Monday, November 6, 2023

Insaan kay Lahoo ko Piyo - It's openly permitted to kill

                         Insaan kay lahoo ko peeyo izn-e-aam hai 
                         Angoor kee shraab ka peena Haraam hai 
                                                    " Josh Malihabadi "

Izn-e-aam    =   General, Open  permission 
Haraam       =   Forbidden

The poets are very sensitive by nature.
Their heart screams when they see the vicious, inhumane incidents happening in the world around them 
Their keen eyes observe every event and incident very deeply - 
and they try to express their feelings and sentiments in their poetry - 
either in a philosophical manner or in the form of sarcasm and satire.

According to the poet - 
Drinking alcohol is considered Haram in scriptures and religious laws - 
It is forbidden to drink alcohol.
But it seems that drinking human blood is not forbidden - 
that killing helpless innocent people is openly permitted.

Josh Malihabadi (1898 - 1982) is considered one of the greatest poets of this era. 
He is highly respected in the field of Poetry and literature.

1 comment:

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...