Monday, September 9, 2019

How do we accept the Truth?

To accept the truth as truth is called acceptance.
To accept the truth, we must utilize our innate intelligence of analytical thinking - the ability to use logic, reason, and intuition.
However, we lose our critical thinking skills when we become biased toward our own beliefs and ideologies. 
Thinking objectively, rather than subjectively, is an essential step for learning the truth. 
A great hindrance to learning occurs when we have our conclusions already formed in our minds. If we think that what we believe is true, then we will refuse to look at any evidence to the contrary.
Therefore, carefully examine the evidence with an open but rational mind, because the acceptance of truth comes from one's own experience - not from the experiences of others. Reading and listening to others' experiences may help us to steer our minds in the right direction, but eventually, it has to become our own experience. 
Once it becomes our own experience, no effort will be needed to accept it. 
                                                     'Rajan Sachdeva'


  1. Thank you Rajan ji. Very true.


  2. Thank you for sending these words of wisdom that keeps our trust alive

  3. True.
    We usually think we know, we have it, and what more do we need to know?

  4. Its amazing that you wrote on this topic Rev. Rajan Ji. Just yesterday, I had raised a question through a post on my Facebook wall & today you gave the answer through this post. Below is the content of my FB post:

    I was reading an article as a part of some research I am doing for my college paper and I found these lines very interesting.

    “We discount evidence when it doesn’t square up with our goals, while we embrace information that confirms our biases”

    The more I thought about these lines, the more factual they felt to me.

    How often does it happen that we see someone with a specific skin color or wearing specific clothes or eating specific food and we immediately jump to conclusions?

    How often does it happen that we like a particular politician and no matter how much evidence is presented against that person, we still discount them?

    I think the problem here is that we are loosing connection with facts and we are driven more and more by perceptions. We are letting our ego cloud our judgement so much that we just can’t listen to an opposing point of view (forget accepting it) while constantly blowing the trumpets of our opinion and expecting everybody to accept it !!

    Think about it friends !! #LifeLesson

    Thanks for giving me the answer :)

  5. Thank you Datta ji
    Sometimes, we wrongly develop an attitude that we are right and everyone else is wrong. As you said, we let our ego cloud our judgment so much that we refuse to listen to any opposing point of view.
    Instead of expecting everyone to accept our point of view, we must also be open to others' points of views.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...