Friday, October 23, 2015

Vijayadashami or Dashehara

 Vijayadashami (Vijay-Dashami) is celebrated as victory of Lord Rama over ten headed Demon Ravana, on the tenth day of the month of Ashwin according to the Hindu lunisolar calendar which corresponds to September or October of the common Gregorian calendar. The first nine days are celebrated as Nav-Raatri (nine nights) and concludes on the tenth day as Vijaydashmi or Dasheharaa.

Dash-Hara literally means ‘ten defeated’ or ‘defeat of the ten’, in reference to the defeat of ten headed demon king Ravan.

Similarly, Vijay-Dashmi is translated as the ‘victory over the ten’, also in reference to ten headed king Raavan.

All ancient traditional rituals have some hidden deep meanings behind them. Besides the historical figures of King Rama and king Ravana (pronounced as Raam and Raavan respectively) represent good and evil; god and demon. Raam is considered ‘Maryaada-Purushotam’ a role model of ethics and morality, whereas Raavan has ten faces; ten masks that hide his real face and consciousness.

Many scholars, especially in the recent times have argued that Raavan was not at all as bad as is usually portrayed. Deep at heart, he was a good and fair man. But looking at the overall picture, his masks became so prominent that they overshadowed his good qualities and hid whatever was underneath.

But Raavan was not the only ‘Ten-headed’ person; with ten different faces or masks.

These ten masks represent the ten varied vices that flourish in all human beings. Sometimes these vices become so strong and prominent that they overshadow our real being and conquer and dominate our consciousness as well.

These ten prominent vices are:

1.   Kama   ….. Lust and desires (Excessive)
2.   Krodha …..Anger
3.   Lobha ……..Greed
4.   Moha …..Attachment
5.   Mada ….Over Pride (intoxicated with pride)
6.   Maatsarya or Irshya .. Jealousy
7.   Swaartha ……Selfishness
8.   Anyaaya …. Injustice
9.   Amaanavata …. Cruelty
10. Ahankaar ……. Ego

Dashehara means defeat of these ten above mentioned vices that flourish within us. Only when we overcome our shortcomings, we emerge victorious and achieve the ultimate goal that is to attain the ‘Absolute Truth’.

Although, Vijaya Dashami also means the triumph over these ten vices but let’s analyze this word again.

Dash means ten and ‘Dashami literally means the ‘Tenth’.
Since it is celebrated on the tenth day of the month of Ashwin, hence the name ‘Vijay-Dashami’.

But philosophically speaking, it could mean the ‘triumph over the tenth’; the tenth of the above mentioned evils, which is Ahankaar or Ego.

Though it is imperative to give up all of them but if we can achieve the victory over ‘Ego’, everything else would automatically be defeated, since everything else exists because of the ego.

Without the ego, there would be no anger or jealousy, injustice or cruelty.
If there is no ego, then there would be no need for excessive desires and attachments, selfishness and greed to satisfy the ego.

For this reason, all Holy Scriptures have emphasized to get rid of the ego, since this is the strongest and most difficult of all the evils to defeat.

So let us try to overcome our shortcomings to emerge as a finer human being, not only on the day of the Vijay Dashami, but every day and every moment of our lives.

Happy Vijayadashami / Dashehara

                 ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Rog hai to ilaaz keejiye रोग है तो रोग का इलाज़ कीजिए

रोग  है  तो रोग का  इलाज़  कीजिए 

'रोग है'-  कहने से रोग कम नहीं होते 

कोशिशें करने से सुलझते हैं मुआमले 

दर-गुज़र करने से मसले ख़त्म नहीं होते 

 Rog hai,  to rog ka ilaaz  keejiye

'Rog hai'- kehane se rog kum nahin hotay

Koshishen karnay se suljhatay hain muaamlay

Dar-guzar karnay se masalay khatm nahin hotay 

                                               'Rajan Sachdeva'

Rog ………….      Disease
Suljhatay .....     Solved
Muaamalay ….  Problems
Dar-Guzar …… To avoid
Maslay ………    Issues

Tinakaa Tinakaa .... तिनका तिनका जोड़ के

तिनका तिनका जोड़ के बनते हैं घोंसले 
बात जज़्बातों से नहीं हौसलों से बनती है 
                                  (राजन सचदेव)

Tinakaa Tinakaa Jod ke banatay hain Ghonslay
Baat Jazbaaton se nahin, Hauslon se banati hai 
                                   (Rajan Sachdeva)

Tinakaa ........   Straw
Ghonslay .......  Nests
Jazbaat ..........  Emotions
Hausala ........   Courage 
Hausalon se ...... with courage

Art - Poetry and Thoughts

From time immemorial, Man has been inquisitive about seeing and exploring new things and it is this inquisitiveness that has excited and inspired him to create new things. While this curiosity inspired man to create tools and invent machines and other devices, art too was borne from this inspiration which later evolved and blossomed into various other forms of arts like music, painting, drama, singing, and poetry etc.

However this inspiration is not limited to just the creation of the artwork. To share one’s creations with others, the desire to showcase the craft, and in turn expect admiration and accolations is embedded in human nature.

Perhaps this is one of the reasons; an artist is forever inspired to create something new.

But every work of an artist does not always get recognition and find admiration. The artist’s own thoughts and imagination are the main factors of every creation. Behind every art work and creation, lie the artist’s thoughts, unleashed imagination and his/her own reflection. The deeper the thoughts; the richer the imagination: the higher the mind soars with the wings of imagination, the more beautiful the creation will be!
And a creation that mesmerizes the beholder deserves true admiration and applauds.

The same applies to poets and writers too. Undoubtedly the choice of flowery words, cautiously selected metaphors enhance the profundity of thoughts, and ornate descriptions do render a wondrous quality to poetry and writing, yet a depth of meaning and heights of imagination are the life of the creation; that is what gives the soul to a piece of poetry.

If a piece of writing is enriched with beautiful words and correct grammar, if the language is good, the words chosen are apt and beautiful- and the rhythm, meter and kafia (rhyme) too are appropriate but there is no novelty in the idea behind it, then such a Ghazal or poem may fail to receive a splendid applaud from the audience.

Although any composition or piece of art that quickly grabs the attention from the audiences is considered beautiful, worthy and laudable, however, one of ancient India’s visionary philosopher and poet ‘Maagh’ expressed the following view:

  "क्षणै: क्षणै: यन्ननवतामुपैति, तदैव रूपम् रमणीयतायाः  (महाकवि माघ)

A piece of art or poetry that presents itself anew to the audience each time it is seen or heard is what is truly beautiful and delightful.

Such an idea or creation is above and beyond time and becomes immortal.

And that is why the verses of the Bhagavad Gita, Adi Granth and the writings of Tulasi das, Surdas, Mirabai, Sant Ravidas, Guru Kabir, Guru Nanak and the Sufi saints have become immortal. Today, these are not only heard and read with a great deal of respect but are being continuously researched by great scholars also. Because each time any of these pieces are heard or read, there is something new that surfaces which is yet to be understood. Every time, a thinker and philosopher finds new meaning, new interpretations and wisdom in them.

 “Sahib mera neet navan”

Being with the Lord, a Bhakta discovers something new every time about Him. 

The love and curiosity doesn’t diminish for that which offers something new each time.

                                               ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

 "साहिब मेरा नीत नवां"   (गु: ग्रं: सा: 660)

Friday, October 9, 2015

विचार और कलाकृति :

प्रारम्भ से ही मनुष्य के मन में कुछ नया देखने और ढूंढने की जिज्ञासा रही है और आगे चल कर इसी जिज्ञासा ने उसे कुछ नया करने तथा बनाने के लिए उत्साहित किया। इसी जिज्ञासा ने जहां मनुष्य को विज्ञान की खोज और आवश्यकता की पूर्ति के लिए यंत्र तथा tools इत्यादि बनाने के लिए प्रेरित किया वहीँ कला का जन्म भी इसी प्रेरणा से हुआ जो संगीत, चित्रकारी, नाटक एवं गीत, कविता लेखन इत्यादि विभिन्न कलाओं के रूप में विकसित होता रहा।  

लेकिन यह उत्साह सिर्फ कलाकृति तक ही सीमित नहीं रहता। अपनी कला को दूसरों को दिखाना, दूसरों में बांटना और प्रशंसा पाने की इच्छा करना भी मानवीय स्वभाव का एक अंग ही है।  इसीलिए हर कलाकार नई से नई कलाकृति रचने के लिए उत्सुक रहता है।  

लेकिन हर कलाकार की हर कलाकृति प्रशंसा का पात्र नहीं बन पाती। हर कलाकृति अथवा रचना के पीछे कलाकार की कल्पना और विचार ही प्रधान होता है।  विचार में जितनी गहराई होगी, कल्पना की उड़ान जितनी ऊँची होगी, रचना उतनी ही सुन्दर होगी। वह कलाकृति, जिसे देखते ही दर्शक मन्त्रमुग्ध हो कर देखता ही रह जाए, सही प्रशंसा का पात्र मानी जाती है।  

कविजनों और शायरों की रचनाओं पर भी यही बात लागू होती है। बेशक लचकदार भाषा, सुंदर शब्दों का चयन और अलंकारों का प्रयोग गीत, कविता, ग़ज़ल इत्यादि में चार चाँद लगा देते हैं फिर भी विचार की गहराई और कल्पना की उड़ान ही इन रचनाओं का प्राण होते हैं। अगर भाषा अच्छी हो,शब्द भी सुंदर हों, वजन, मात्रा, काफ़िया इत्यादि भी ठीक हों लेकिन विचार में कोई नयापन न हो तो ऐसी ग़ज़ल या कविता से श्रोताओं को प्रभावित कर पाना मुश्किल होता है ।

वैसे तो कोई भी रचना, जिसे सुनते ही श्रोता के मुँह से अनायास ही 'वाह-वाह' निकले, सुंदर तथा प्रशंसनीय समझी जाती है लेकिन प्राचीन भारतीय विचारकों में से एक दार्शनिक महाकवि माघ ने लिखा है : 
 "क्षणै:  क्षणै: यन्ननवतामुपैति 
  तदैव रूपम् रमणीयतायाः     (महाकवि माघ)

अर्थात :  प्रतिक्षण जो विचार अथवा कलाकृति बार बार देखने या सुनने पर श्रोता या दर्शक के सामने हर बार एक नया रूप ले कर आए, वही सुन्दर और रमणीय है

 …… ऐसा विचार एवं कलाकृति चिरस्थाई रहती है, अमर हो जाती है।  

इसीलिए भगवद् गीता एवं आदि-ग्रन्थ की वाणी तथा सूरदास, मीरा बाई, संत रविदास, गुरु कबीर एवं गुरु नानक इत्यादि अनेक संत कवियों और सूफी शायरों की रचनाएँ अमर हो गईं और आज भी न केवल उन्हें श्रद्धा से सुना और पढ़ा जाता है, नित्य नए विचारकों द्वारा उन पर नई नई शोधकृतियां भी देखने को मिलती हैं। क्योंकि बार बार सुनने और पढ़ने से हर बार उन में कुछ नया मिल जाता है, कुछ नया समझ में आ जाता है।  

 "साहिब मेरा नीत नवां"   
                                     (गु: ग्रं: सा: 660)

जिसे बार बार देखने, पढ़ने या सुनने में हर बार कुछ नया मिलता रहे, उसकी जिज्ञासा और उसका प्रेम कभी कम नहीं होता। 

             'राजन सचदेव' 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Jaisa Ann Taisa Man.. Food vs Thoughts Part 3

Now, let’s try to put the theories “Food vs Thoughts” and “Body vs Mind”, both together.

We know that mind and body, both influence each other.
According to Nature’s law, the stronger always wins. In the analogy of ‘the horse and the wagon’ mentioned in the previous article of ‘Body and Mind’, a stronger horse can pull the wagon out of mud whereas an old and weak horse will fail to do so.

Another example could be taken of ‘Fire and Water’.

What happens when we throw water on burning fire?
A bucket of water thrown over a small fire; a small log of wood or in a small stove, will put the fire out.
But the same amount of water thrown on a huge fire such as a burning house or a forest will be quickly evaporated, without doing much damage to the fire.

Again, the stronger wins.

Therefore, a weaker mind could be easily affected by not only the food we eat, but by the ‘intake’ from all the five senses, while a stronger mind would be able to disregard their influence.

We live in the era where tons of information is not only available, but constantly being thrown at us. Intentionally or unintentionally, we end up gathering a lot of ‘food’ or ‘the intake’, especially through the vision and sound.

As per the saying “ Jaisa Ann, Taisa man”: it is definitely good, and in some cases, may even be necessary to have control over all the ‘intakes’, but it might be better to have a much stronger mind that cannot be influenced by everything we see, hear, eat or touch.  

          ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Body and Mind

Mind and body are deeply connected to each other.

If one becomes weak or sick, the other also gets affected by it. Both have to be healthy and in harmony to enjoy a happy and comfortable life. A too old or a sick person sitting behind the steering wheel of a brand new high power racing car with a turbo engine may not be able to handle it properly. He would still be slow.
Similarly, a young energetic and enthusiastic driver cannot do much with a low power old and broken car. In both cases, there will be frustration.

If the mind is frustrated, depressed and full of anger and hatred, then the body will also get affected and become sick.
And when the body is weak and sick, and experiencing a lot of pain, the mind also cannot be at peace. It also becomes restless and may not be able to think straight.

A happy and content mind in a strong and healthy body equals a happy and peaceful life.

It would be an ideal situation if we have the mind and body in perfect shape and harmony all the time. But we all know that the life is not like a straight, smooth and perfectly paved, clear road. We all go through so many ups and downs in life; physically and mentally. We all face so many different situations every day. As humans, we are bound to get affected by them and according to the situation, we experience happiness and sadness. At one moment, we become overly jealous and anxious, while frustrated, angry and depressed at another. When we lose the equilibrium; when the balance is disturbed, we become restless and the life becomes ‘unhappy’.

What are we supposed to do?

In many cases, we may not have much control over the body. We may come in contact with some virus and become sick. The body may become weak or get damaged because of some serious illness or accident. These and many other circumstances are beyond our control. But with practice, we can have control over the mind. If the mind is stable and does not lose its equilibrium, it can help the body to handle the pain and gain strength. It may even be able to heal some physical ailments.

Baba Avtar Singh ji used to say: “jaise ek tagrha ghorha ik puraani aur tooti phooti gaarhi ko, keecharh me se bhi kisi tarah kheench kar le hi jata hai, usi tarah ek shaant aur dhyaan me jurha huaa man bhi apani taaqat se ek puraane aur kamzor shareer ko sambbhaale rakh saktaa hai”*

“Just like a strong horse can pull an old and broken cart even through the mud, a strong mind can also pull through an old and weak body even in adverse circumstances”
                          ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

* जैसे एक तगड़ा घोड़ा इक पुरानी और टूटी फूटी गाड़ी को कीचड़ में से भी किसी तरह खींच कर ले ही जाता है उसी तरह एक शांत और ध्यान में जुड़ा हुआ मन भी अपनी ताक़त से एक पुराने और कमज़ोर शरीर को संभाले रख सकता है " 

Friday, October 2, 2015

On Gandhi Jayanti .... Wonderful Quotes of Mahatma Gandhi

                        Few Quotes of Mahatma Gandhi 

  • A man is but a product of his thoughts. What he thinks he becomes. 

  • In matters of conscience, the law of the majority has no place. 

  • You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. 

  • Be the change that you wish to see in the world.
  • An ounce of patience is worth more than a ton of preaching. 

  • The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. 

  • First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
  •  An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. 

  • It is difficult, but not impossible, to conduct strictly honest business 

  • God has no religion. 

  • Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one's weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart. 

  • Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent than the one derived from fear of punishment. 

  • Nobody can hurt me without my permission.

                                                        'Mahatma Gandhi'

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...