Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Lock down - End it or Extend it.

For those arguing on both sides that we must open now or it is too soon to open - this is the most important thing, you’ll read. 

Here's the question:

When will it be safe to end the lockdown, to reemerge? 
May 1st? May 15th? June? July? August?

Here's the real answer:
It will never be "safe".

Social distancing, staying at home, all of these measures were not to "cure" Covid-19. 
These were measures to slow it down, so as to not overwhelm our healthcare system.
For the most part, we've done that.
It does not change the virality of Covid, how it spreads from one person to another.
It has no effect on the mortality rate.
It was intended to delay it.
But as soon as we emerge, the virus will spread again and the people with weakened immune systems will still succumb to it.
This is a harsh fact.
The people who missed it this time may eventually get it - regardless of if we emerge on May 1st or September 30th.

We need to protect our healthcare system to handle the load, but we don't need to mislead ourselves over the outcome of this quarantine. 
It is slowing it down, but not curing it.

If you're driving to Pune from Mumbai (or Chicago to New York) at 50 miles an hour or 100 miles an hour, the distance doesn't change.
If your lifestyle is causing you to have a weakened immune system, use this time to correct that.
Otherwise, you've placed a target on your own back.
Now is not the time for indulging in comfort food - it's a time to give ourselves the healthiest, most robust immune system our body is capable of.
Detox yourself and maintain social distancing for the next couple of years. 
It's as simple.
The above text is posted as received. 
Let us hope and pray for a vaccine and total destruction of the virus by the heat of summer. 
In the meantime boosting our immune system and safety precautions would be prudent. 
                                   (Sent by a Doctor Friend)


  1. Survival of the fittest. Darwin theory of natural selection.

  2. Whatever is posted is one amongst core areas to be looked into in times to come. But till this time considering different -2 reports from multiple sources including social media handles with most penetrative effect, concrete cause of Covid-19 is still not clearly established. Lockdown, as rightly,stated is not a permanent solution. Rather it has been imposed by Governments keeping in mind poor health infrastructure (India) or may be with upcoming stakes of Mr Trump in November US(where health infrastructure is par excellent) elections for re contesting. Europe has suffered as second most affected destination (may be because of poor immunity of people) In China (originator of Covid) with deaths due to corona almost becoming nil, economic supremacy in world by China is being perceived as a reason for ongoing pendamic. Yes. You are right that whatever be the future scenario,certain specific things are going to be established as "new socio-economic-cultural-psychological-emotional norm".


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...