Thursday, September 5, 2019

Happy Teacher's Day

Today, Teacher's day is being celebrated all over India in the memory of Dr. S. Radhalrishnan.

Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan  (September 5, 1888- April 17, 1975) - India's first Vice-president and then the President of India from 1962 to 1967, was a great philosopher and teacher. His contributions to the field of education and Indian philosophies are exemplary. He was one of the greatest scholars of Indian and Western philosophies in recent times and wrote several volumes on Indian philosophies, and Vedanta - including commentaries on Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, and Brahm Sutras. 

In 1962, when Radhakrishnan was serving as the president of India, his birthday was proposed to be celebrated as Radhakrishnan Day. However, he declined it by saying: "instead of celebrating it as my birthday, it would be my proud privilege if this day is observed as Teachers’ Day."

Teachers have a direct impact on their students. They love educating students. 
They strive to educate - inspire the students to learn more and to induce positive changes in their lives.
In ancient Indian traditions, the teacher or the Guru was given utmost respect and the highest honor by the society. 

            Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, gururdevo Maheshvaraa
            GururPaarbrahma Parmeshvar, Tasmai Shri Guruvay Namah
                                            (Guru Geeta)

                 Guru Eeshar, Guru Gorakh Brahmaa, Guru Paarvati maai
                                                  (Japuji Sahib)

Millions of people all over the world acknowledge and honor this day by celebrating it many different ways. However, the greatest tribute to them would be to learn, understand, and adapt their teachings in our lives.
And the most important thing for teachers is that they should engage, motivate, and inspire students to learn. 

Let's appreciate the vital role that teachers play in shaping our future.
                           'Rajan Sachdeva'
                                       "Happy Teacher's Day"


  1. Happy Teachers day! You have been teaching a lot to me.

  2. Happy teachers day to you Guru ji. Lucky to have you as my teacher


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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