक़्क़ी 
ज़वाल = पतन 
नुज़ूल = उतरना (नज़ूल  हों = मुझ पर उतरें, मिलें )
सिला = बदला Reward 
ज़र = धन 
हवस = इच्छा,  ख़्वाहिश 
रिज़क़-ए- हलाल  =  मेहनत और ईमानदारी की कमाई 
ज़हन = Mind, thoughts 
निज़ात = Freedom 
बारगाह = दरबार 
इल्म    =  ज्ञान      knowledge 
ज़ईफ़  = कमज़ोर    week 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

How The World Treats You ?

One day a school teacher wrote on the board the following:


When she was done, she looked to the students and they were all laughing at her, because of the first equation ... which was wrong, and then the teacher said to them:

"I wrote that first one wrong on purpose, because I wanted you to learn something important. This was for you to know how the world out there will treat you. You can see that nine times out of ten I wrote correctly, but none of you appreciated me for it; you all laughed and criticized me because of one wrong thing I did. 
So this is the lesson...:

'The world will never appreciate the good you do a million times, but will criticize the one wrong thing you do... 
But don't get discouraged.


Saturday, September 17, 2016

Story of Nachiketa (Kathopanishad) Part 1

Upanishads, the great philosophical and Spiritual Scriptures of ancient India, contain many great practical and immortal lessons for our day to day life; regardless of time or place – in the form of stories or dialogues between teacher and a student or between some learned people or sages. 

One of such great Holy Scripture is Kath Upanishad - pronounced as one word ‘Kathopanishad’. It tells the story of a young boy named Nachiketa. It starts with a short conversation between Nachiketa and his father and then rest of the Upanishad is dedicated to the dialogues in form of questions and answers between Nachiketa and the god* of ‘Death’.

This is how the story begins:

Nachiketa’s father, Ushan Vaajshravas (son of Vaajshrava) was performing a Vishwajit Yajna (Yagna); a Vedic ritual. 
Nine-year-old boy Nachiketa was playing outside when he noticed a thousand cows sitting in the field. He went to his father and asked what was going on. The king was busy talking to his ministers and advisors about the details of the Yagna and did not want to be disturbed. So he told Nachiketa to go away and not to disturb him. The boy was curious – he walked around and found out that those thousand cows were being given in alms to the poor Brahmans /priests. He looked at the cows closely and thought:

              पीतोदका - जग्धतृणा - दुग्धदोहा  - निरिन्द्रियः 

(Peetodka - jagdhTrina - Dugdhdoha -Nirindriyah)

“These cows have drunk all the water they could, have eaten all the grass they could, have yielded all the milk they could and are barren; cannot produce any more offspring.”

He went back to his father and said: These cows are so weak and frail that they have no energy to even drink the water or eat the grass on their own. They are too old – can neither produce milk nor any offspring. 

      'अनन्दा नाम ते लोकास्तान्स गच्छति ता ददत '

‘Anandaa naam te Lokastaans Gachhati Ta Dadat’

“Joyless are the worlds which he attains who gives such dakshina – gifts or alms (to the priests or poor)”. 

The father did not like his nine-year-old son to preach him what is right and what is not. He angrily said “I am giving all what I have” and shooed him away. 

But the boy kept coming back to his father asking the same question over and over again. 
Each time, the father was getting angrier. 

“Sa hovaach Pitram - tat kasmai maam daasyateeti?”

                स होवाच पितरं तत कस्मै मां दास्यतीति 

“Tell me father, (if you are giving away all that you have) then - to whom will I be given to?” Nachiketa asked. 

After being asked second time and third time - the father lost his temper and shouted “unto Death I will give thee”.

Nachiketa quietly leaves his palace in search of the house of ‘Death’ to offer himself unto Him. When he finally meets with Yama-deva*, the angel or god of death, they end up in a deep philosophical conversation about the purpose and secrets of life and death. 

Before going further with the story of Nachiketa’s meeting and conversation with ‘Death’, let’s pause here and ponder upon what lessons the author of Kathopanishad is trying to teach us so far.

                   'Rajan Sachdeva' 

                                                (To be continued)

Friday, September 16, 2016

Past Always Looks Glorious

The past always looks glorious to us. 
We usually try to glorify the great people, heroes and saints from the past but we do not have much regard for the contemporary saints or heroes. We worship the dead and tend to neglect the living ones. 

'Aaye di te qadar na jaanan, Deeve baalan madhiyaan te
 Kahe Avtar ade ne moorakh  ajj vee ohna adiyaan te'
                                                      (Avtar Bani verse 8)

 आए  दी ते क़दर न जानन, दीवे  बालन  मढ़ियां ते 
कहे अवतार अड़े  ने मूरख अज्ज वी ओहना अड़ियाँ ते

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

एक मैं ही समझदार हूँ Ek Main Hee

एक मैं ही समझदार हूँ बाकी सब नादान 
इसी  भ्रम में घूम रहा है देखो हर इंसान 

Ek main hee samajhdaar hoon baaki sub nadaan 
Isi Bharam me ghoom rahaa hai dekho har insaan 

Monday, September 12, 2016

मैं सोचता हूँ Main sochtaa hoon

मैं  सोचता हूँ  ज़माने  को  क्या हुआ  या'रब 
किसी के दिल में मोहब्बत नहीं किसी के लिए 

Main sochtaa hoon zamaane ko kya huaa Ya'Rub 

Kisi ke dil me mohabbat nahin kisi ke liye 


Sunday, September 11, 2016

Thought of The Day

Out beyond ideas of right-doing and wrong-doing,
there is a field. 
I will meet you there. 

Sher (Couplet) of The Day

अब  जहाँ  में कब किसी का दर्द  बंटवाते हैं  लोग

रुख हवा का देखकर अक़सर  बदल जाते हैं लोग

Ab jahaan mein kab kisi ka dard bantvaate hain log

Rukh havaa ka dekh kar aqsar badal jaate hain log

                                            (Writer unknown) 

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Two Types of Agarbatti ... in Roman Script:

Agarbattee do prakaar kee hotee hai... 

Ek bhagvaan ke liye , ek machharon ke liye...

magar mushkil ye hai ... 

ki agarabattee jalaane ke baad bhee -

- Bhagvaan aate nahin , aur machhar jaate nahin...

P.S.              yaanee ki ........ 

Sirph rituals ki agarabattee jalaane se - - -

eershya aur nafarat ke machhar jaate nahin ..

Aur....  Prem rupee Bhagvaan aate nahin 

दो प्रकार की अगरबत्ती

अगरबत्ती दो प्रकार की होती है... 

एक भगवान के लिए , एक मच्छरों के लिए...

मगर मुश्किल ये है ... 

कि अगरबत्ती जलाने के बाद भी -

- भगवान आते नहीं , और मच्छर जाते नहीं...

  P.S.                यानी कि ........ 

 सिर्फ  Rituals रुपी अगरबत्ती जलाने से - - -

 ईर्ष्या व  नफरत रुपी मच्छर जाते नहीं  ...... 

 और प्रेम रुपी भगवान आते नहीं

The Spiritual Journey is individual and Not Easy

The path of spirituality may not be smooth and flowery and it has to be walked alone.

Guru Kabeer ji says:

जहँ मार्ग पंडित गए   पाछे गई वहीर
इक औघट घाटी राम की तहँ चढ़ रहियो कबीर

"Jehn maarg pandit gaye paachhe gayi vaheer
Ik aughat ghaati Raam ki tehn chadh rahiyo Kabeer"

"The crowds (of people) follow the path which has been taken and guided by the religious and 
community leaders.
Kabeer ji says that he is climbing the most difficult mountainous road of ups and downs ... all alone".   
                                                                                     (Kabeer ji)

"Kshurasya Dhaaraa Nishitaa Duratyaya
Durgam PathastatKaveyo Vadanti" 

"The wise proclaim that the path to cross over (to achieve Moksha) is extremely difficult (Durgam). 
It is like walking on the sharp edge of a razor-blade."
                                                     (Kathopanishad section 3 Verse 14)

"Khaneyahu Tikhi vaalahu nikki aitu maarg jaanaa"
"The path to be taken is sharper than a sword and thinner than a hair"
                                                                     (Sri Aadi Granth page 918)

Jesus Christ also expressed a similar idea: 
"Strive to enter in at the straight gate, for narrow is the gate and straight is the way that leads to life, 
and few be they who find it."

This journey requires abundant strength and firm determination.
Just as Guru Gobind Singh ji said:

"Je tau prem khelan kau chaao - Sir dhar tali gali mori aao"
"Enter the street (to my house) with your head on your palm"

Head is symbol of Ego. No one can embark on this journey carrying the bundles of ego, anger, 
jealousy and hatred etc. - instead - keep love, humility and compassion as companions.

                           'Rajan Sachdeva'

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

"Michhami Dukkadam"

Today is "Michhami Dukkadam"

And I seek Forgiveness from all.

Today and Always 

"Kshmaa or Forgiveness Day" celebrated in Gujrat India.

Salvation: Through Self-Effort or Grace?

In the Introductory Essay of ‘The Bhagavadgita’, Dr. S. Radhakrishnan talks about two prevalent Christian thoughts imparted by Augustine and Pelagius relating the issue: “whether man as a fallen creature is to be saved by the grace of God or whether he can make something of himself and contribute by his own effort to his salvation. 

Pelagius believed in free will, questioned the doctrine of original sin and asserted that men acted of their own moral effort. 
Augustine disputed the Pelagian theory and taught that Adam before the Fall had possessed free will, but after he and Eve ate the apple, corruption entered into them and descended to all their posterity. None of us can abstain from sin of our own power. Only God’s grace can help us to be virtuous. Since we have all sinned in Adam, we are all condemned in him. Yet by God’s free grace some of us are elected for heaven, not because we deserve it or we are good but because God’s grace is bestowed on us. No reason except God’s unmotived choice can be given as to why some are saved and others damned. Damnation proves God’s justice because we are all wicked. That in spite of it, some of us are saved shows God’s mercy.…...St. Augustine and Calvin adopt the view of universal guilt”. 
                                                        (Introductory essay Page 6/3)

The view that we cannot win the grace of the Lord by our own efforts, Radhakrishnan says, results in an intense emotional pietism. 
The doctrine of ‘grace’- of ‘special election’ creates a confusion; as to why God would randomly bestow his grace upon some - while all others are damned. That some people receive ‘God’s-mercy’ and others receive ‘God’s-justice’.  This shows favoritism and ‘injustice’, and such a concept conflicts with the general trend that ‘God loves all’ and that ‘all are equal in God’s eyes’. 
Though, the grace of the Supreme Lord is involved in achieving the Moksha, man’s effort is also required in the total surrender to the Supreme. Bhagavad Gita describes three paths or methods called Yoga to deserve God’s grace: Gyan Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Karm Yoga; path of knowledge, worship and action or service respectively. No ‘Reaction’ (fruit or reward) can be achieved without an Action, the Karma. 

Lord Krishna Says "Surrender to me O' Arjuna. I will free you from all your sins and grant you Moksha. Do not fear"
                                                         (Bhagavad Gita 18: 66)
But 'surrender', we have to do. We need to put our effort in surrendering and moving towards Him.
It is said that if we take one step towards the Supreme, He would come a million steps to meet us. 
“Charan Sharan Guru aik paindaa jaai chal, 
  Satguru koat paindaa aage hoye lait hai”
                                            (Bhai Gurudas ji)
                                       'Rajan Sachdeva'

Monday, September 5, 2016

Happy Teacher's Day

Dr. S. Radhakrishnan’s birthday is designated as Teacher’s day and is a holiday in India.

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan (September 5, 1888- April 17, 1975), first Vice-president and then the President of India from 1962 to 1967, was one of the greatest scholars of Indian and Western philosophies in recent times. He wrote several volumes on Indian philosophies and Vedanta, including commentaries on Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads and Brahm Sutras.

Rightly, the Indian government honored him by declaring a holiday on his birthday as ‘Teacher’s day’.

Millions of people all over the world acknowledge and honor this day by celebrating it in their own ways. But mostly, like many other such holidays, it is limited to sending the ‘Happy Teacher’s Day” message to friends and acquaintances over WhatsApp, Facebook or other social medias. Most people; students, teachers and employees are simply happy because it’s a holiday and they can enjoy the day off from school or work.

However, the greatest celebration and tribute to him and all other great Teachers would be to learn, understand and adopt their teachings in our own lives.  
                                   ‘Rajan Sachdeva’
“If I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher.

I will pick out the good points of the one and try to imitate them - 
and the bad points of the other and correct them in myself”.

                              "Happy Teacher's Day"

Sunday, September 4, 2016

To Be - Or Not to Be

May be the journey of life is not so much about becoming  ‘Something’

Maybe it’s about ‘Un-becoming’ everything that isn’t really you.

So you can be… what you were meant to be in the first place.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

What are Dreams?

Dream is not what you see in your sleep
It is something that does not let you sleep

                                                 ~ A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Na Pehale sa voh Shauq hai (Roman Script)

Na Pehale sa voh Shauq hai, Na josh hai Kirdaar me
Zubaan me vo taaqat rahi na dam rahaa Ghuftaar me 

Na pehale si vo soch hai na Lutf hai izhaar me 
Na pehale sa jazbaa raha, na dil hai akhtiyaar me 

Badal gayi hain neeyaten - Khud-gharziaan hain pyaar me 
Seekhane ki chaah nahin, uljhe hain sab Taqraar me 

Baaton me oonchay phalsaphe par dam nahin iqraar me
Farq nahin dikhtaa  koi apanon me aur aghyaar me

Na maarfat ki lagan hai, na dil hai Inksaar me
Chaahte hain log bus tasveer apani akhbaar me 

lagataa hai vo such - jo likha ho ishtehaar me
Isiliye to jhoot bhi bik jaata hai bazaar me

Na zauq hai na shauq hai na dam hai kuchh israar me 
Be-vajah rehta hai dil har vaqt ishtekaar me 

Na sabar hai na shukar hai din raat hai afqaar me 
Maghroor hai har shakhs apane hunar ke iftekhaar me 

Masroof hai har koi dekho apane kaarobaar me
Kisko fursat hai ki dekhe - kisi dile afgaar me 

Uljhaa hai har aadami bus Ghame rozgaar me 
Kise fiqar ? kya ho raha hai aaj is sansaar me 

Kaun chaahta hai ulajhanaa kisi aazaar me
Maasoom phanste jaa rahe hain phanda-e- ayaar me 

Na pehale si salaahiyat hi ab rahi anfaar me
Kitani hain tabdeeliyaan ab rasmon me, atwaar me 

Gaate the naghme kabhi talb-e-visaale yaar me 
Shauq hai nukmaayashon ka aaj ke funkaar me 

Mehram nahin hai koi kisi ka aaj ke adwaar me
Kaun poochtaa hai doston ko haale zaar me

Jazbaa-e-dil gumshuda hai aql ke pindaar me 
Badal gayi rivaayaten M'aarfat ke kaarobaar me

Baat bus itani si hai gar keh doon ikhtesaar me
Ruhaaniyat bhi dhalti jaa rahi hai ab vyopaar me

Jo bhi kehanaa tha vo keh daala hai in ash'aar me 
Ab yahi duaa hai 'Rajan' dargaahe-Sarkaar me 

Nazar me hon nafaasten, zubaan ziqre yaar me 
Fitarat me hon sadaaqaten, yaqeen Parvardigaar me 

           Baqalam: 'Rajan Sachdeva'

Kirdaar                   Action
Guftaar                   Speech
Izhaar                     Communication / Presentation of thoughts
Jazbaa                    Zeal
Akhtiyaar              Control 
Khudgarziyaan    Selfishness
Taqraar                 Arguemnets
Iqraar                    promise
Aghyaar                Others, unknown
M'aarfat                Spirituality
Inqsaar                 Humility
ishtehaar              Publicity
Zauq                      Zeal
Israar                    Determination
Ishtekaar             Complaints  
Afqaar                  Worries    
Iftekhaar             Pride      
Masrrof                Busy
Afgaar                  Injured   
Aazaar                 Trouble   
Ayyar                   Cunning  
Salaahiyat           Qualities / virtues 
Anfaar                 Masses / People
Atwwar               Traditions , Mannersim
Meharam            Well-wisher, Sympathetic
Adwaar                Time / date
Haale zaar           In trouble
Jazba-e-dil           Feelings / emotions of the heart
Gumshudaa          Missing / lost
Pindaar                  Ego / Pride
Rivaayaten            Tradions   
Ikhtesaar               in Brief     
Nafaasten              Goodness
Fitarat                    Nature     
Sadaaqaten           Truthfulness 

Baqalam       Written by (From the pen of)  

न पहले सा वो शौक़ है, न जोश है किरदार में

न पहले सा वो शौक़ है, न जोश है किरदार में
ज़ुबां   में वो ताक़त रही न दम रहा गुफ़्तार में

न पहले सी वो सोच है  न लुत्फ़ है इज़हार में
न पहले सा जज़्बा रहा न दिल है अख़्तियार में

बदल गई हैं नीयतें - ख़ुदग़रज़ियाँ हैं प्यार में
सीखने की चाह नहीं उलझे हैं सब तक़रार में

बातों में ऊँचे फ़लसफ़े पर दम नहीं इक़रार में
फ़र्क़ नहीं दिखता कोई अपनों में और अग़यार में

न मारफत की लगन है न दिल है इंकसार में
चाहते हैं लोग बस तस्वीर अपनी अख़बार में

लगता है वो सच, जो लिखा हो इश्तिहार में
इसीलिए तो झूठ भी बिक जाता है बाज़ार में

न ज़ौक़ है न शौक़ है न दम है कुछ इसरार में
बे-वजह रहता है दिल हर वक़्त इश्तिकार में

न सबर है न शुकर है दिन रात है अफ़क़ार में
मग़रूर है हर शख़्स अपने हुनर के इफ़्तिख़ार में

मसरूफ है हर कोई देखो अपने कारोबार में
किसको फ़ुरसत है कि देखे किसी दिले अफ़गार में

उलझा है हर आदमी बस ग़मे - रोज़गार में
किसे फ़िकर? क्या हो रहा है आज इस संसार में

कौन चाहता है उलझना किसी आज़ार में
मासूम फँसते जा रहे हैं फंदा ए अय्यार में

न पहले सी सलाहियत ही अब रही अनफ़ार में
कितनी हैं तब्दीलियाँ अब रस्मों में, अतवार में

गाते थे नग़मे कभी तल्बे विसाले-यार में
शौक़ है नुमायशों का आज के फ़नकार में

महरम नहीं कोई किसी काआज केअदवार में
कौन पूछता है दोस्तों को हाले ज़ार में

जज़्बा-ए दिल गुमशुदा है अक़्ल के पिन्दार में
बदल गयी रिवायतें मारफ़त के कारोबार में

बात बस इतनी सी है गर कह दूँ इख़्तिसार में
रूहानियत भी ढलती जा रही अब ब्योपार में

जो भी कहना था वो कह डाला है इन अशआर में
अब यही दुआ है 'राजन' दरगाहे - सरकार में

नज़र में हों नफ़ासतें, ज़ुबान ज़िक्रे-यार में
फ़ितरत में हों सदाक़तें, यक़ीं परवरदिगार में

              बक़लम :   ' राजन सचदेव '

किरदार          Action
गुफ़्तार            Speech
इज़हार           Communication / Presentation of thoughts
जज़्बा              Zeal
अख़्तियार        Control 
ख़ुदग़रज़ियाँ     Selfishness
तक़रार            Arguemnets
इकरार            promise
अग़यार           Others  ग़ैर 
मारफत           Spirituality
इंकसार           Humility
इश्तिहार         Publicity
ज़ौक़               Zeal
इसरार            Determination
इश्तिकार        Complaints  शिकायतें 
अफ़क़ार         Worries    फ़िक़्र 
इफ़्तिख़ार        Pride       फ़ख़र 
मसरूफ         Busy
अफ़गार          Injured  zakhmi ज़ख़्मी 
आज़ार            Trouble  मुसीबत 
अय्यार             Cunning  चालाक 
सलाहियत        Qualities / virtues 
अनफ़ार           Masses / People
अतवार            Traditions  तौर- तरीके 
महरम             Well-wisher, Sympathetic
अदवार            Time / date
हाले ज़ार          In trouble
जज़्बा-ए दिल   Feelings / emotions of the heart
गुमशुदा           Missing / lost
पिन्दार             Ego / Pride
रिवायतें            Tradions  रिवाज़ 
इख़्तिसार         in Brief     मुख़्तसर 
नफ़ासतें          Goodness
फ़ितरत           Nature    स्वभाव 
सदाक़तें          Truthfulness सच्चाईयां 
 बक़लम          Written by (From the pen of) 

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...