Tuesday, July 30, 2013

रूप बड़ा या गुण ? Beauty or quality ?

                                             रूप बड़ा या गुण ?

सम्राट चंद्रगुप्त ने एक दिन अपने प्रतिभाशाली मंत्री चाणक्य से कहा- 
“कितना अच्छा होता कि तुम अगर रूपवान भी होते।“
चाणक्य ने उत्तर दिया,
"महाराज रूप तो मृगतृष्णा है। आदमी की पहचान तो गुण और बुद्धि से ही होती है, रूप से नहीं।“

“क्या कोई ऐसा उदाहरण है जहाँ गुण के सामने रूप फींका दिखे। चंद्रगुप्त ने पूछा।
"ऐसे तो कई उदाहरण हैं महाराज, चाणक्य ने कहा, "पहले आप पानी पीकर मन को हल्का करें बाद में बात करेंगे।"
फिर उन्होंने दो पानी के गिलास बारी बारी से राजा की ओर बढ़ा दिये।

"महाराज पहले गिलास का पानी इस सोने के घड़े का था और दूसरे गिलास का पानी काली मिट्टी की उस मटकी का था।
 अब आप बताएँ, किस गिलास का पानी आपको मीठा और स्वादिष्ट लगा।"
सम्राट ने जवाब दिया- "मटकी से भरे गिलास का पानी शीतल और स्वदिष्ट लगा एवं उससे तृप्ति भी मिली।"

वहाँ उपस्थित महारानी ने मुस्कुराकर कहा, "महाराज हमारे प्रधानमंत्री ने बुद्धिचातुर्य से प्रश्न का उत्तर दे दिया। भला यह सोने का खूबसूरत घड़ा किस काम का जिसका पानी बेस्वाद लगता है। दूसरी ओर काली मिट्टी से बनी यह मटकी, जो कुरूप तो लगती है लेकिन उसमें गुण छिपे हैं। उसका शीतल सुस्वादु पानी पीकर मन तृप्त हो जाता है।
 अब आप ही बतला दें कि रूप बड़ा है अथवा गुण एवं बुद्धि?"

The Frame

Few days ago, one of my friends invited us and few others to their home for dinner. The living room was moderately but nicely decorated with contemporary furniture. There was a small table against the side wall, and on the table, was a picture in a beautiful small golden frame. The frame was so elegant and shining that every one's eyes were glued on it. Everyone kept admiring it and asking the host where she got it from, how much was it, was it real gold, etc? Over the dinner and rest of the evening, every one kept talking about that golden frame.
No one really saw the picture that was in the frame.

                       ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~  
~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~    ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~

During my recent visit to India last year, I had an opportunity to visit Shri Gurcharan ji in Panipat, Haryana. He showed me an old and rare group picture of many (about eighty) well known earlier saints along with Shehanshah ji and Baba Gurubachan Singh ji sitting in the middle. The picture was probably taken in mid or late nineteen fifties. Realizing my
interest and admiration, he told me he had two copies of the same picture and very generously offered me one. This rare picture was framed in an ordinary old thin wooden frame. The white paint is starting to peel off at some places and has developed few dark spots at the corners. Since I brought it back with me, I have been thinking to change the frame but never got to do it.

Everyone who comes to visit me, takes a keen interest in this rare picture
and tries to recognize some of these old time saints.

Interestingly, no one ever notices the thin, old decaying frame.

               ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~   ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~    ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~

So, what is more important ? The frame or the picture that is in it ?

I guess the answer would be 'whatever outshines and attracts more'.
Is body more important or what is beneath the body ?
is the outer appearance of people
more important or their heart and attitude ?

I think answer would be still the same, 'whatever outshines and attracts more'.
There are some people who always dress up elegantly and keep a charming and attractive outer appearance.
We admire their expensive clothes and jewellery but hardly want to spend time with them because of their arrogant nature.
On the other hand, we meet some people who look very ordinary, dressed up in very
simple and ordinary clothes. There is hardly anything about them that catches our eyes, but yet, we enjoy their company immensely and don't feel like leaving them.
                                           Choice is ours.

Do we simply want to become a beautiful frame ... and show people an elegant and attractive outer personality?
Or should we try to make beautiful what is inside the frame, under the
outer physical appearance ?

Wouldn't it be wonderful to have both ?
A beautiful soothing picture in a beautiful attractive frame. 

But if we have to choose one, then we should strive for the second, a beautiful interior.

  "Some people make you happy by entering the room and others by leaving."

'Rajan Sachdeva'

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Can human nature be changed ? in Hindi

क्या स्वभाव बदल सकता है ?

 कल शाम कुछ कागज़ों को फरोलते समय संत तुलसी दास जी का यह दोहा हाथ में आ गया l

" लोहा पारस परस कै कंचन भई तलवार
तुलसी तीनो ना मिटे - धार मार आकार "

राम चरित मानस के रचयिता संत तुलसी दास इस दोहे के माध्यम से अध्यात्मिक जीवन के एक कटु सत्य की ओर हमारा ध्यान आकर्षित करते हैं l
वह कहते हैं कि जैसे एक लोहे की तलवार पारस पत्थर का स्पर्श करके सोना तो बन जाती है लेकिन उसका आकार और गुण वैसे का वैसा ही रहता है l
उसमे चमक आ जाती है और उसकी कीमत भी कई गुना बढ़ जाती है। वह दर्शनीय और प्रशंसनीय तो बन जाती है लेकिन न तो उसका आकार बदलता है
और ना ही उसकी पैनी तीखी धार और मार काट करने का गुण l
इसी तरह सतगुरु के सानिध्य और ज्ञान के सम्पर्क में आने से धन - धान्य तथा यश और मान तो प्राप्त हो जाते हैं लेकिन स्वभाव स्वयममेव ही नहीं बदलता l
जिनके स्वभाव में पहले से ही नम्रता हो वो नम्र ही बने रहते हैं l जिनके ह्रदय में स्वभाविक रूप से अभिमान, और स्वयं को दर्शाने और लीडरशिप की भावना हो,
वो अध्यात्मिक क्षेत्र में भी
स्वयं को दर्शाने और आगे रहने का यत्न करते हैं l

क्या इसका अर्थ ये हुआ की इन्सान कभी बदल नहीं सकता ?               
तुलसी दास इसका उपाय भी समझाते हैं l

"ज्ञान हथौड़ा जे मिले, सतगुरु मिले सुनार
तुलसी तीनो मिट गए धार मार आकार "

 तलवार की धार और आकार को ह्त्थोड़े की चोट से बदला जा सकता है l
उसे स्वर्ण कलश, स्वर्ण आभूषण या स्वर्ण मूर्ति में रूपांतरित करके उसके मार काट करने के
गुण को भी बदला जा सकता है l
इसी तरह गुरु वचनों को बार बार सुनना और ज्ञान को बार बार ह्रदय में दोहराना एक प्रकार से हत्थोड़े का काम करता है।
लेकिन गुरु ज्ञान और गुरु वचनों की चोट कानों पर नहीं, ह्रदय पर पड़ेगी तभी स्वभाव बदलेगा। … अन्यथा नहीं ।

Can human nature be changed ?

Yesterday, going thru my old notes, I found this beautiful Doha written by Sant Tulasi Das.

" लोहा पारस परस कै कंचन भई तलवार
तुलसी तीनो ना मिटे - धार मार आकार "
                              " तुलसी दास "

" Loha paaras paras ke, Kanchan bhayi Talwaar
  Tulasi Teeno Na Mitey, Dhaar, Maar, Aakaar. " 

In this beautiful Doha (verse ), Sant Tulasi Das,  Author of the Raam Charit Maanas,
the popular Ramaayan, beautifully explains a bitter but true fact of our spiritual life by giving an example of a sword. He says, when a sword made of steel comes in contact with the "Paaras Patthar" (alchemy ) *, it turns into gold. It's value multiplies many times. It shines, glitters and becomes very expensive but its shape and sharpness still remains the same. Even though it has turned into gold, it still injures and even kills whoever comes in its contact.

When we receive the Gyaana, its like coming in the contact with the "Paaras". We may shine and become very important in the eyes of others. We may start getting lot of respect and reverence from others but our 'Svabhaava', our nature may not change instantaneously.

Those who are humble by nature, remain humble. Those who are arrogant by nature, may remain the same and try to become leaders to control others.

Does it mean we can never change?
There is a solution.

"ज्ञान हथौड़ा जे मिले, सतगुरु मिले सुनार
तुलसी तीनो मिट गए धार मार आकार "

" Gyaan Hathauda Je Mile, Satgurur Mile Sunaar
  Tulasi Teeno Mit Gaye, Dhaar, Maar, Aakaar. " 
The shape and sharpness of the sword can be changed, molded by using a strong Hammer.

Listening to Guru and remembering the Gyana over and over is like being hit by a hammer that can slowly remove the ego and arrogance, and change the 'svabhaava' the nature of a person.

But this hammering of listening and remembering the
Gyana must hit the heart and sub-conscience mind..... not just the ears.
Only then the ' Svabhaav ' can be changed.

Note : * 
Paaras Patthar a mythical magical stone also known as Philosophers' Stone

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Truth and Knowledge

Knowledge can be acquired, learned, demonstrated and shared.
Truth is experienced. It can neither be demonstrated or shared.

Knowledge originates in science and is possessed by mind and intellect.
Truth is a spiritual experience at a deeper level of sub-conscience and soul.

Knowledge can be gained from people, books or internet.
Truth is found thru Spiritual experience by living a spiritual life.
It requires, not only inquisitive mind, but also faith
And grace of an enlightened spiritual master, the Sadguru.

                                                                              'Rajan Sachdeva'

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves:
it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.”    ( Ephesians 2: 8-9
New Testament)

Thursday, July 18, 2013



The boss screamed at the employee because he broke a plate. The employee kicked the dog because he almost tripped over him.
The dog ran out and bit a woman who was passing by, because she hindered his way out the door.
The lady went to the hospital to be vaccinated against rabies and shouted at the doctor because it hurt when he gave her shot.  Later,  the doctor shouted at the young P. A. for not paying attention.
young P.A. came to her house and shouted at her mother because the food was not to her liking.
The mother stroked her hair and said:

- "My dear child, tomorrow you will get your favorite food. You work a lot. you're tired and need a good night's sleep. I'm Changing the sheets on your bed with clean and fragrant sheets for you to rest and sleep well.
Tomorrow you'll feel better ... ".
Then she blessed her and left the room, leaving her alone with her thoughts "...

At that time, the CIRCLE OF ANGER
was stopped because Grace hit it with Respect, in Forgiveness and Love.
So if you've entered a CIRCLE OF ANGER, remember that with tolerance, respect and willingness to forgive with love ...
... you can break it.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Futility of Search

Futility of Search
                                                                                               by Author Unknown

The disciple looked at the Master; so calm and peaceful while he himself was so agitated, restless and confused.

He asked the Master, “What do you know that I don’t know?” And the Master simply replied, “I know nothing.”

“But you understand something that I don't.” The Master said, “I have understood that there is nothing to understand.”

The disciple persisted, “But I see that you have reached.”
In a matter of fact tone, the Master added, “Yes I have reached where I was.”

“Yet, I can see you have become extraordinary.”

Master: “No, I have become very ordinary. I only accepted things as they are.”

The disciple was frustrated now.  “Master, don’t speak in riddles.  Just tell me what I should do?”

Master: “You have to do nothing, just be.
Just allow life to flow, don’t interfere; Rest in your being-ness.”

However, the disciple was lost, and even more frustrated.  His mind wanted activity while the Master kept pointing out that there is nothing to do, just rest.

Finally out of compassion, the Master suggested, "Watch your breath, watch the rising and falling of your stomach, focus on emptiness / nothingness chant your mantras and do your Sumiran.

 They are basic activities to quiet the mind.  When you give a pole to a monkey, the monkey goes up and down till he become tired.  Then he finally rests.

      In that resting, insight finally awakens. "

                                                                   --Author Unknown

Sunday, July 14, 2013

We can only please some of the people,

We can only please some of the people, some of the time.
We can not please all the people, all the time.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

If you don't have what you like

If you don't have what you like, try liking what you have.

Please wait while images are being loaded.....by Wowmailz

Nobody crosses our path accidentally.

Nobody crosses our path accidentally.
And we do not enter the life of others without reason.
There is much to give and to receive.
There is so much to learn, with both positive and negative experiences.
Try to view the negative things as learning experience and remember that everything happens for a reason.

What really counts

To fight the darkness ....

"To fight the darkness do not draw your sword,
 light a candle" 
                                       -   Zarathustra

Friday, July 12, 2013

Wisdom is not about knowing everything

Wisdom is not about knowing all the answers.

No one has all the answers.

Wisdom is about asking the right questions and seeking the right answers.
Life is always filled with unanswered questions. It takes courage and humility to ask questions.

Great people ask great questions. If Arjuna had not asked so many questions, there would not have been any " Bhagavd Gita " Today.

Guru Granth Sahib is full of such intelligent questions and the answers by the Gurus to guide the humanity.

Lord Buddha did not stop asking until he got the answers thru his own experience. 

Goswami Tulasi Das, in his Ramaayana (Ram Charit Maanas ) has presented numerous people / characters such as  Lakshman, Garuda, Sugreeva and Shabree, including Devi Parvati and many other sages asking questions about Gyaana &  Bhakti, (enlightenment and Devotion)  and the answers provided by Guru Vashishta, KaagBhushundi, Lord Shiva and Lord Rama himself among others.

                            Ask ... not for the sake of argument, but to learn.

To gain wisdom, seek the right answers from the right teachers by asking the right questions with genuine intention.

"Tad viddhi pranipatena pariprashnena sevaya
upadeksyanti te jnanam  jnaninas tattva-darshinah"     (Gita 4: 34)

"This knowledge should be learned from a spiritual master by submissive inquiry and rendering service to him.
The self-realized / enlightened saint will instruct you in that wisdom. "

                                                               (Bhagavad Gita 4: 34)

                                                                      "Rajan Sachdeva"

Monday, July 8, 2013

Just Stay ... A story that will touch your heart

                                                 Just Stay

A nurse took the tired, anxious serviceman to the patient's bedside.
"Your son is here," she said to the old man.
She had to repeat the words several times before the patient's eyes opened.
Heavily sedated because of the pain from his heart attack, he dimly saw the young uniformed Marine standing outside the oxygen tent. He reached out with his hand. The Marine wrapped his toughened fingers around the old man's limp ones, squeezing a message of love and encouragement.
The nurse brought a chair so that the Marine could sit beside the bed.
All through the night the young Marine sat there in the poorly lighted ward, holding the old man's hand and offering him words of love and strength. Occasionally, the nurse suggested that the Marine should go and rest awhile.
He refused. Whenever the nurse came into the ward, the Marine was oblivious of her and of the night noises of the hospital - the clanking of the oxygen tank, the laughter of the night staff members exchanging greetings, the cries and moans of the other patients.
Now and then she heard him say a few gentle words. The dying man said nothing, only held tightly to his son all through the night.
Along towards dawn, the old man died. The Marine released the now lifeless hand he had been holding and went to tell the nurse. While she did what she had to do, he waited.
Finally, she returned. She started to offer words of sympathy, but the Marine interrupted her.
"Who was that man?" he asked.
The nurse was startled, 
"He was your father," she answered.
"No, he wasn't," the Marine replied. 
"I never saw him before in my life."
"Then why didn't you say something when I took you to him?"
"I knew right away there had been a mistake,
but I also knew he needed his son, and his son just wasn't here.
When I realized that he was too sick to tell whether or not I was his son, knowing how much he needed me, I stayed."
I came here tonight to find a Mr. William Grey.
His son was Killed in Iraq today, and I was sent to inform him. Anyway, What was this Gentleman's Name?
The Nurse with Tears in Her Eyes Answered,
Mr. William Grey...

The next time someone needs you ... just be there. 
 ..... AND STAY.



Monday, July 1, 2013

If you don't make peace with your past

If you don't make peace with your past
it will keep showing up in your present.

A Thought

We either make ourselves happy or miserable.
The amount of work we put in is the same.

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...