Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Reason for Suffering

We suffer because we think - 
that things should be different than what they are.

However, every time, everything may not happen the way we want.
Every time, every situation may not turn out to be favorable to us.

Therefore, as the Bhagvad Geeta says - 
Do your best - to the best of your ability and accept whatever the outcome is.
Acceptance is the only way to contentment and peace.

                                         " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. It is as simple as the truth normally is...but we forget it all the times when living in action . But saints like Yourself, Rajan ji keep us on track Thank you

  2. This reminds me the story you had shared of a sadhu who watches a fox whose last feet were damaged and he wonders how fox survives.
    Ashok Chaudhary

  3. Aptly said. In fact, Expectations are source of disappointment-turned-negativity. Being living species, we don't remain satisfied what we have. Rather over and above needs, something more always fascinates and makes us achieve that by hook or crook. As some Saint said that for being at peace for lifetime, delete words "I" & "WANT" from your thought and action process.

  4. So true! Expect less; Accept more.

  5. Èxpect to accept whatever we r bestowed upon by Almighty

  6. You are hundred percent right for not accept from anyone

  7. So true and so succinctly explained Rajanjee 🙏🙏


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...