Thursday, May 21, 2015

Origin of universe; Creation verses Manifestation Part 2

Part Two

3.     Manifestation: 
     According to the Hindu Vedantic theory, since, in the beginning there was no material available to create from, everything came out of the “Brahm*”.

Yathorna Naabhih Srajte grahmyate cha 
yatha Prithvyaam Aushdhyah Sambhvanti
Yatha Satah Purushaat kesh lomaani
Tathaakshraat Sambhavteeh Vishvam

                                             Mundakopanishad ||7||

“Just as a spider brings forth from within the material to build its web,
Just as the plants and trees grow out of the ground,
And Just as the hair comes forth from a living person’s scalp,
Thus the universe came into existence from the Imperishable”.
                                                          (Mundak Upanishad: 7)
This is a beautiful explanation but there are few important points to be considered in this Mantra.

I have seen in ancient and later Sanskrit and Hindi poetry, a style, where the poet begins with certain analogy and then, as if saying ‘nah’, and adds few more analogies to prove his/ her point.
There are three analogies used in this Mantra one after the other and sort of nullifying the previous ones. Because, even though they might seem to be similar, they are quite different and I believe the author emphasizes on the last one.

1.     Firstly, Spider has a selfish motive; to catch other insects in its web whereas God has no such motive in creating the universe. Secondly, the spider does bring out the material from within itself but the web is neither part of it nor it can evolve, whereas the universe is part of the Almighty and is ever evolving and expanding. So the Rishi (Sage) rejects his own analogy and moves on to the next.
2.   Plants and trees are the living beings that spring forth from the ‘non-living’ earth whereas the universe, with such precise design and order could not have come from a ‘non-living’ field of energy.  So the author moves on to the next example.

3.   The hair comes out from a living and thinking; conscious scalp, it is part of the body and it keeps on growing as well.

Satisfied with this last analogy, the writer says:
“So the universe came into existence from the “Akshar” the Imperishable, ‘Living and super-conscious’ source of energy”.  

It is interesting that the Upanishad used the word ‘Akshar’ rather than any equivalent of ‘God’ such as Ishwar or Bhagvaan. Because the moment we say ‘God, Bhagvaan or Ishwar’, our mind, consciously or unconsciously, starts imagining a ‘Personified God’. A creator with a ‘form’, no matter how huge and vast it may be, cannot be logically accepted to create such vast universe.

Science believes that energy is imperishable, and that energy and matter are inter-changeable. Energy, in certain circumstances converts into matter and vice versa.
So, the ancient Vedantic concept of the “Imperishable, Super-conscious” source, manifesting itself into the universe, and that it will merge back into the ‘Imperishable’, makes perfect sense and is also at par with the modern science.

The analogy of hair growing out of the scalp has another meaning also. It does not grow to its full length instantaneously. It keeps on growing slowly over the period of time. Similarly, according to the science, the universe also appeared and expanded and is still constantly expanding and evolving, along with the life on the earth.

                                       ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

*Please note that there is difference between Brahm and Brahma (pronounced: Brahmaa)

 यथोर्ण नाभिः सृजते ग्रहम्य्ते च 
यथा पृथ्व्याम् औषधय सम्भवन्ति 
यथा सतः पुरुषात केशलोमानि 
तथाक्षरात सम्भवतीह विश्वम 
                 (मुण्डकोपनिषद : 7 )

1 comment:

  1. Thank You Uncle Ji, always beautiful and inspiring thoughts ! I take these as my teachings during the week ! That is why i consider you a great Mentor, Dhan Nirankar Ji !


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