Wednesday, March 31, 2021

आदमी का जिस्म क्या है Aadmi ka jism kya hai

आदमी का जिस्म क्या है, जिसपे शैदा है जहां
एक मिट्टी की इमारत, एक मिट्टी का मकां

ख़ून का गारा‌ बनाया ईंट जिसमें हडि्डयां
चन्द स्वासों पर खड़ा है यह ख़याले-आसमां

मौत की पुरजोर आंधी जब इस से टकरायेगी
देख लेना ये इमारत,  टूट कर गिर जाएगी

Aadmi ka jism kya hai jis pay shaida hai jahaan
Ek mitti ki imaarat -  Ek mitti ka makaan

Khoon ka gaara banaaya, eent jis may haddiyaan
Chand swaason par khadaa hai ye khyaale-aasmaan

Maut ki purjor aandhi jab is say takraayegi
Dekh lenaa ye imaarat toot kar gir jaayegi 

A Beautiful letter - From a Father to his son and daughter

                                   Must send to your children
Below is a letter from a renowned Hong Kong TV broadcaster and Child Psychologist to his daughter.
The words are actually applicable to all of us, young or old, children or parents.
This applies to all sons & daughters too.
All parents can use this in their teachings to their children.
                            ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~   ~~~
Dear children,
I am writing this to you because of 3 reasons
1. Life, fortune, and mishaps are unpredictable, nobody knows how long he lives.
2. I am your father, and if I don't tell you these, no one else will.
3. Whatever written, is my own personal bitter experiences that perhaps could save you a lot of unnecessary heartaches.

Remember the following as you go through life

Do not bear grudge towards those who are not good to you. 
No one has the responsibility of treating you well, except your parents.

To those who are good to you, you have to treasure it and be thankful, and ALSO you have to be cautious because everyone has a motive for every move. When a person is good to you, it does not mean he really will be good to you. You have to be careful, don't hastily regard him as a real friend.

No one is indispensable, nothing is in the world that you must possess.

Once you understand this idea, it would be easier for you to go through life when people around you don't want you anymore, or when you lose what you wanted the most.

Life is short.

When you waste your life today, tomorrow you would find that life is leaving you. 
The earlier you treasure your life, the better you enjoy life.

Love is nothing but a transient feeling, and this feeling would fade with time and with one's mood. 
If your so-called loved one leaves you, be patient, time will wash away your aches and sadness.

Don't over exaggerate the beauty and sweetness of love, and don't over exaggerate the sadness of falling out of love.

A lot of successful people did not receive a good education, that does not mean that you can be successful by not studying hard! Whatever knowledge you gain is your weapon in life.

One can go from rags to riches, but one has to start from some rags!

I do not expect you to financially support me when I am old, neither would I financially support your whole life. 
My responsibility as a supporter ends when you are grown up. After that, you decide whether you want to travel on public transport or in your limousine, whether rich or poor.

You honor your words, but don't expect others to be so. 
You can be good to people, but don't expect people to be good to you.
If you don't understand this, you would end up with unnecessary troubles.

I have bought lotteries for umpteen years, but could never strike any prize. That shows if you want to be rich, you have to work hard! There is no free lunch!

No matter how much time I have with you, let's treasure the time we have together. 
We do not know if we would meet again in our next life.
Your Parents

                                                  Read it twice
Ask your son and daughter to read it thrice.
                                    "Taken From the Web "

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Kathopanishad - Story of Nachiketa - part 11

Just imagine - A highly revered and influential Guru - so powerful to be known as the ‘Lord of Death’ - doing prostrations and asking for forgiveness from an unknown young boy who has come to him to learn - to become his disciple. And that too for something which was not even his fault.
Then, in order to repay – to compensate for his discomforts for three days and nights outside his house - Dharm Raj offered to grant three boons to Nachiketa. 
                      Shant Sankalpah Sumanaa yatha syaad
                      Veetamanyuh Gautamo Ma Abhi Mratyo
                      Tavat Prasrishtam Ma Abhivadait Paratit
                      Etat Treyanaam Prathamam Varam Vranay
                                                                   (Kathopanishad 1- 10)

Nachiketa said “O Lord. As the first of the three boons, I choose that when you send me back, Gautam - my father should be calm, kind and free from anger towards me; that he may greet me and accept me (with love)”

For his first boon, Nachiketa could have asked for unlimited wealth, power, or kingdom - but instead, he asked for a good and pleasant relationship with his father.

At first, it may seem like a childish desire. 
Because after all, Nachiketa is a child; uncertain and insecure. 
So, he is asking for the protection of the only person he has known to be there for him whenever he needed any help. 
Just like a child, when scolded or beaten by the mother, yells for help by calling ‘Mommy…Mommy’. 
Interestingly, he still calls his mother for help, knowing that it’s the mother who is scolding and hurting him in the first place.
Similarly, we may think that because his father shouted at him angrily - saying ‘to death, shall I give thee' - Nachiketa’s first wish, like any other child, is to regain his father’s affection.

But Nachiketa is not like an ordinary small innocent child who does not know any better. 
Nachiketa is a highly learned and wise young boy, who knows that family plays a very significant role in any individual’s life. He understands that keeping healthy and pleasant relationships within one’s family is very important. Though his father shouted at him angrily, Nachiketa knows that his father did not mean it; that his father loves him-unconditionally. 
Nachiketa also knows that he, himself was the reason for his father’s anger. 
He bothered him when he was engaged in serious discussions with his friends and consorts. He even taunted his father and insulted him in front of his friends and other nobles, so his anger was justified. Therefore, he is not keeping any grudge against his father and wants his father to lose his anger as well.

The ancient Scriptures have a subtle way of teaching morals and good conducts to society in the form of stories. 
Not only in India, loving and respecting one’s parents and elders has been an important part of all cultures around the world.
Unfortunately, it’s declining. 
Most elders and parents, especially from India, are always complaining about their children not respecting them enough. 
But they tend to forget that it’s a two-way street; that healthy and pleasant relationships have to be maintained from both sides.

Nachiketa’s choice of this first boon should not be translated and preached to teach only to the children and younger generation. 
It should be applied to elders as well; to equally love and respect their children and younger generation.

Ironically, some seekers or devotees, who are inclined towards spirituality and are followers of some spiritual path or a spiritual Guru, do not see the importance of having good and healthy relationships with the people around them. Searching for God and self-purpose and secrets of life are indeed important, but in the end, if we don't know how to make use of all that knowledge - to have healthy relationships with people and our surroundings, then what have we really learned?

Imagine you set aside your family, friends, and relatives to discover God and the secret of life and when you discover ‘the secret’, it tells you to love everyone.... including your family and relatives whom you had left - how ironic would that be?

Nachiketa understands this. 
He could have asked to become the king of the whole earth. 
But instead of asking for wealth, power, or kingdom, he asks for a pleasant relationship with his father and his family. (Father being the head, represents the whole family.)

                     Yatha Purastaad Bhaviata Prateeta
                     Auddyaalaki Aaruni mat Prasishtah 
                     Sukham Raatrih Shayitaa Veetmanyuh Tvaam
                     Dadrishivaan Mratyu Mukhaat Pramuktam
                                                           (Kathopanishad 1 -11)
Dharm Raj happily grants this first boon saying: "He will not have any resentment against you. He will lose his anger and will treat you with love and affection just as before".

Then, as his second boon, Nachiketa talks about Swarg-Lok (heaven) and how to attain it.

In the next verse, there is a beautiful – short and brief but precise definition of Swarg or Heaven.
                                                           ‘Rajan Sachdeva’
‘To be continued’

Success vs Happiness सफलता एवं प्रसन्नता

We always think about and long for what we don't have

But hardly ever think about what we already have

To get what we want - to achieve what we desire - is Success

To cherish and enjoy what we have - is Happiness.

हम हमेशा उसके बारे में सोचते रहते हैं जो हमारे पास नहीं है

लेकिन उसके बारे में कभी नहीं सोचते जो हमारे पास है

जो हम चाहते हैं उसका मिल जाना - सफलता है

जो मिला हुआ है - जो हमारे पास है उसको चाहना - प्रसन्नता है

Monday, March 29, 2021

The Secret of a Happy Life

We think that to be able to live happily - a lot has to be gathered.

But the reality is that to live a happy life, a lot has to be eliminated.

It is not what we have collected and accumulated - but what we have discarded, omitted, forgotten, and ignored - which gives us peace of mind.

The secret of a happy life is the sacrifice of expectation, resentment, malice, bitterness, possessiveness, and jealousy, etc.
Peace of mind comes from renunciation - not from accumulation. 
                                                 ' Rajan Sachdeva '

सुखी जीवन का रहस्य

हम समझते हैं कि प्रसन्न रहने के लिये - सुखी जीवन जीने के लिए बहुत कुछ इकट्ठा करना पड़ता है। 

लेकिन हकीकत यह है कि प्रसन्न और सुखी रहने के लिये बहुत कुछ छोड़ना पड़ता है। 

मन की शांति इस बात पर निर्भर नहीं करती कि हमने क्या एकत्रित और संचित किया है 
बल्कि इस बात में है कि हमने क्या छोड़ा, क्या भुलाया, और क्या देख कर भी अनदेखा किया।  

आशा, मंशा, द्वेष और ईर्ष्या का त्याग ही सुखी जीवन का रहस्य है। 
मन की शांति त्याग से मिलती है - संचय से नहीं 
                                                 ' राजन सचदेव '

Happy Holika Dehan - होलिका की कहानी और अर्थ

भागवत पुराण के अनुसार, हिरण्यकश्यप नामक एक राजा था जिसे कई अन्य राक्षसों और असुरों की भांति अमर होने की तीव्र इच्छा थी।
इस इच्छा को पूरा करने के लिए उसने तपस्या की और अंततः उसे भगवान ब्रह्मा द्वारा अमरत्व का वरदान मिल गया।

उस वरदान को पाकर वह अत्यंत अहंकारी हो गया और अपने राज्य में सभी को अपनी पूजा करने का आदेश दिया। 
लेकिन उस के बेटे प्रहलाद ने ऐसा करने से इनकार कर दिया। 
उन्होंने कहा कि वह एक सर्वव्यापक एवं सर्वशक्तिमान ईश्वर के अलावा और किसी की उपासना नहीं करेंगे।
हिरण्यकश्यप बहुत क्रोधित हुआ, और उसने अपने ही पुत्र प्रह्लाद को मारने के कई प्रयास किए।
लेकिन प्रह्लाद हर बार चमत्कारिक रुप से बच गया।
कई प्रयासों में विफल होने के बाद, राजा हिरण्यकश्यप ने अपनी बहन होलिका को मदद के लिए बुलाया।

कहानी के अनुसार, होलिका के पास एक विशेष ओढ़नी थी - एक ऐसा शॉल था जिसे ओढ़ने के बाद आग उसे जला नहीं सकती थी।
वह अपनी गोद में युवा प्रह्लाद को बिठा कर जलती हुई आग पर बैठने को तैयार हो गई - इस विचार से कि उसे तो आग से कोई नुकसान नहीं होगा और प्रह्लाद जल जाएगा।
लेकिन जैसे ही आग भड़की, वह शॉल होलिका के तन से उड़ कर प्रह्लाद के ऊपर गिर गया और उसे पूरी तरह से ढँक दिया। 
इस तरह होलिका तो जलकर भस्म हो गई, और प्रह्लाद को कोई आंच नहीं आई।

अन्य सभी प्राचीन हिंदू कहानियों की तरह - इस कहानी के पीछे भी कुछ गहरे, प्रतीकात्मक अर्थ हैं।
होलिका एक दानव वृति की स्त्री थी - बुरे विचारों वाली।
लेकिन वह अपने विशेष शॉल के साथ अपने बुरे इरादों को छुपाने में सक्षम थी।
शॉल - अर्थात बाहर से अच्छाई का आवरण और अपने चेहरे पर अच्छाई का मुखौटा पहन लेती थी और लोगों के क्रोध की आग से बच जाती थी।
लेकिन जब उसे प्रहलाद के साथ परीक्षण की आग का सामना करना पड़ा तो उसका आवरण उड़ गया। सभी ने उसके असली रुप को - नकाब के बिना उसके असली चेहरे को देख लिया और प्रह्लाद की सच्चाई और पवित्रता सबके सामने स्पष्ट हो गई।

हम अक्सर अपने आस पास इस प्रकार के कई दृश्य देखते हैं।
बहुत से लोग - जो वास्तव में स्वार्थी, लालची और अहंकारी हैं लेकिन सबके सामने अच्छे होने का ढोंग करते हैं - संत होने का दावा करते हैं।
दान इत्यादि अच्छे कर्मों का आवरण ओढ़ कर - मुख पर सरलता और भोलेपन का मुखौटा पहन कर अपने वास्तविक इरादों को छिपाने में सफल हो जाते हैं।
उन्हें लगता है कि जनता अथवा लोग उनका कोई नुकसान नहीं कर सकते।
लेकिन जब प्रहलाद जैसे सच्चे महात्माओं का आगमन होता है तो ऐसे लोगों का झूठ प्रकट होते ही उनका शासन भी समाप्त हो जाता है। 
और सत्य की विजय होती है।
                                                  ' राजन सचदेव '

फ़ख़र बकरे ने किया Fakhar bakray nay kiya

                      Scroll down for the Roman script

फ़ख़र बकरे ने किया मेरे सिवा कोई नहीं
मैं ही मैं हूं इस जहां में, दूसरा कोई नहीं

मैं मैं जब ना तर्क की उस महवे-असबाब ने
फेर दी चल कर छुरी गर्दन पे तब कस्साब ने

ख़ून - गोश्त - हड्डियां - जो कुछ था जिस्मे सार में
लुट गया कुछ पिस गया कुछ बिक गया बाज़ार में

रह गईं आंतें फ़क़त  मैं - मैं सुनाने के लिए
ले गया नद्दाफ उसे धुनकी बनाने के लिए

ज़र्ब के झोंकों से जब वो आंत घबराने लगी
मैं के बदले तू ही तू ही की सदा आने लगी

फ़ख़र               =  Pride, Arrogance, Egotism
महवे-असबाब  =  Self-Engrossed - Immersed, absorbed in self-interest 
कस्साब            =  Butcher 
आंतें                 =  intestines 
नद्दाफ              =  Cotton Comber (person who separates cotton from seeds) 
ज़र्ब                  =  Blow, hitting, to hit, collision, impact, etc. (also used in mathematics to multiply)

Fakhar bakray nay kiya meray sivaa koyi nahin 
Main hee main hoon is jahaan mein, doosraa koyi nahin 

Main main jab na tark kee us mahave-asbaab nay
Pher dee chal kar chhuri gardan pay tab kassaab nay

Khoon, gosht, haddiyaan jo kuchh tha jisme saar mein 
Lut gaya kuchh pis gaya kuchh bik gaya bazaar mein 

Reh gayin aanten faqat main, main sunaanay kay liye
Lay gayaa naddaaf usay dhunki banaanay kay liye 

Zarb kay jhonkon say jab vo aant ghabraanay lagee 
Main kay badlay Tu hi Tu hi ki sadaa aanay lagee 

Fakhar = Pride, Arrogance, Egotism
Mahave-asbaab = Self-Engrossed - Immersed, absorbed in self-interest
Kassaab = Butcher 
Aanten = intestines 
Naddaaf = Cotton Comber (person who separates cotton from seeds)
Zarb = Blow, hitting, to hit, collision, impact, etc. (also used in mathematics to multiply)

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Hiloren lay rahaa ho man, samajh lenaa ki holi hai

Karen jab paanv khud nartan, samajh lenaa ki holi hai
Hiloren lay rahaa ho man, samajh lenaa ki holi hai

Kisi ko yaad kartay hee agar bajtay sunaayi den
Kahin ghungharu kahin kangan, samajh lenaa ki holi hai

Kabhi kholo achaanak aap apnay ghar ka darvaaja
Khaday dehree pay hon saajan, samajh lenaa ki holi hai

Tarasti jis kay hon deedaar tak ko aap kee aankhen
Usay chhoonay ka aaye kshan, samajh lenaa ki holi hai

Hamaari zindagi yoon to hai ik kaanton bharaa jangal
Agar lagnay lagay madhuban, samajh lenaa ki holi hai

Bulaaye jab tujhay vo geet gaa kar taal par dhaph kee
Jisay maanaa kiye dushman, samajh lenaa ki holi hai

Agar mehsoos ho tum ko kabhi jab saans lo 'Neeraj '
Havaaon mein ghulaa chandan, samajh lenaa ki holi hai
                                          " Mahakavi Neeraj "

हिलोरें ले रहा हो मन तो समझ लेना कि होली है

करें जब पाँव खुद नर्तन, समझ लेना कि होली है  
हिलोरें ले रहा हो मन, समझ लेना कि होली है

किसी को याद करते ही अगर बजते सुनाई दें
कहीं घुँघरु कहीं कंगन, समझ लेना कि होली है

कभी खोलो अचानक आप अपने घर का दरवाजा
खड़े देहरी पे हों साजन, समझ लेना कि होली है

तरसती जिसके हों दीदार तक को आपकी आंखें
उसे छूने का आये क्षण, समझ लेना कि होली है

हमारी ज़िन्दगी यूँ तो है इक काँटों भरा जंगल
अगर लगने लगे मधुबन, समझ लेना कि होली है

बुलाये जब तुझे वो गीत गा कर ताल पर ढफ की
जिसे माना किये दुश्मन, समझ लेना कि होली है

अगर महसूस हो तुमको कभी जब सांस लो 'नीरज'
हवाओं में घुला चन्दन, समझ लेना कि होली है
                                    " महाकवि नीरज "

              होली की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं

Happy Holika Dahan - Story of Holika and its Meaning

According to Bhaagvat Purana, a king named Hiranyakashyap, like many other demons and Asuras had the intense desire to become immortal. 
To fulfill this desire, he performed some hard Tapa or penances until he was granted a boon by Lord Brahmaa.

Having received that boon, he became extremely egotistic and ordered everyone in his kingdom to worship him. However, his son Prehlad refused to do so. He said none other than Ram* (the Almighty God), which is Omnipresent and all-pervading - prevalent in the earth, waters, and the sky is worthy of worship.

This made Hiranyakashyap extremely angry, and he made several attempts to kill Prehlad - his own son. 
But every time, he was miraculously saved.
After failing several attempts, King Hiranyakashayap called upon his sister Holika for help.

According to the story, Holika had a special cloak - a garment that prevented her from being harmed by fire.
She proposed that she will sit on a bonfire holding young Prahlad on her lap - assuming that she will not be harmed by the fire, while Prehlad will burn.

However, as the fire roared, the garment flew away from Holika and fell over Prahlad - covering him completely. Therefore, Holika was burnt to death, and Prehlad came out unharmed.

Like all other ancient Hindu stories - regardless of whether it is a true story or not -  it has a deeper, symbolic - metaphorical meaning.

Holika was a demon - with evil thoughts. 
But she was able to cover her evil intentions with her special cloak - the mask of goodness - a cover of charity with a smiling face and charming personality, which prevented her from the fire of people's anger. However, when she faced the fire of the test along with Prehlad, her cover was blown away. 
Everyone saw her real face, without the mask, and the goodness of Prehlad became obvious to all. 
She lost, and Prehlad came out unharmed.

We often see these kinds of scenarios in our life as well. 
Many people pretend to be genuinely good - to be saints - by hiding their real intentions behind the masks of sainthood and charity. They think that they cannot be harmed by anyone - because they are wearing that cloak - the mask of goodness - which will save them from the fire of people's anger. 

However, when the real Saints like Prehlad appear on the scene, the falsehood is blown away - and the Truth prevails. 

When we understand the hidden meanings and messages behind these stories, the celebration of these festivals makes more sense and beneficial to all.
                                           ' Rajan Sachdeva '

    * Sarveshu Ramtay iti Raamah
(That - which is prevalent everywhere - and in everyone, is called Rama)

Happy, Joyous, Colorful Holi to All




Saturday, March 27, 2021

वयम अमृतस्य पुत्रः

                        वयम अमृतस्य पुत्रः  
                          (श्वेताश्वर उपनिषद)

हम अमृत - अर्थात अमर, सर्वव्यापी, सर्वगुणसम्पन्न सर्वोच्च ईश्वर की संतान हैं।

वेदों के अनुसार, दिव्य ईश्वर ही सब का स्रोत है।
सारा ब्रह्मांड परमात्मा की ही अभिव्यक्ति है।

बाइबल भी कहती है कि 'ईश्वर ने मनुष्य को अपनी छवि में - यानि अपने जैसा बनाया'।
चूँकि ईश्वर दिव्य एवं पवित्र है - इसलिए उसकी छवि भी पवित्र ही होनी चाहिए।
इसका अर्थ हुआ कि सभी दिव्य हैं - Divine हैं - पवित्र हैं - सब में divinity अर्थात दिव्यता एवं पवित्रता मौजूद है। 
इसलिए सब की दिव्यता को स्वीकार करके सभी का सम्मान किया जाना चाहिए।

लेकिन अक्सर हम हर प्राणी में दिव्यता - Divinity  और पवित्रता को पहचानने और स्वीकार करने में असफल रह जाते हैं और सोचते हैं कि हमें भेदभाव करने का अधिकार है - 
हमें यह तय करने का अधिकार है कि कौन पवित्र है और कौन नहीं। 

दूसरों का विश्लेषण करने - उन्हें जांचने और परखने की बजाय, हमें अपने भीतर देवत्व के स्रोत को खोजने की कोशिश करनी चाहिए और अपने स्वत्व को प्रज्वल्लित करने - और बाहरी, भौतिक जीवन में उसे व्यवहारिक रुप देने का प्रयास करना चाहिए।  
साथ ही अन्य सभी व्यक्तियों में मौजूद देवत्व को भी स्वीकार करते हुए सभी का सम्मान करना चाहिए।
                                             ' राजन सचदेव '

"Vayam Amritasya Putrah"

                                   "Vayam Amritasya Putrah"
                                             (Shvetashvar Upanishad)
                                     वयम् अमृतस्य पुत्राः  (श्वेताश्वर उपनिषद)
'We are the children of Immortal, All-pervading, Almighty Divine Supreme'.

According to the Vedas, Divinity is the source of everything.
The universe is a manifestation of the Divine.

Bible says 'God created man in his own image'. 
Since God is Divine - his image has to be divine too.  
Therefore everyone is divine.

Divinity is in everyone and it should be acknowledged and respected.
Perversity is when we fail to recognize and acknowledge the divinity in everyone and think that we have the authority to discriminate - to decide who is divine and who is not.

Instead of judging others, we should try to find the source of divinity within ourselves and try to illuminate our inner-self and illustrate it in the outer, physical life - while acknowledging and respecting the divinity in everyone around us. 
                                    ' Rajan Sachdeva ' 

Friday, March 26, 2021

Spirituality should make us humble & Non-judgmental

Spirituality - Gyan, Satsang, Seva, Bhakti, Yoga, Meditation, etc. are supposed to make us humble, non-judgmental, and free of jealousy and envy. 

However, the research shows that those who are more involved in these things, usually end up being more proud and egotistic. They often become more judgemental, discriminative, and jealous of others.
Why is that? 
Either their ways are wrong, or they might be doing all these things for some other reasons. 
Perhaps as a pass-time thing, or to fit in a society, a certain community, or a social circle - or just to gain some temporary worldly benefits and privileges. 

Spirituality means - regarding or concerning the Spirit. 
The Sanskrit or Hindi word for spirituality is Adhyaatm - meaning that which pertains to Aatma. 
If it stays in the superficial level of mind and intellect, then it can not be regarded as Adhyaatm - as real spirituality. 

Once, after understanding and grasping through the mind and intellect, it enters the spirit - the subconscious, only then spirituality and its traits - such as humility and acceptance - nonjudgment and nondiscrimination, etc. can become a natural part of life.  
                                                     ' Rajan Sachdeva ' 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

No matter how good our heart is

No matter how good our heart is 
Eventually, we start treating people the way they treat us.
This is a natural human instinct.

Rare and exceptional are those who continue to treat everyone with love and respect 
without any regrets or withholding.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

We all eat lies when our hearts are hungry

"We all eat lies when our hearts are hungry"

Today, with the advancement of technology, it is very easy to get any information on any subject without having to ask anyone or without even moving an inch from our place.
And through social media platforms, any information can be shared with thousands or even millions of people all over the world instantaneously.

But at the same time, rumors can also be spread in a moment like a wildfire. 
Anyone can post some false information on a social media site and - without bothering to check its validity or authenticity - most people keep on sharing it with others by forwarding it to their contacts. Within few minutes or few hours, a rumor - a piece of false information can reach millions of people across the globe.

When people are desperate, they tend to believe everything they hear - without confirming its validity and accuracy - without even thinking if it is logical and rational or not.

Truth can only be known with a clear, but rational - inquisitive and analytical mind.
                                                      ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Monday, March 22, 2021

Chaar Milay Chaunsath Khilay, Bees milay kar jor

The beauty of any language lies in the choice of its words.
Whatever the language - its beauty depends on the presentation of the writer or the speaker.
It's the choice of words - and the way people display and exhibit their thoughts - that touches the hearts and minds of the readers and the listeners.

Sant Prahlad ji, grandson of Bhapa Ramchand ji often used to recite a Hindi Doha (couplet) which I too have repeated many times.

                   Chaar milay, Chaunsath khilay, Bees milay kar jor
                   Premi say Premi milay - to khilihain saat crore

In this couplet, the poet presents an everyday simple event in a very beautiful way.
According to the Indian traditions, when someone meets a friend or a relative - or even a stranger, they are greeted with folded hands. Whatever may be the words - Namaste, Namaskar, Dhan Nirankar, Sat-Sri-Akal, Jai Shri Ram, or Jai Shri Krishna, etc. - habitually, their hands automatically fold up to greet as soon their eyes meet.

We repeat this custom so many times every day - without even thinking - with the unconscious mind, but have we ever tried to perceive and analyze this simple and common customary action so deeply as in this couplet?

In simple words, when we meet someone - first our eyes meet, a smile appears on the face, and then, customarily, both hands join together to greet. 

In this couplet, the poet says that the first thing that happens in a union is that Four - two eyes from each side meet - then sixty-four - meaning thirty-two teeth of both the persons show up shinning in the open smiling mouths.
And then Twenty - that is ten fingers of both hands of each person join together in welcoming each other. 

However - the poet says - when a lover meets the beloved, then seven crores become happy and blossom together.

Although it is impossible to count, it is believed that we have three and a half crore follicles or tiny holes on our skin.
Taking this number, this count symbolically, the poet says that the union of two lovers is not limited to only four, twenty, or sixty-four, but seven crore follicles of their bodies blossom and pulsate.

Sant Prahlad ji used to connect this couplet as the union between the Saints.
He used to say -
                  'Harijan say Harijan milay to khiltay saat crore'

That when a Sant meets another Sant, Bhakta, Enlightened one, or devotee then seven crores become happy and begin to pulsate and bloom.

In fact, the meeting of four eyes and twenty fingers - and the smiling, shinning of sixty-four teeth can simply be a formality - it can be done as a matter of courtesy only - but for the whole body to vibrate with happiness can only happen through a natural process. 
This cannot happen as a mere formality - a mere courtesy only. 

The eyes and hands can be joined - a formal smile can also be brought on the lips, but it is not possible to force the body's follicles to blossom - to pulsate with happiness.
It can not be done consciously - it simply happens automatically - if there is true love.

If there is pure love in the heart -  unblemished love without any selfish motive - then the face glows as soon as the eyes meet and each follicle of the body blooms and vibrates with happiness.

What a beautiful way of presenting such a common tradition with such elegance - in the form of an elegant riddle.
                                             ' Rajan Sachdeva '

चार मिलें चौंसठ खिलें बीस मिलें कर जोड़

किसी भी भाषा की सुंदरता उसके शब्दों के चयन में होती है।
भाषा कोई भी हो - उसकी सुंदरता अथवा ख़ूबसूरती - प्रवक्ता अर्थात बोलने वाले पर निर्भर करती है।
शब्दों के चुनाव और कहने वाले के अंदाज़ से एक साधारण सी बात भी श्रोताओं के मन को छू जाती है।

संत प्रह्लाद जी, भापा रामचंद जी के दौहित्र (दोहते - Grandson) अक्सर हिंदी का एक दोहा सुनाया करते थे जिसे मैंने भी बरसों बरस कई जगह सुनाया है -

                      चार मिलें चौंसठ खिलें बीस मिलें कर जोड़
                      प्रेमी से प्रेमी मिले, तो खिलिहैं सात करोड़

इस दोहे में कवि ने एक रोज़मर्रा की घटना को बहुत ही सुंदर ढंग से प्रस्तुत किया है।

भारतीय परम्परा के अनुसार किसी मित्र या सम्बन्धी - या किसी अपरिचित से भी मिलने पर दोनों हाथ जोड़ कर उसका अभिवादन किया जाता है। 
शब्द चाहे कोई भी हों - नमस्ते, नमस्कार, धन निरंकार, सतश्रीअकाल, जय श्री राम, जय श्री कृष्ण इत्यादि - लेकिन आदत के अनुसार, आँख मिलते ही हमारे हाथ स्वतः ही अभिवादन के लिए जुड़ जाते हैं।
इस परम्परा को हम अचेतन मन से दिन में कई बार दोहराते हैं लेकिन शायद ही हमने कभी इस क्रिया को इतनी गहराई से सोचने की कोशिश की होगी।

साधारण शब्दों में -- जब हम किसी से मिलते हैं तो सबसे पहले आँखें मिलती हैं -
होंठों पर मुस्कुराहट आती है और फिर सहसा ही हाथ अभिवादन के लिए जुड़ जाते हैं।

इस दोहे में कवि इस बात को एक पहेली का रुप देते हुए अलंकारिक ढंग से कहता है कि जब चार - अर्थात दो ऑंखें इस तरफ और दो आँखें उस तरफ से मिलती हैं तो 
चौंसठ - अर्थात दोनों तरफ  32 +32 दांत खिल जाते हैं और फिर दोनों तरफ - दोनों हाथों की दस दस अंगुलियां अर्थात बीस अंगुलियां मिल कर एक दूसरे का स्वागत करती हैं।

लेकिन जब एक प्रेमी अपने प्रेमी मिलता है तो सात करोड़ खिल जाते हैं।

वैसे तो यह गिनती करना लगभग असम्भव है, लेकिन ऐसा माना जाता है कि हमारे शरीर में साढ़े तीन करोड़ रोम अथवा छिद्र हैं। 
इस संख्या - इस गिनती को प्रतीकात्मक रुप से लेते हुए कवि कहता है कि दो प्रेमियों का मिलन केवल चार, बीस, और चौंसठ के मिलने तक ही सीमित नहीं रहता बल्कि उनके शरीर के सात करोड़ रोम पुलकित हो जाते हैं।

संत प्रह्लाद जी इस दोहे को भक्तों के मिलाप से भी जोड़ते थे।
वह कहते थे -
                       'हरिजन से हरिजन मिले, तो खिलिहैं सात करोड़'

अर्थात एक प्रभु प्रेमी जब दूसरे प्रभु प्रेमी से मिलता है तो उनका रोम रोम पुलकित हो जाता है।

सोचने की बात है कि चार आँखों और बीस अँगुलियों का मिलना और चौंसठ दांतों का खिलना तो केवल एक औपचारिकता भी हो सकती है लेकिन शरीर का रोम रोम खिल जाना - पुलकित हो जाना एक स्वाभाविक क्रिया है। यह औपचारिकता वश नहीं हो सकता। 
आँख और हाथ तो मिलाए जा सकते हैं - होठों पर एक औपचारिक मुस्कान भी लाई जा सकती है लेकिन शरीर के रोम रोम को ज़बरदस्ती खिलाना - महज़ दिखावे के लिए पुलकित कर देना संभव नहीं है। 
यह किया नहीं जाता - प्रेम वश स्वतः ही  हो जाता है।

यदि हृदय में विशुद्ध प्रेम हो - बेग़रज़ प्यार हो - तो आँख मिलते ही चेहरे पर चमक आ जाती है और शरीर का रोम रोम ख़ुशी से खिल उठता है।

कवि ने एक आम परंपरा को इतने कलापूर्ण शायराना अंदाज़ में प्रस्तुत किया है और वो भी इतनी सुंदर पहेली के रुप में कि श्रोता अनायास ही वाह वाह कहने को मजबूर हो जाता है। 
                                                    ' राजन सचदेव '

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Keep the flame alive

A man, who regularly attended family & group meetings suddenly, without any notice, stopped participating.

After a few weeks, one very cold night the leader of that group decided to visit him.
He found the man at home, alone, sitting in front of a fireplace where a bright fire burned.
The man welcomed the leader. There was great calm & silence.
The two men only watched the dancing flames around the logs that crackled in the fireplace.
After a few minutes the leader, without saying a word, examined the logs that formed the fire and selected one of them, glowing most brightly of all, and removed it to the side with a pair of tongs. Then he sat down again.

The host was paying attention to everything, fascinated. Before long, the lone log’s flame subsided, until there was only a momentary glow and the fire soon went out.
In a short time what was previously bright light and heat had become nothing more than a black dead piece of wood.

Very few words had been spoken since the greeting.
Before leaving, the leader picked up the useless piece of wood with the tongs and placed it again in the middle of the fire. Immediately, the piece of wood was rekindled, fuelled by the light and heat of the burning logs around it.

When the leader was about to leave & had reached the door, the host said: ‘Thank you for your visit and for your beautiful lesson. I'll return to the group soon.’

Why is a group important in our lives?

Very simple:
Because each member that withdraws takes fire and heat from the rest.
It's worth reminding group members that they are a part of the flame.
It's also good to remind us that we are all responsible for keeping each other's flame burning.

And we must promote unity among us so that the fire is really strong, effective, and lasting. 
Keep the fire burning.
It doesn't matter if sometimes we are bothered by so many messages, quarrels, and misunderstandings.
What matters is to be connected. We are here to meet, message, learn, exchange ideas, or simply to know that we are not alone.
Let's keep the flame alive.
Life is beautiful with friends and family.
Stay blessed
Stay together 
Together we are Strong
                                  (Author unknown)
                       Courtesy of Sh. R L Minocha ji                         

Friday, March 19, 2021

Two Soldiers guarding a Bench

A new camp commander was appointed and while inspecting the place, he saw two soldiers guarding a bench. 
He asked them why do they guard it. 
"We don't know. The last commander told us to do so - and so we did. 
We think it might be some sort of regimental tradition!"

He searched for the last commander's phone number and called him to ask why did he want this particular bench to be guarded. 
"I don't know. The previous commander before me had it guarded, and I kept the tradition."

Going back another two commanders, he found a 92-year old retired General.
"Excuse me, sir. I'm now the CO of the regiment which you commanded sixty years ago. 
I've found that you had assigned two men to guard a bench. 
Could you please tell me more about the significance of this bench?"
The general was shocked:
 "What? Are they still guarding it? Is the paint still wet?"

This is how traditions are born.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

No one wants Pain

Everyone wants Happiness
No one wants Pain
But you know-
There can not be a Rainbow
Without a little Rain

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

What are the TriGuna - The Three Qualities (Part 2)

'Guna' is a Sanskrit word, which means “nature, quality, property, characteristic, attribute, tendency, distinctiveness, etc.
Gunas or innate qualities and tendencies are key ancient concepts in Indian Scriptures.
Just as cotton threads are the substance and essence of the cloth, the Gunas are the threads that constitute material existence.
Originally, the concept of the three Gunas was a vital element of Sankhya philosophy, but later, it became a major concept in almost every school of Indian philosophy such as Vedanta, Yoga, Bhagavad Geeta, Jainism, Sikhism, and all the other later ones.

As mentioned earlier, nature itself and everything in it - is constituted of and is affected by these three basic tendencies or qualities - although, the degree of each component may vary from object to object.  

The only one which is free of these attributes - known as Trigun-Ateet or Gun-Ateet (beyond or free of attributes) is the All-pervading Supreme energy known as Brahm or Brahman - usually translated as God in English. 
However, the concept of a personal God is very different than Brahm - which is Niraakar and Nirgun - without any shape, form, image, or attributes and beyond comprehension.

                                     Three Gunas in Human Nature
The three Gunas in human nature: placed in the highest to the lowest order are Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas.
Some scriptures and scholars place them in the opposite order as Tamas, Rajas, and Sattva.

                                   Qualities of the Three Gunas

Tamas is a state of darkness, apathy, delusion & ignorance.
It is the quality of imbalance, disorder, chaos, anxiety, jealousy, ego, impurity, destruction, negativity, viciousness, and violence, etc. along with inactivity because of dullness, laziness, and passiveness.
Tamas manifests from ignorance.
It flows downward - from Light to Darkness - from knowledge to misconception and deception.
It deceives and misleads everyone from spiritual truths, goodness, and human values.

A combination of positive and some negative characteristics, 'Rajas is a state of energy, action, joy, self-interest, and innovation.
Its qualities are passion, excitement, desire, liveliness, courage, luxury, and ambitions, etc. - along with individualization, self-centeredness, egoism, and aggression.
The nature of 'Rajas is of attraction, longing, and attachment and it strongly binds one to the fruits of his actions.

Sattva symbolizes Truth, Purity, and Goodness.
This is a state in which detachment or selfless actions are possible.
Its qualities are goodness, harmony - order, balance, creativity, positivity, joy, peacefulness, and virtue, etc.
It flows upward - towards greater intelligence, higher consciousness, and spiritual essence.
Sattva is the guna - the state that Gyanis, Yogis, Saints, and Bhaktas want to develop and maintain.

Before we go into further details of how these Gunas affect one's spiritual journey, we should know that these three Gunas are not exclusive.
All the three Gunas are always present in every being and object - although they vary in degree - in amount and essence and they invariably mix and interact with one another.
The patterns in which these Gunas interact and operate - the prominence of one Guna over the other defines the inherent qualities of someone or something.

These qualities and the trends of their changing patterns can determine the path of one's own life and influence the life of others as well.
Since we - the humans - are equipped with higher or advanced consciousness, we can identify and understand, as well as develop and cultivate these Gunas within our bodies and minds. We have the ability to change and adjust their levels.
We can not completely remove these Gunas from ourselves, but with constant efforts and practice, we can increase or decrease the level of certain Gunas and create a more balanced and harmonious way to live a happy and peaceful life.
                        How do these Gunas affect our day to day life 
              The Concept of achieving the state beyond the Three Gunas

To be continued
                                       ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Monday, March 15, 2021

What are the TriGuna - The Three Qualities

Everything in Prakruti or Nature has three fundamental Qualities - Known as Triguna.

These three fundamental qualities are -
Saatvik, Raajsik, and Taamsik.

Both these words, Prakriti in Sanskrit and Nature in English - have two meanings.
The first meaning is the Universe - Nature that we see and feel through our senses - which we call Mother-Nature.
Second is Svabhaav - the personal nature or temperament of a person or every living being.
Both kinds of Nature have the same three fundamental qualities.

The three fundamental qualities or functions of Nature as in mother nature are:
Satva -   Creation - To Create
Rajas -   Sustenance - To sustain
Tamas - Destruction - To destroy

The Hindu or Indian Trimurti - Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh are the symbols of these above-mentioned three characteristics - the powers and functions of nature.
Brahmaa represents the creative mode of nature
Vishnu represents sustenance and continuity
While Mahesh or Shiva - the Lord of death - represents the end or destruction.

Every day - at every moment, we can see these three roles continually being played by nature everywhere. 
From falling off the leaves in the fall season and springing of new leaves and plants in the Spring to
death of old, sick, and worn out to the birth of new ones, Nature is continuously performing the functions of creation and destruction and creation again - while providing what is needed to maintain and sustain life and everything else in between the cycles of creation and destruction.
With the new discoveries of science, we know now that even the huge old stars are dying and the new stars are also being born every day.
The ancient Indian scholars observed everything closely and attributed three main qualities to nature as creation, sustenance, and destruction - represented by the Trimurti of Brahmaa, Vishnu, and Mahesh.

They attributed the same three Guna, three qualities to everything and every being - living or nonliving - including humans.
                                    Three Gunas of Fundamental Elements

All the five basic elements of nature - earth, fire, water, air, and space contain all these three qualities.
Fire provides heat - essential to create and sustain life, but the wildfire can burn everything within moments.
Water creates and sustains life but in the form of floods, it destroys the villages, farms, and cities, and everything with them.
The same is true with earth and air. 
While they are essential for the creation and sustenance of life, their powers can be destructive in the form of earthquakes - and tornadoes, or hurricanes respectively.
Space, though invisible, is essential for everything and every being to exist independently, as well as the medium through which every constructive and destructive force travels. 

                                     Three qualities of Personal Nature

 (to be continued)
                                    ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Sunday, March 14, 2021

जो कहा वह शब्द थे What was said, were words

जो कह सके  - वह शब्द बन गए 
जो नहीं कह  सके वो अनुभूति ही रह गई 
जो कहना चाहा  - मगर नहीं कहा 
वो मर्यादा का एहसास था ।।

Jo keh sakay  - voh shabd ban gaye
Jo nahin keh sakay vo anubhooti hee rah gayi
Aur jo kehna chaaha - magar nahin kahaa 
Vo maryaada ka ehasaas tha 

                         English Translation 
What could be said - became the words
What could not be said, remained only a feeling
Wanted to say - but did not say
was decorum - for the sake of courtesy

Saturday, March 13, 2021


All over the world, people from different cultures use some short and popular phrases to greet one another.

In India also, there are some common, but very beautiful and meaningful phrases used for greeting each other.
But, unfortunately, we use those words or phrases simply as a ritual - a tradition - without any feelings from the heart- without even knowing their meaning.

Although some people simply greet each other by saying glory to the deities of their faith, the most common greetings all over India is 'Namastay or Namaskaar.

                                    Namastay - Namaskar
The broken-down version of the Sanskrit word Namastay is Namah +Tay.
In Sanskrit, when you put two words together, a letter such as R or S is added between the two words to join them together and make it one word. 
So, when we put Namah and Tay together, it becomes Namastay.
Here, H is replaced by S.
Namah means to bow down - as in respect and Tay (or Tu) means 'you.
So, the literal meaning of Namastay is - I bow down to you.
Similarly, Namaskaar or Namaskaarm is made up of Namah+kara - literally meaning I do bow down (to you).

However, since both these words are used to greet everyone - not just to elders or people above or higher than us - but to anyone - to older or younger - teachers or students - higher or lower - rich or poor - regardless of their age, rank, or social status. Therefore, the deeper meaning of both the words is I bow to you out of respect - not out of fear of your position or strength or wealth - but to your qualities - to your inner soul.

It's a beautiful way of greeting. 
A sign of humbleness - acknowledging and respecting the goodness in others and putting them above ourselves.
But how many of us say it with these feelings?
Over the centuries it seems to have lost its meaning and simply became a matter of greetings - a meaningless word without any feelings.

                                          Sat Sri Akaal
Perhaps the second-most common greeting, especially in north India is Sat Sri Akaal which comes from the Sikh faith.
Sat means Truth, Sri means honorable (used for honor and respect) and Akaal means eternal, immortal.
As we can see, the literal meaning is - (I) honor Sat (God, the Truth) which is Eternal.
But again, how many say it with such deep feelings?
Leave aside the meaning, many don't even know the exact words and the right pronunciation. 
No disrespect to anyone, I have seen and heard many people just saying 'Sasrikaal' - without knowing the real phrase or what it stands for.
Only when we know the exact phrase and its meaning, then we see the beauty of it.

                                            Dhan Nirankar
The word Dhan comes from Dhanya - meaning - Great, Worthy, Auspicious, and Thankfulness.
Nirankar means the Formless - Almighty God with no form - which can not be defined by any form, image, or words and concepts.
By saying Dhan Nirankar, one acknowledges the glory and greatness of the one true Eternal God and personal gratitude and gratefulness towards the Almighty.

Instead of repeating these words and phrases simply as ritualistic greetings, if we try to understand and remember the meaning behind them, then we will start seeing the beauty of them.
So, next time when we greet someone with such phrases, let's do it with a feeling - that we actually mean it.
                                    ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Friday, March 12, 2021

Attitude is more important

We might think that attitude is a small thing - 
But it makes a big difference.
In reality, attitudes are more important than facts.
Our attitude towards others determines their attitude toward us.
It is how we act, and deal with people, that helps us win their trust and determines how we achieve success in life.
In a nutshell - our attitude towards life - determines life's attitude toward us.

Thursday, March 11, 2021

महा शिव-रात्रि एवं शिव का प्रतीकात्मक विश्लेषण

भगवान शिव को आदि-योगी और आदि-गुरु माना जाता है

योग और गुरु दोनों ही शब्द कुछ हद तक पर्यायवाची हैं।
योग का अर्थ है मिलना - योगी का अर्थ है आत्मज्ञानी - जो स्वयं को जान कर अपने आत्मिक स्वरुप में स्थित हो चुका है। 

गुरु का अर्थ है, जो अज्ञानता के परदे को हटाकर ज्ञान का प्रकाश प्रदान करता है - अर्थात दूसरों को आत्मज्ञान की शिक्षा देता है।
एक गुरु - यदि वह स्वयं प्रबुद्ध योगी एवं आत्मज्ञानी नहीं है अर्थात जो स्वयं परमात्मा से एकरुप - एकीकार न हो और जिस में ब्रह्मज्ञानी के गुण मौजूद न हों तो वह वास्तविक गुरु नहीं हो सकता। 
इसी तरह, यदि एक योगी दूसरों को योग, अर्थात अपने तत्व-रुप को समझने और योगी बनने में  सहायता नहीं करता तो वह स्वार्थी समझा जाएगा। 
शिव आदि-योगी भी हैं और आदि-गुरु भी।

शिव, विष्णु, गणेश, सरस्वती, और दुर्गा, आदि हिंदू देवी देवताओं के चित्र और उनकी प्रतिमाएं अथवा मूर्तियां उनके वास्तविक चित्र नहीं हैं - वे प्रतीकात्मक हैं।
प्राचीन ऋषि-मुनि अपने संदेश को व्यक्त करने के लिए अलंकारिक भाषा और प्रतीकात्मक चित्रों का उपयोग करते रहे हैं।
इसलिए हिंदू विचारधारा को समझने के लिए, हमें उनके प्रतीकवाद को समझना होगा।
भगवान शिव की उपरोक्त छवि में प्रतीकों का संक्षेप विवरण

सबसे पहले देखने वाली बात है परिवेश - उनके आस-पास का वातावरण।
इस चित्र में भगवान शिव बहुत शांतिपूर्ण वातावरण में ध्यान मुद्रा में बैठे हैं। 
ज्ञान प्राप्त करने या जीवन में कुछ भी हासिल करने के लिए, परिवेश अर्थात आस-पास का वातावरण बहुत महत्वपूर्ण होता है। 
इसलिए, एक साधक को ज्ञान मार्ग पर चलने के लिए उपयुक्त परिवेश एवं  वातावरण को खोजने या तैयार करने का प्रयास करना चाहिए। 

शीश पर गाँठ में बंधे हुए उलझे बालों की लटें 

शीश अथवा सिर - मस्तिष्क (बुद्धि, और मन) का प्रतीक है और लहराते बाल बिखरे हुए विचारों और इच्छाओं का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं। 
एक गाँठ में बंधी लटों का अर्थ है इच्छाओं और विचारों का नियंत्रण एवं मन और बुद्धि की एकता।
शीष से बहती गंगा

पुराणों के अनुसार, भागीरथ की प्रार्थना पर जब गंगा ने स्वर्ग से धरती पर आना स्वीकार कर लिया तो सब को लगा कि जब वह स्वर्ग से नीचे उतरेंगी तो धरती उनके वेग को सहन नहीं कर पायेगी। तो भगवान शिव ने इसे अपने शिर पर धारण करके अपनी जटाओं में बाँध लिया और फिर धीरे-धीरे इसे पृथ्वी पर छोड़ा। 

गंगा ज्ञान का प्रतीक है, सत्य के ज्ञान का - जो शिव (गुरु) ने ऊपर से अर्थात दिव्य प्रेरणा से प्राप्त किया - उसे विचार रुपी जटाओं में संजोया, समझा - विश्लेषण किया और फिर इसे संसार में वितरण किया। इसलिए वह आदि-गुरु कहलाए। 


शीश पर विराजित चंद्र शीतलता - शांति, एवं धैर्य का प्रतीक है।
जैसे चंद्र शीतलता प्रदान करता है वैसे ही एक योगी एवं गुरु के मन में शांति और धैर्य एवं स्वभाव में शीतलता होती है और उनसे मिलने वालों को भी अनायास ही शीतलता का अनुभव होने लगता है। 
सूर्य ऊर्जा और शक्ति का प्रतीक है -  प्रभुत्व और अधिकार का।
और चंद्रमा - शांति, शीतलता, धैर्य और शांति का प्रतीक है।
सूर्य बुद्धि एवं ज्ञान का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है 
और चंद्र मन और संवेदनात्मक भावनाओं का।  

चाँद की तरह, मन भी हमेशा एक स्थिर अवस्था में नहीं रहता है।
जैसे चन्द्रमा बढ़ता और घटता है, वैसे ही मन भी ऊपर-नीचे होता रहता  है।  
कभी सुख और दुःख  - कभी आशा एवं निराशा - और कभी शांति और स्थिरता से भ्रम और अशांति के बीच झूलता रहता है।
लेकिन शिव के सर के बालों के बीच जकड़ा हुआ अर्ध-चंद्र, मन पर उनके नियंत्रण को प्रदर्शित करता है।

 तीसरी आँख 

मस्तक पर तीसरी आंख - मन की आंख अर्थात ज्ञान-चक्षु का प्रतिनिधित्व करती है। 
जो साधारण आँखों से दिखाई न देने वाली वास्तविकता को - 
जो भौतिक आँखों से दिखाई देने वाली वस्तुओं के पीछे के यथार्थ को देखने और समझने की शक्ति रखती है। 

गले में लिपटा सर्प 

सर्प अर्थात सांप विष यानी बुराई का प्रतीक है। 
किसी भी प्राणी के अंदर विष - अर्थात बुरी भावनाओं के आस्तित्व से इनकार नहीं किया जा सकता। चाहे वह दूसरों को दिखाई दे या न दे - चाहे नियंत्रित हो या अनियंत्रित - कुछ हद तक यह विष - यह ज़हर हर इंसान के दिल में मौजूद रहता है।  
शिव ने इसे अपने गले में पहना है। 
सर्प है, लेकिन शिव के नियंत्रण में है - उन्हें काटता नहीं है। उसमें विष नहीं है - अब वह उनका या किसी और का कोई नुक़सान नहीं कर सकता। 

एक प्रसिद्ध पुराणिक प्रतीकात्मक कथा है:
सागर-मंथन के दौरान सागर में से अमृत और विष दोनों ही निकले। 
सागर-मंथन का अर्थ है आस्तित्व रुपी सागर का मंथन - जिस में सकारात्मकता और नकारात्मकता - अच्छाई और बुराई दोनों ही मौजूद हैं। 
सुर और असुर, सभी अमृत चाहते थे - कोई भी विष लेने के लिए तैयार नहीं था। 
यह जानते हुए कि नकारात्मकता का विष हमारे चारों ओर मौजूद है - इस से पूरी तरह से बचना संभव नहीं है, - शिव ने इसे निगल लिया लेकिन अपने गले से नीचे - अपने पेट में नहीं जाने दिया ताकि उन पर इसका कोई भी दुष्प्रभाव न पड़ सके। 
योगी एवं भक्त को भी अपने जीवन में कई बार बुराई एवं नकारात्मकता का सामना करना पड़ता है लेकिन वह इसे अपने गले से नीचे नहीं उतरने देते ताकि वह इसके दुष्प्रभाव से बचे रहें। 

शरीर पर लिपटी राख

राख से ढ़का उनका शरीर इस बात का प्रतीक है कि शरीर मिट्टी से बना है और एक दिन राख हो कर मिट्टी में ही समा जाएगा।
शरीर पर लिपटी राख हमें याद दिलाती है कि शरीर स्थायी नहीं है - हमेशा नहीं रहेगा। 


शांत एवं ध्यान मुद्रा में शिव की मूर्ति अथवा चित्र में उनका त्रिशूल उनसे कुछ दूर धरती में गड़ा हुआ दिखाया जाता है।
त्रिशूल के तीन शूल  तीन गुणों का प्रतीक हैं।
त्रिशूल उनके हाथ में या उन के शरीर पर नहीं है - इसे दूर रखा गया है - अर्थात शिव तीनों गुणों से परे हैं - त्रिगुणातीत हैं। 

लेकिन विचारणीय है कि ताण्डव मुद्रा में त्रिशूल उनके हाथ में होता है अर्थात ज़रुरत पड़ने पर दुष्टों के विनाश के लिए वह इसका उपयोग भी कर सकते हैं। 


भारत में, विशेषतया उत्तर भारत में कोई घोषणा करने के लिए - लोगों को इकठ्ठा करने के लिए के गाँवों में डमरु - और बड़े शहरों में ढोल बजाया जाता था।  
आदि-गुरु के हाथ में डमरु एक घोषणा का प्रतीक है - साधकों एवं जिज्ञासुओं के लिए ज्ञान-प्राप्ति के आमंत्रण का प्रतीक है। 
जिसे स्वयं यथार्थ का ज्ञान हो गया हो उसके मन में इसे दूसरों के साथ सांझा करने की इच्छा होती है तो वह डमरु बजाने लगता है अर्थात निमंत्रण देने लगता है।   


योगी अथवा गुरु के सामने रखा हुआ एक छोटा सा कमण्डल संतोष का प्रतीक है।
उसकी आवश्यकताएं कम हैं - जो उस छोटे से कमंडल में आ सकती हैं।
वह असाधारण और अत्यधिक रुप से कुछ भी इकट्ठा नहीं करते - उनके मन में कोई लालच नहीं होता।

इस प्रकार हम देखते हैं कि उपरोक्त चित्र वास्तविक नहीं बल्कि  प्रतीकात्मक है। 
इन चित्रों को सिर्फ ऊपरी सतह से देखने की बजाए या उन्हें वास्तविक फोटो समझने की जगह - यदि हम उनकी प्रतीकात्मकता को समझने की कोशिश करें तो हमें आध्यात्मिकता के सही मार्ग को समझने और उस पर चलने में मदद मिल सकती है।
" राजन सचदेव "

Happy Maha Shiv-Ratri - Symbolic meaning of Lord Shiva's image


Lord Shiva is considered Adi-Yogi and Adi-Guru. 
Both the terms - Yogi and Guru are synonyms in some ways. 
Yogi means united - the one who has achieved enlightenment - and Guru means one who provides the light of Gyana by removing the veil of ignorance. 

A Guru cannot be a real Guru if he is not an Enlightened Yogi himself.
Similarly, a yogi will be selfish if he does not help others to achieve what he has accomplished. 
Shiva is both - Adi-Yogi and Adi-Guru as well. 

The images of Hindu Gods, such as Shiva, Vishnu, Ganesh, Sarasvati, and Durga, etc. are not their actual portraits - they are symbolic. 
The ancient rishis - scholars of India used metaphorical language and symbolic images to convey their messages. 
To understand the Hindu ideology, we need to know their symbolism. 

Symbolism in the above image of Lord Shiva
The first thing to look at is the surroundings. 
He is sitting in a meditative pose in a very calm, quiet, and peaceful environment. 

To gain knowledge or to accomplish anything in life, surroundings play an important role. 
Therefore, a student - a seeker should try to find or design the appropriate surroundings, company, and atmosphere to pursue his quest of Gyana. 

Starting from the top of his image

His matted hair is tied in a knot on top of his head. 
The head is a symbol of the brain - intellect, and mind - and the wavy hair represents the scattered thoughts and desires. Hair tied in a knot means controlled desires and thoughts - and the unity of mind and intellect. 

                                                                The Ganga 
According to the story of Puranas, when Ganga came down from heaven, Shiva caught it in his hair and slowly released it on the earth. 

Ganga is a symbol of Gyana, the knowledge of Truth - which Shiva received from above - with divine inspiration. 
He then examined, analyzed, and grasped in his head and then bestowed it, shared it with the world.

The crescent moon
A crescent moon is a symbol of tranquillity and peace.
Sun is a symbol of energy and power -  of control, dominance, and authority. 
It also represents enthusiasm, passion, and magnetism, etc.
Moon, on the other hand, is a symbol of peace, coolness, patience, and tranquility.  

While the sun is associated with intellect, the moon is associated with the mind. 
Like the moon, the mind also continually goes in different phases. 
It does not stay in one stable state all the time. 
Just as the moon increases and decreases, the mind also goes up and down - from happiness to sadness - from hope to desperation - from calmness to confusion and turmoil.
 A crescent moon - a symbol of tranquillity, peace, and patience within his hair, displays his control over the mind. 

The Third Eye
The third eye on his forehead represents the mind's eye - To see the reality beyond what is visible to the physical eyes. 

Snake around his neck
The serpent represents evil - it is poisonous, and no one can deny its existence. 
Whether it's visible or invisible - controlled or uncontrolled - to some degree, it exists in everyone's mind. 
But Shiva has restrained and tamed the serpent around his neck. 

The Blue-throat
There is a famous Puraanik symbolic story:
During the Sagar-Manthan - the churning of the ocean of existence - both nectar and poison - positivity and negativity popped up. 
No one wanted the poison. 
Nevertheless, Shiva swallowed it - knowing well that the poison of negativity exists all around us - that it may not be possible to avoid it entirely. 
However, he did not let it go down his throat - into his belly to affect him in any way. 
His blue-throat shows that even though evil and negativity hit him, he does not let it go down his throat, and therefore, is not affected by it at all. 

Ashes on the body
His body covered with ash symbolizes that the body is made from dust and will end up in ashes. 
The body is not changeless and permanent - Atma or consciousness is.

When Shiva is in a calm and meditative posture - his Trishul is dug in the ground on the side.
Three pangs of the Trishul represent three Gunas. 
The Trishul is not in his hand, or on his body - it is kept away - on the side. 
Meaning, he is Traigunaateet - free from all three Gunas. 
Though, sometimes he may hold it and use it in the Tandava mode - to destroy the evil. 

In India, Damru - the small drum is a sign of an announcement or invitation - a clarion call.  
The Guru, who has achieved enlightenment, announces and invites the seekers to share his Gyana. 

A small pot in front of him is a symbol of contentment. 
His requirements are less- that can fit in that small pot. 
He does not collect extravagantly and excessively - there is no greed in him. 
As you can see, all the symbols in this image represent the qualities of a Guru, a Yogi, and the enlightened ones.
Instead of looking at these images superficially, or taking them literally, understanding this symbolism can help us, the seekers, to comprehend and continue on the right path of Spirituality.
" Rajan Sachdeva "

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...