Saturday, January 30, 2021

A Little Adjustment is Better

A little adjustment is better than lengthy arguments.

A meaningful silence is better than meaningless words.

Arguments always lead to more hostility - more differences, resentments, and even enmity.

Forgive and forget is the best policy when you want to patch up things and improve relationships.

It's the positive thoughts and efforts that bring people closer - not the negativity and complaints. 

A wise person knows that there is something to be learned from everyone and every situation!

A wise person also knows that no matter how long the night, the day is sure to come!

                                              ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Friday, January 29, 2021

Gyaan ka deepak uthaa kay haath mein

Tu hee udgam hai meri har soch ka 
Har pal magar main sochtaa kuchh aur hoon 

Tum say hi to raushan hain aankhen meri 
Aankhon say par dekhtaa kuchh aur hoon 
Tum nay dee thee such-goyi kay vaastay 
Par zubaan say boltaa kuchh aur hoon 

Srishti kay kan kan mein tera vaas hai 
Phir bhee tujh ko dekh nahin paata hoon main 
Har naad mein chhupa Anaahat naad hai 
Lekin usko sun nahin paata hoon main 

Tu chhupa hai mere hee andar magar 
Tujh ko baahar dhoondtaa rehtaa hoon main 
Kis tarah barsegi inaayat Teri 
Logon say ye poochhtaa rehtaa hoon main 

Satya ka sooraj ujaagar hai magar 
Phir bhee andheray ka khauf rehtaa hai 
Saamnay hee hai meri manzil magar 
Phir bhee bhatknay ka khauf rehtaa hai 

Gyaan ka deepak uthaa kay haath mein 
Raushni logon say maangtay hain ham 
Maaloom hai ye duniya faani hai 'Rajan'
Phir bhi sukh duniya kay mangtay hain ham
                        ' Rajan Sachdev '

Udgam        =        Source
Such-Goyi   =       Speaking truth
Naad           =        Sound
Anaahat naad =  Anhad naad

ज्ञान का दीपक उठा के हाथ में

तू ही उदगम है मेरी हर सोच का     
हर पल मगर मैं सोचता कुछ और हूँ

तुम से ही तो रौशन हैं आँखें मेरी
आँखों से पर देखता कुछ और हूँ
तुम ने दी थी सच -गोई के वास्ते
पर ज़ुबां से बोलता कुछ और हूँ

सृष्टि के कण कण में तेरा वास है
फिर भी तुझ को देख नहीं पाता हूँ मैं
हर नाद में छुपा अनाहत नाद है
लेकिन उसको सुन नहीं पाता हूँ मैं

तू छुपा है मेरे ही अंदर मगर
तुझको बाहर ढूंडता रहता हूँ मैं
किस तरह बरसेगी इनायत तेरी
लोगों से ये पूछता रहता हूँ मैं

सत्य का सूरज उजागर है मगर
फिर भी अँधेरे का ख़ौफ़ रहता है
सामने ही है मेरी मंज़िल मगर
फिर भी भटकने का ख़ौफ़ रहता है

ज्ञान का दीपक उठा के हाथ में
रौशनी लोगों से मांगते हैं हम
मालूम है ये दुनिया फ़ानी है 
फिर भी सुख दुनिया के मांगते हैं हम
                         ' राजन सचदेव '

उदगम         =   स्तोत्र   Source
सच -गोई    =    सच बोलने के लिए  For Speaking Truth
अनाहत नाद  =  अनहद नाद 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Few Words Of Wisdom

If you cannot be a light to brighten people's good deeds
then do not be darkness covering their efforts.

If you cannot be a bridge to connect people
then do not be a wall to separate them.

If you cannot be water to help people's crops sprout
then do not be a pest destroying their crops.

If you cannot be a vaccine to give life
Then do not be a virus to terminate it.

If you cannot be a pencil to write anyone's happiness,
Then try to be a nice eraser to remove their sadness.

Kindness is like butter
it works best when you spread it around!

None of us is as smart as all of us together.
So, Work together to achieve success.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Respect Everyone

Respect everyone
The way you would want to be respected.

Treat everyone equally
No one is superior or inferior to others.

Hate no one
No matter how much they might have wronged you. 

Live humbly
No matter how wealthy, famous, or powerful you become.

Think positively
No matter how difficult the circumstances might be.

Give as much you can 
Even if you have been given little.

Forgive all
Especially yourself. 

Never stop praying -
for the welfare of everyone.

Monday, January 25, 2021

तू है मेरी सोच में Tu hai meri soch mein

तू है मेरी सोच में
क्यों सोच मैं पाता नहीं

नज़रों मैं बस रहा है तू
लकिन नज़र आता नहीं

तू ही मेरे ख्याल में
तेरा ख्याल आता नहीं

हर रंग में सुगंध में
कण कण में तेरा वास है

हर ताल में हर सुर में तू
मैं तुझ को सुन पाता नहीं

मुझ को तेरी तलाश है
क्यों मुझ में छुप रहा है तू
        || डॉक्टर जगदीश सचदेव  - मिशिगन  || 

Tu hai meri soch mein 
Kyon soch main paata nahin 

Nazron main bas raha hai tu
Lekin nazar aata nahin 

Tu hee meray khyaal mein 
Tera khyaal aata nahin 

Har rang mein sugandh mein 
Kan kan mein tera vaas hai 

Har taal mein har sur mein tu 
Main tujh ko sun paata nahin 

Mujh ko teri talaash hai 
Kyon mujh mein chhup raha hai tu

By: "Doctor Jagdish Sachdeva - Michigan "

To Be Happy

It's very simple to be Happy

But it's very difficult to be Simple 

Sunday, January 24, 2021

7 Valuable Facts of Life

                           Seven Valuable Facts of Life 

Mirror: Does not let you see a false image.

True Knowledge: Does not let you be afraid.

Truth: Does not let you become weak.

True Spirituality: Does not let you get attached to materialism.

True Love:  Does not let you become jealous.

Karma (Action): Does not let you fail.

Faith: Does not let you become sad.


7 अनमोल तथ्य

                        जीवन के सात अनमोल तथ्य

दर्पण - कभी झूठ नहीं दिखाता 

ज्ञान - 
कभी भयभीत नहीं होने देता

सत्य - कभी कमजोर नहीं होने देता

विशुद्ध आध्यात्म  - 
कभी मोह नहीं होने देता

सच्चा प्रेम  -  
कभी ईर्ष्या नहीं करने देता

कर्म - 
कभी असफल नहीं होने देता

विश्वास  - 
कभी निराश नहीं होने देता

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Some Golden Rules

This morning, someone sent the following quote.

'The golden rule for every business is this:
Put yourself in your customer's shoes'.

It reminded me of the advice given by one of my Gurus at the beginning of my teaching carrier.
He said:
The best teacher is the one who can think from the student's perspective - and come down to the level of the students to teach.

Similarly, only the leader, who lives at the same level, under the same conditions as his followers, can become a good leader. 

How can a person who has never been a student become a good teacher?

How can a leader really understand the pain of poverty and hunger who has never lived in poverty - w
ho has always enjoyed an abundance of luxury and never experienced hunger or any suffering?

The real understanding comes from personal experience - not just from reading or watching others from far away.
For this reason, some past great thinkers designed the custom of fasting on certain days - or for a specific period - So people can personally experience and understand the pain of hunger, suffering, and longing - and develop sympathy and compassion for others.

Want to be a good leader?
Then try to experience and understand the feelings of those at the bottom rung of the ladder.

Want to be a good teacher?
Try to think and teach at the level of the students.

Want to be a good businessman?
Provide the right product to the customers, and they will keep coming back. 
Because an unsatisfied customer never comes back.
In the early seventies, I remember seeing a quarter-page ad in a reputable newspaper in India - posted under the name of a quite famous Bollywood singer of the sixties and seventies - along with his picture.
The ad said:
Cigarettes have never caused any harm to my vocal cords and lungs. 
It has not affected my singing at all in any way'.

The ad created confusion and commotion among the readers.
When asked if it was true, the singer replied:
Yes, it is true.
Cigarettes have not affected my singing - 
because I never smoke.'

Before you preach or try to sell a product or an idea to others -
Try it for yourself and your family first.
                                       ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Friday, January 22, 2021

Is Everything Locked Down ?

                     Everything is not locked down

Sunrise is not locked down
Love is not locked down
Kindness is not locked down
Creativity is not locked down
Learning is not locked down
Conversation is not locked down 
Calling on phone is not locked down
Imagining is not locked down
Reading is not locked down
Relationship is not locked down
Praying is not locked down
Meditation is not locked down
Sleeping is not locked down
Work from home is not locked down
Hope is not locked down 
                    Cherish what you have.
Make this Locked down an opportunity to do what you always wanted to do.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

मुट्ठी में क्या है?

एक गाँव में, एक वयोवृद्ध बुद्धिमान महात्मा रहते थे। 
सभी उन  का सम्मान करते थे।
लोगों का मानना था कि उनके पास कुछ आध्यात्मिक शक्तियां हैं और वह सब कुछ जानते हैं - उनके पास सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर हैं। 
इसलिए बहुत से लोग अपनी समस्याओं के समाधान के लिए उनके पास आते रहते थे।

लेकिन गाँव में कुछ युवा लड़के ऐसे भी थे जो उन्हें पसंद नहीं करते थे।
वह उनसे ईर्ष्या करते थे और उन्हें गलत साबित करने के तरीके सोचते रहते थे।

एक दिन उनके दिमाग में एक योजना आई।
योजना यह थी कि एक छोटे से पक्षी को अपनी मुट्ठी में लिया जाए और उस बुज़ुर्ग महात्मा से पूछा जाए कि क्या पक्षी जीवित था या मरा हुआ ?
अगर महात्मा ने कहा कि यह जीवित है, तो लड़का अपने हाथ को जोर से दबा कर पक्षी को मार देगा।
यदि उन्होंने कहा कि पक्षी मरा हुआ है, तो वह अपना हाथ खोल देगा और पक्षी को उड़ा देगा।
दोनों तरह से ही वह महात्मा हार जाएगा। 
और इस तरह वे साबित कर सकते हैं कि महात्मा गलत है और वह कुछ भी नहीं जानता।

ऐसा सोच कर उन्होंने एक बहुत ही छोटे से पक्षी को पकड़ा और महात्मा के पास गए और कहा कि इस लड़के की मुट्ठी में एक पक्षी है। 
आप बताइये वह ज़िंदा है या मरा हुआ?
महात्मा जी ने मुस्कुराते हुए कहा -
                   "बेटा - यह तुम्हारे हाथ में है "

याद रहे ..... बहुत कुछ ऐसा है जो आपके हाथ में है।

                              ' राजन सचदेव '

Old-Wise Man and a Jealous Boy

In a village, there lived an old and wise man - who was highly respected by everyone.
People thought he knew everything - that he had some spiritual powers and had all the answers. 
So they used to come to him to get help to solve their problems.

However, there were a few young boys who did not like him very much. 
They were jealous of him.
They were always looking for ways to prove him wrong.

One day they came up with an astute, crafty plan. 

The plan was to take a tiny bird in their hand and ask the wise man if the bird was alive or dead?
If the man said it was alive, then the boy will press his hand hard and kill the bird. 
If he said dead, then he will open his hand and let the bird fly. 
Either way, they could prove that the wise man was wrong.

So, they caught a small, tiny bird - went to the wise man and asked if the bird was dead or alive?
The wise man smiled and said,
it's all in your hand, my dear boy.

          Remember..... It's all in your hands.

                                                                ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

भला करो सब का प्रभु Bhalaa Karo Sab ka Prabhu

परम पिता परमात्मा 
सब तेरी संतान   
भला करो सब का प्रभु 
सब का हो कल्याण 

Param Pita Parmaatama
Sab Teri Santaan
Bhalaa Karo Sab ka Prabhu
Sab ka ho kalyaan 

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Let's choose our deeds carefully!

Everyone wanders around carrying on their heads -
the bundle of their deeds.

The law of Karma is quite simple and straight -
As one sows - So he reaps.

What we are now is based on past -
Present deeds will become future destiny.

Karma is what dictates our fate -
So -  let's choose our deeds carefully!
                              ' Rajan Sachdeva '

कर्म की गठरी सर पे लादे Karm kee gathree sar pay laaday

कर्म की गठरी सर पे लादे फिरता है इंसान ! 
जैसी करनी वैसी भरनी विधि का यही विधान !

कर्म करे किस्मत बने - यही जीवन का मर्म !
हर प्राणी के भाग्य में है उसका अपना कर्म !!

Karm kee gathree sar pay laaday phirtaa hai insaan ! 
Jaisi karni vaisi bharni - Vidhi kaa yahi vidhaan !! 

Karm karay kismat banay - yahee jeevan ka marm ! 
Har praani kay bhaagya mein hai uska apnaa karm !!

Friday, January 15, 2021

Padma Shri Awards for Social Welfare Services 2020



                                           WELCOME TO 2021!

Phone.....    👉 Wireless

Cooking...   👉 Fireless

Cars........    👉 Keyless

Food........   👉 Fatless

Tires.......    👉 Tubeless

Tools.......   👉 Cordless

Dress.....    👉 Sleeveless

Youth......   👉 Jobless

Leaders...   👉 Shameless 

Attitude...  👉  Careless

Spouse...   👉  Fearless

Feeling...  👉 Heartless

Education👉 Valueless

Kids........👉  Mannerless

Government 👉 Useless

Parliament 👉  Clueless

Masses ..... 👉  Helpless 

And I am ....👉  Speechless 

       But, my hope in God is - 👉 Endless.

                           (Courtesy of  Naveen Chawla)

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Be Like Water

Water is a cooling agent - it also cleans and purifies.

In spirituality, water is considered a symbol of humility - humbleness.
With humbleness, one can cool down an angry person and purify his mind from the ill-intentions of doing any harm to others, as well as to himself.

Water also quenches the thirst.

Similarly, with humbleness, a person can quench his thirst for knowledge.
The arrogance - believing that we know everything, stops us from learning further- from learning anything new.
It is only the humbleness - knowing that there is always so much more to learn - which helps us explore new realms of learning and wisdom.

Be humble.
Keep your mind open to explore and receive new information and analyze it objectively as a witness - as an observer.
If it is true, then accept it and mend your ways. 

Life is a journey. 
To reach the desired destination, we must stay on the right and straight path of truthfulness - without any deviations.
                                                            ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Happy Lohri 2021

May the Lohri fire burn away all the sadness out of your life
and bring you joy and happiness.

May God bless you with wisdom to know the Truth and Falsehood - The Real and Unreal 
And lifelong happiness, and equanimity. 

Wishing you 
a very Happy Lohri
to you and your family

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

What is Ego अभिमान क्या है

In simple words -
Creating an image about ourselves which we are not -
and then trying to protect and publicize that image to others
is called EGO

सरल शब्दों में -
अपने बारे में एक ऐसी छवि बनाना जो वास्तव में हम नहीं हैं
और फिर समाज में उस छवि को दिखाना और उसका प्रचार करना
अभिमान है। 

Monday, January 11, 2021

Being Humble is to be Simple

Being humble is to be simple ​and kind-hearted. ​

A kind heart is not synonymous with poverty or weakness. 
Being humble does not mean that they are embarrassed by their shortcomings ​​- that they are ​ashamed and apologetic.

It simply means they want to live without hypocrisy - away from unhealthy arrogance - with healthy modesty.
They show their kindness and generosity openly without any selfishness.
They are not interested in collecting trophies - Nor do they show any pride in their achievements. 

When they apologize to their peers, it is not only for the sake of courtesy and respect but also to avoid repeating any mistakes in the future.
They are sensitive as a child - but also strong as an oak.
They know that life is a gift to be enjoyed with simplicity and optimism.

Being humble means to accept and respect everyone - without any discrimination whatsoever.
Above all things ...
Being humble is to be a good and kind person.
                               ' Rajan Sachdeva  '

Sunday, January 10, 2021

किसी के जाने के बाद After someone has departed

किसी के जाने के बाद 
 I miss you
लिखने से बेहतर है उनके ज़िंदा रहते हुए कहा जाए  : 
I am with you

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

After someone has departed 
we start writing:
'I miss you'.

Better is - while they are alive -
to say: 
'I am with you'.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

दौर-ऐ-ज़माना बदलता गया Daur-e-zamaana badalta gayaa

सादा था वक़्त और मासूम थे चेहरे
ज़रुरतें थीं कम - और रिश्ते थे गहरे
फिर दौर-ऐ-ज़माना बदलता गया
वक़्त हाथों से मेरे फिसलता गया 
मेरे अंदर था जो एक मासूम बच्चा
पिछड़ता गया - वो सहमता गया

Saada tha vaqt aur maasoom thay chehray
Zaruraten theen kam - aur rishtay thay gehray
Phir daur-e-zamaana badalta gayaa
Vaqt haathon say meray phisalta gayaa 
Meray andar tha jo ek maasoom bachaa 
Pichhadtaa gayaa - vo sehamtaa gayaa

Kathopanishad - Story of Nachiketa Part 8


After arriving at the palace of Yam-Raj, Nachiketa was informed that the Lord was not present and will be back after three days. 
Nachiketa sat on the footsteps and waited for three days and nights without any food or drink.
Yam Raj, the Lord of death, returned after three days and found a young, pale boy sitting at the doorsteps of his house, who was turned away by his father, shouting in anger, “To the Death shall I give thee. 

The Lord Yamraj was pleased to know that Nachiketa had voluntarily come to offer himself in the service of the Lord, with a keen desire to learn about Life and Death - the afterlife. 
But at the same time, he was also angry that the boy was sitting and waiting at the doorsteps in front of his house for three days and nights, and he was not given proper attention by his consorts and servants. He was not given any food or drink. 

He says to his family and servants:

              वैश्वानरः प्रविशति अतिथि ब्राह्मणो गृहान 
            तस्यैताम शान्तिं कुर्वन्ति हर वैवस्वतोदकम 

Vaishvaanarah Pravishati Atithi Baraahmano grihaan
Tasya etaam Shaantim Krvanti, Har vaivasvat- udakam
                                                            Shloka 7 - chapter one

“A Brahman (learned, wise person) guest enters a house like fire. 
 The hosts (are supposed to) offer water to quieten them”

The word ‘Brahman’ does not mean a person who belongs to a specific heritage lineage. 
It implies an intellectual or Pundit - a learned and cultured person with a pure and kind heart. 

Guru Kabeer ji says: 
                        Kahay Kabeer jo Brahm vichaaray
                        So Braahman kahiyat hamaaray 
“Kabeer says the one who contemplates upon Brahm (the Almighty Lord) is called Brahman among us”

Lord Krishna says:
                    चातुर्वण्यं मया सृष्टम गुणकर्म विभागशः 
"Chaatur varnyam mayaa srushtam Guna karma vibhagashah"

The four divisions of people have been created; based on the Guna (character) and Karma (profession) 
                                                              (Bhagavad Gita 4:13)
In other words, this division is not based on birth or family lineage; but on talent, action, and profession. 

So, in the 7th verse of Kathopanishad, Dharam Raj is actually saying that a guest, especially an intellectual and well-cultured guest, must be treated with respect and courtesy – and should be offered food and water. 
Which his family and servants failed to provide to the young visitor Nachiketa. 

In fact, this is one of the main characteristics of Indian culture.
A phrase - ‘Atithi Devo Bhavah’ - 
That an 'Atithi or guest should be treated as God' – was, and still is a well-nurtured thought and taught to the young Indian minds from early childhood. 
I remember that after cooking the day’s meal, my grandmother always took two servings of everything out and kept them aside to be given away. At her request, an elderly Brahman lady, wife of our ‘Kul-Purohit’ used to come to my grandparent’s home every day around noon, and my grandmother would give her those two servings of freshly cooked food with folded hands – with respect and gratitude. 
No one was supposed to eat until the food was served to her – to be taken for her family. 
My grandmother and all other religious and traditional women of that time believed that at least one revered guest must be offered some food every day before we eat - not left-overs, but freshly prepared food. 
It was considered an offering to God and was always offered with humility and gratitude.

During my childhood, I also noticed that even if a guest arrived unannounced or even at some odd hours - my mother, aunts, and grandmothers always welcomed them and quickly and happily prepared some food - with whatever was available at home - to serve them. This was a familiar scene in every house, every family I knew – a wonderful tradition which is still being followed by many - especially in India. 
Westerners, and even the first generation of Indians born in foreign lands (or under the western influence), always wonder why Indians - especially the traditional Indian households always offer and even insist upon having some food or drinks to anyone who comes to visit. In fact, some people, especially some ladies, insist so much on serving more food - that the guests may even feel uncomfortable – that they are being forced, against their will, to eat more.

Like anything else, the meaning of the old cultural traditions should be understood correctly, and some wisdom should be used while following them. Excess or over-doing of anything is not good - it loses its charm and may even have adverse effects. 

Dharam Raj was upset because Nachiketa was not attended properly and courteously by his consorts and staff. 
He knew Nachiketa was not an ordinary visitor. He had been patiently waiting for Dharam Raj at his doorsteps for three days and nights without any food or drink - which shows his firm determination, self-control, patience, and discipline – a quality that a good and worthy student must possess in order to learn. 
Unfortunately, both of these traits – treating guests with due respect and humility by the households, and having firm determination, patience, and discipline among the students – seem to be vanishing. 

Dharam Raj says: a guest enters a house like fire… and must be offered water to quieten him. 
It may simply be understood in the context of central and southern parts of India that a guest who has traveled from far in the hot weather should be first offered water to soothe him. 

However, metaphorically there are much deeper meanings of this verse. 
First, in the Vedic traditions, God is worshipped with fire; in the form of Yagna – Havan or Yagya. 
Even Buddhist and Hindu temples - and Catholic and many other Christian churches also use burning lamps or candles as sacred objects during the worship. 
By saying: the guest enters a house like fire - Dharam Raj might be suggesting that a guest should also be treated as sacred as fire. 

Secondly, fire - if used correctly and cautiously provides light, warmth, and heat to cook our food. It is quite useful and beneficial.
But if misused or mishandled, it can burn the house and all belongings - it can be very harmful and devastating too. 
Similarly, a wise guest or visitor treated with respect can provide us wisdom, happiness, and many other blessings.
On the other hand, mistreating and disrespecting the guests could spoil the relations and mutual respect. All thoughts - well-wishes or ill-wishes travel like waves. They affect other minds and surroundings as well. 
The stronger the thought, the stronger is its effect. 

Dharam Raj, a great Guru, warns: ‘a guest enters a house like fire … fetch water to quieten him’. 
Here, just like fire, water is also symbolic.
In all ancient cultures, water is used as a symbol of humility. 

Therefore, the first lesson being taught by Dharam Raj is: 
Treat the guests with respect and courtesy – serve them with humility (like water).
Keep them happy and be blessed with peace and happiness. 
                                 ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

To be continued:

Friday, January 8, 2021

Self-knowledge or Self-discipline

Is tranquility of mind achieved through self-knowledge or self-discipline - with practice? 

I believe that both are required to achieve it. 
Knowledge of the object and the goal is essential, but one needs to practice the art and skills to achieve it. 

Self-knowledge is undoubtedly the most significant and crucial part - but still, we need to practice it with self-discipline to make it a part of our nature to achieve continual tranquility. 

Just as a clear and bright image appears not in disturbed, but only in still waters - 
Only a tranquil - calm, and silent mind can come in contact with Reality. 

Gyan and Karma - Knowledge and Action - are compared with two wings in the ancient scriptures.
A bird needs to have both wings equally strong to be able to fly high.
                                                                 ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Thursday, January 7, 2021

A Patient and the Hospital

In a 5-star rated hospital in India - a team of doctors recommended an emergency heart bypass surgery to a patient who had just got admitted for chest pain.

In such a situation, it would have been more prudent to take a second opinion.
But the patient and his family became very nervous. So, nonetheless, started to prepare for it. 
They were told that the cost of the surgery would be 20 Lakh Rupees.
The patient and his family thought that the cost was too extravagant. 
But thinking that his life is more important than money, they agreed to go for the surgery. 
The patient was given a waiver to fill out. 
One of the questions was about his occupation. 
In the box - 'company or place of employment, the patient wrote - CBI.

Within an hour, the whole atmosphere in the hospital changed.
Another team of specialist doctors came to check on him.
They checked him thoroughly - then conducted another round of tests - and finally concluded that the surgery is not required. Instead, they recommended some medications. 
At the time of discharge, they even gave the patient three months' worth of medicines free and a discount for the lab work too!

Six months have passed since then, and the patient is well and healthy. 
Every once in a while he goes to the hospital for a regular check-up, and the doctors give him a clean bill of health!
They even offer him a cup of tea whenever he visits!
He is very happy about the friendly and caring atmosphere at the hospital and heartily recommends everyone to go there for all of their problems.

However, he often wonders why, working as a clerk at the Central Bank of India, even his own family and friends don't care much for him, but he has gained tremendous respect from the entire hospital staff!

What he did not realize, however, was - that CBI - the abbreviation he wrote for Central Bank of India as his occupation was understood by the hospital staff as 'Central Bureau of Intelligence'. 
                                 ~~           ~~           ~~
It's interesting to see how a person's position and social status change people's attitudes towards him. 
The higher the position and social status, the more respect he or she gets.    
It seems to be true in every field, and almost everyone is guilty of this attitude. 
We all do the same. 
We always attend and respect people, not because of their knowledge, qualities, or virtues, but according to their status and the positions they hold. 
                      ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

A Mistake that makes us एक भूल -

A mistake that makes us humble
is better than an achievement that makes us arrogant -
which fills our mind with ego, and we start feeling superiors to others.

एक भूल - 
एक ग़लती जो हमें विनम्र बना देती है
उस उपलब्धि से बेहतर है जो हमें अहंकारी बना दे  -
जो हमें अहंकार से इस क़दर भर दे कि हम स्वयं को सबसे श्रेष्ठ मानने लगें 

                                    ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Itni Unchaayi mat dena Gairon ko galay na lagaa sakoon - Atal Bihari Vajpayee

Oonchay pahaad par paid nahin lagtay
Paudhay nahin ugtay
Na ghaas hee jamtee hai

Jamtee hai sirph barph 
Jo kafan kee tarah saphaid
Aur maut kee tarah thandee hotee hai

Kheltee, khilkhilaati nadi
jis ka roop dhaaran kar 
apnay bhaagya par boond-boond rotee hai

Aesi oonchayi - 
jis ka paras paani ko patthar kar day
Aesi oonchayi -
Jis ka daras heen bhaav bhar day -
Abhinandan ki adhikaari hai 
Aarohiyon kay liye aamantran hai 
Us par jhanday gaaday jaa saktay hain 
kintu koyi gauraiya vahaan need nahin bana sakti 
Na koyi thakaa-maanda batohi 
us ki chhaanv mein pal bhar palak hee jhapkaa sakata hai

Sachaayi yeh hai 
ki keval oonchaayi hee kaafee nahin hoti 
Sab say alag-thalag 
parivesh say prathak 
Apnon say kataa-bantaa 
Shoonya mein akela khadaa hona 
Pahaad ki mahaantaa nahin - Majboori hai
Unchaayi aur gehraayi mein 
Aakaash-paataal ki doori hai

Jo jitna Unchaa - utnaa ekaaki hota hai 
Har bhaar ko svayam dhotaa hai 
Chehray par muskaanen chipkaa
Man hee man rota hai

Zaroori yeh hai 
ki unchaayi kay saath vistaar bhee ho 
Jis say manushya thoonth saa khadaa na rahay
Auron say ghulay-milay
Kisi ko saath lay
Kisi kay sang chalay

Bheed mein kho jaana 
Yaadon mein doob jaana 
Svayam ko bhool jaana 
Aastitva ko arth - Jeevan ko sugandh deta hai

Dharti ko baunon kee nahin 
Unchay qad kay insaanon ki zaroorat hai
Itnay oonchay
Ki aasmaan chhoo len 
Naye nakshatron mein 
pratibhaa kay beej bo len 

Kintu itnay oonchay bhee nahin 
ki paanv talay doob hee na jamay
koyi kaantaa na chubhay
koyi kalee na khilay
Na vasant ho, na patajhad  
Sirph oonchaayi ka andhad 
maatra akelay pan ka sannaataa

Mere Prabhu ! 
Mujhay itni oonchaayi kabhi mat dena 

Gairon ko galay na lagaa sakoon 
itni rukhaayi kabhi mat dena. 

          Written By:   "Bhaarat Ratn - Atal Bihari Vajpayee " 
                 25 December 1924 – 16 August 2018
                (Two times Prime Minister of India)

इतनी ऊँचाई मत देना कि ग़ैरों को गले न लगा सकूँ - अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी

ऊँचे पहाड़ पर पेड़ नहीं लगते
पौधे नहीं उगते न घास ही जमती है।

जमती है सिर्फ बर्फ 
जो, कफ़न की तरह सफ़ेद और
मौत की तरह ठंडी होती है।

खेलती, खिलखिलाती नदी 
जिसका रुप धारण कर
अपने भाग्य पर बूंद-बूंद रोती है।

ऐसी ऊँचाई  - 
जिसका परस पानी को पत्थर कर दे
ऐसी ऊँचाई  
जिसका दरस हीन भाव भर दे

अभिनंदन की अधिकारी है
आरोहियों के लिये आमंत्रण है
उस पर झंडे गाड़े जा सकते हैं
किन्तु कोई गौरैया,
वहाँ नीड़ नहीं बना सकती

ना कोई थका-मांदा बटोही
उसकी छाँव में पलभर 
पलक ही झपका सकता है।

सच्चाई यह है कि
केवल ऊँचाई ही काफ़ी नहीं होती

सबसे अलग-थलग
परिवेश से पृथक
अपनों से कटा-बँटा
शून्य में अकेला खड़ा होना
पहाड़ की महानता नहीं
मजबूरी है।
ऊँचाई और गहराई में
आकाश-पाताल की दूरी है।

जो जितना ऊँचा - उतना एकाकी होता है
हर भार को स्वयं ढोता है
चेहरे पर मुस्कानें चिपका - मन ही मन रोता है।

ज़रुरी यह है कि
ऊँचाई के साथ विस्तार भी हो
जिससे मनुष्य  ठूँठ सा खड़ा न रहे
औरों से घुले-मिले
किसी को साथ ले
किसी के संग चले।

भीड़ में खो जाना
यादों में डूब जाना
स्वयं को भूल जाना
अस्तित्व को अर्थ - जीवन को सुगंध देता है।

धरती को बौनों की नहीं
ऊँचे कद के इंसानों की  ज़रुरत है।
इतने ऊँचे कि आसमान छू लें
नये नक्षत्रों में प्रतिभा की बीज बो लें

किन्तु इतने ऊँचे भी नहीं
कि पाँव तले दूब ही न जमे
कोई काँटा न चुभे
कोई कली न खिले।

न वसंत हो, न पतझड़
हो सिर्फ ऊँचाई का अंधड़
मात्र अकेलेपन का सन्नाटा।

मेरे प्रभु !
मुझे इतनी ऊँचाई कभी मत देना

ग़ैरों को गले न लगा सकूँ
इतनी रुखाई कभी मत देना।

               "भारत रत्न -
अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी "
                          (25 दिसंबर 1924 – 16 अगस्त 2018)

Monday, January 4, 2021

May the Flowers do not wither before they Blossom

If the clouds cover the morning sun and do not let the light spread -
If the raw - unopened buds fall on the ground -
And the flowers wither before they blossom, 
then it is natural for sadness to take over the mind.
A question arises in our mind as to why?

When parents and elderly people leave the world in front of their children - in their hands'- even then there is sorrow - but it is usually accepted a little easier considering it as the law of nature.

But when the children leave in front of the parents, it is extremely hard to accept. 
It's not easy to describe their pain - what they go through during such a time. 
No one can express their sorrow in words. 

Though people of saintly nature can accept it as the will of God, still, such incidents leave a void in their life. Even the great Saints, Mahatmas, and great Gurus have been seen as becoming emotional in grief at such periods of time.

Spontaneously, this prayer arises in the mind that:
May no one ever go through such a difficult time in their life.
May the raw - unopened buds never break -
May the flowers do not wither before they blossom.
May no lamp ever extinguishes before it spreads its light.

Chalaa jaaye jigar ka laal ye sadmaa kam nahin hota 
Koyi apnaa bichhad jaaye to kis ko gam nahin hota 

Bahut hain chaaraagar duniya mein har ik marz kay lekin 
Jigar kay zakhm ka yaaro koyi maraham nahin hota 

Badaltay rehtay hain mausam bahaaron kay, khizaon kay 
Par aankhon kay barasnay ka koyi mausam nahin hota

Sabhee rishtay, sabhee naatay hain jab tak saans chalti hai 
Phir us kay baad to 'Rajan' - koyi hamdam nahin hota 

Dabay lafzon mein Such kee haamee to bhartay hain sub dekho 
Magar mehafil mein kehnay ka kisee mein dam nahin hota 
                                                          ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Chaaraagar    -     Doctor, Caretaker, Treatment provider, Solution finder, etc.

कोई फूल खिलने से पहले न मुरझाए

यदि सुबह सूरज के निकलते ही बादल उसे ढंक लें और उसका प्रकाश न फैलने दें -
अगर बगीचे मेंं कहीं कच्ची अधखिली कलियाँ टूट जाएं -
और फूल खिलने से पहले ही मुरझा जाएं
तो स्वभाविक है कि मन में उदासी छा जाती है। 
मन में एक टीस सी उठती है -
एक प्रश्न उठता है कि आखिर ऐसा क्यों?

जब बच्चों के सामने - उन के हाथों में माता पिता एवं बुज़ुर्ग लोग संसार से जाते हैं -
तो दुःख तो तब भी होता है लेकिन इसे संसार का - प्रकृति का नियम मान कर स्वीकार कर लिया जाता है।
लेकिन जब माता पिता के हाथों - उनके सामने उनकी संतान इस तरह से चली जाए तो उस दुःख को ब्यान करना किसी के बस की बात नहीं।  
संत स्वभाव के लोग इसे प्रभु इच्छा मान कर स्वीकार तो कर लेते हैं - लेकिन फिर भी उनके जीवन में एक अभाव - एक शून्य सा बना ही रहता है।
स्वभाविक है कि ऐसे समय में बड़े बड़े संत महात्मा एवं गुरुओं को भी दुःख में भावुक होते देखा और सुना गया है। 

सहज ही मन में ये प्रार्थना उठती है कि निरंकार प्रभु किसी को भी ऐसा समय न दिखाए। 
कहीं कोई कच्ची कलियाँ न टूटें - 
कोई फूल खिलने से पहले ही न मुरझाएं। 
कोई चिराग़ जलने से पहले ही न बुझ जाएं। 

क्योंकि -----------
               ~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~   ~~~~~~~ 

चला जाए जिगर का लाल ये सदमा कम नहीं होता 
बिछड़ जाए 
कोई अपना तो किस को ग़म नहीं होता 

बहुत हैं चारागर दुनिया में हर इक मर्ज़ के लेकिन 
जिगर के ज़ख्म का यारो  कोई मरहम नहीं होता 

बदलते रहते हैं मौसम बहारों के - ख़िज़ाओं के 
पर आँखों के बरसने का कोई मौसम नहीं होता
दबे लफ़्ज़ों में सच की हामी तो भरते हैं सब देखो 
मगर महफ़िल में कहने का किसी में दम नहीं होता 

सभी रिश्ते  - सभी नाते हैं जब तक सांस चलती है  
फिर उसके बाद तो 'राजन कोई हमदम नहीं होता  
                                            ' राजन सचदेव ' 

चारागर    -     इलाज़ करने वाले - Doctors 

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Wisdom is a Pearl ज्ञान एवं विवेक बुद्धि के मोती

A life of turbulence and noise may seem desirable to those who want to lead -

Those who want to control their lives and the lives of others and their surroundings - 

But wisdom is a pearl - found only in still waters.

अशांत - भीड़ भाड़ और शोरोगुल से भरा जीवन उन लोगों को ही अच्छा लगता है जो नेतृत्व करना चाहते हैं  -

जो अपने और दूसरों के जीवन और आस पास के परिवेश को अपने नियंत्रण में रखना चाहते हैं। 

लेकिन ज्ञान एवं विवेक बुद्धि ऐसे मोती हैं जो केवल गहरे - शांत और स्थिर सागर में ही पाए जाते हैं ।

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Welcome - New Year 2021

I am sure the year 2020 has left many unforgettable memories for everyone.
For many, it has been a year of regrets and anxieties - disappointments and complaints - while the others saw it as an opportunity for introspection. Many have realized that our collective actions as a human race do have collective consequences over the world. That if we play with nature and disrupt it, then it can react and disturb us too.
It is indeed an important lesson to remember.

Now we have entered the Year 2021 - which brings hope for betterment.
As the Vaccine becomes available, hopefully, things will get back to normal and, soon enough - everyone will be able to breathe freely.
Let's remember the lessons from the last year and try to build a better life and a better world around us.

Let's also remember an age-old saying that True Light is knowledge and love.
Let us kindle the light of True Gyana - the pure knowledge, wisdom, and love in our hearts.
Let us be the light of joy.
Let us drop the regrets of the past and plan for a better future.
Let us try to live a simple, peaceful, and useful life.
Let us light the lamp of knowledge to dispel the darkness of ignorance from our hearts and minds - and those around us.
Let us light the lamp of compassion to serve others.
Let us fill our hearts with gratitude for the abundance that the divine has bestowed upon us.

On a personal note, I can not adequately put into words the gratitude I have for the love and support I have received from everyone - from family and friends who have been a pillar of my strength in times of need and distress.
I also want to offer my personal apology to all. 
If I have hurt anyone in any way, I apologize from the bottom of my heart 
and wish to continue an open - friendly, and loving relationship with all in the future. 

Let us hope for progress and excellent health for everyone and PEACE in the world.
           Happy New Year.
                                 ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...