Friday, August 30, 2019

Thinking of Ustad Vilayat Khan Sahib - My Guru - My Inspiration

Ustad Vilayat Khan Sahib
(August 28,1928 to March 13, 2004)

Thinking of Ustad Vilayat Khan Sahib on his birthday
 My Guru, My inspiration, My motivation
 whom we (all his students) lovingly called Abba.

Awarded with the titles of 'Bharat Sitar Samrat' by the Artistes Association of India and 'Aftab-e-Sitar' (the bright Sun of the Sitar) by the President of India, he was one of the greatest musicians, and undoubtedly, the greatest Sitar player of all times. 
The prime minister of India, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, said in a statement, ''Ustad Vilayat Khan was a child prodigy to whom goes the credit of taking the sitar beyond the shores of this country.''

Moreover, he is a legend because he changed the way Sitar was played before him. He invented a new style of Sitar playing called the Gayaki-Ang - the singing style. After listening to him, people used to say that he sings with his fingers.                           
Vilayat Khan looms so large over the world of the sitar, that today, the wave of Gayaki style of instrumental music set in motion by him has swept all of the Sitar music. The followers of the Vilayat Khan style sitarists outnumber all other Gharanas. Whether they admit it or not, most Sitar players these days try to imitate him. 

His renderings of the folk songs of different parts of India were also unique and brought out the same emotions in the hearts of the listeners. He had an exceptional musical mind and a photographic memory which helped him to retain and mysteriously process his musical inputs. One day, he heard a beggar woman singing in the street. He invited her to sing for him - paid her generously, and rendered her song as a bandish (composition) at a concert the next evening.

The legacy of a musician consists of his style and his contributions to the world of music. Therefore, Ustad Vilayat Khan ranks as one of the greatest artists of the 20th century.

Though I did not have much time to learn from him and to serve him, yet I feel fortunate to have received abundant love and blessings from him and Amma (his wife). 

His elder son Ustad Shujat Hussain Khan is also a legend in his own way and one of the greatest Sitar players of this time. I am ever so grateful to him and the younger son Hidayat khan for their continual love and friendship. 

                                                            'Rajan Sachdeva'


  1. Wonderful post. Thank you for sharing. Though your time with him was short, his legacy lives on through you and through your memories of him.

  2. I remember last year also you paid tribute to Ustad Ji in this blog. Sign of a true 'Shagird'. Ustad Ji was highly respected for his Sitar music and was one of a kind. Thanks for reminding us all about him.

  3. Very impressive and motivational... Thanks for sharing...

  4. Very nice and inspiring - thank you !

  5. Rajanji, it is very touching when a Guru is so sentimental about his Guru. I love how you have portrayed him and made us also part of this history.
    Dhan Nirankar.

  6. I Also remember the story my teacher Ustad Shujaat khan told me of abba. Once abba and Guruji was travelling and they stopped on the side of the highway and spent some time just watching village women walking and singing from the farmlands. Abba told Guruji to always keep an eye open and listen carefully as you don’t know where you can learn from. These kinds of stories that I have heard from Guruji has always taught and inspired me a lot. Thank you Rajan bhai for sharing. Cheers.
    Neeraj Prem, Canada

  7. Wonderful. Always trying to learn from you.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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