Friday, December 4, 2020

We don't get tired by doing

It is not that we always get tired by doing extra hard work.
Quite often, it is the burden of desires - more wants and cravings that exhausts us. 

Having less desires and fewer cravings can keep us heartier, content, and more energetic.
Life becomes more meaningful - more peaceful.
ऐसा नहीं है कि इंसान ज़्यादा काम करने से ही थकता है 
अक़्सर हसरतें और अधिक इच्छाओं का बोझ भी हमें थका देता है
इच्छाएं और ज़रुरतें कम हों तो मन संतुष्ट और प्रसन्न रहता है
जीवन आनंदमयी हो जाता है


Idol worshipping

                           Are Hindus the Only Idol Worshippers? Idol worship does not just refer to statues, pictures, or images on walls. ...