Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Gyaan ghatay moodh ki sangat - Knowledge decreases in company of ignorants

Gyaan ghatay Nar moodh ki Sangat 
Dhyaan ghatay Vishayan Bharmaye  

Tej ghatay bahu krodh kiye
Sukh chain ghatay eerkha urjhaye

Lobh aavay to Moh ghat jaavay
Mitra ghaten Nij-Mahima gaaye

Aayu ghatay anuchit bhojan syon 
Buddhi ghatay bin Padhay-Padhaaye

Aalas syon Vyopaar ghatay
Abhiman ghatay Santaap kay aaye

Prem ghatay nit hee kuchh maangat
Maan ghatay nit par ghar jaaye


Dhan syon dukh-daridra mitay aur 
Rog mitay kuchh aushadhi khaay

Timir mitay jab Deep jalay - 
Sab Vair miten jab Matsar jaaye

Brahm milay to Bhram miten
Sab paap katen Hari naam dhyaaaye

Santushti say Lobh mitay - 
Abhiman mitay jab Gyan dridhaaye

Kahay 'Rajan' Sukh- Chain milay 
Jab chhod anek ik syon chit laaye
               "Rajan Sachdeva"
                                        English Translation
Knowledge and wisdom are decreased by keeping the company of foolish people - people who lack proper knowledge & understanding.
Too many desires and longings diminish one's attention - and cause disorder in the mind.

Too much anger diminishes one's peace of mind - and subsequently their aura - radiance & elegance. 
Joy and peace are decreased when envy is aroused. 

Affections and relationships are lost when misled by excessive greed.
(Even among siblings and close relatives, love and affection disappear when greed takes over - Fights often break out within families when it comes to dividing the inheritance of parents and ancestors.)
Friends are lost by constantly singing one's own praises. 
Even good friends abandon them if one keeps singing one's own praises all the time. 

Improper diet lessens life expectancy.
Knowledge is decreased when one stops learning new things and teaching others.

Laziness causes a business to decline.
Sorrow - grief and misery subside one's pride and dignity.

Affection subsides by asking or demanding something every day -
Respect decreases by visiting someone's home every day - uninvited.

Sorrow and poverty are eradicated by wealth
The disease is cured with Medicine.

The darkness disappears when the lamp is lit
All enmity ends when jealousy goes away.

When Brahm - the Supreme Being is realized, all delusions and misconceptions disappear.
All sins and wrongdoings are eliminated by remembering and meditating upon Hari Naam - the name of Almighty God.

Contentment eradicates the greed -
When Gyan (True knowledge) strengthens, the ego subsequently vanishes itself.

Says Rajan - One can achieve happiness and peace by focusing and concentrating on One - instead of many. 

Our mind usually wanders in all directions - 
we want to own every desirable object we see in the world around us. 
However, it's not possible to get everything we want, and we become sad when things do not happen the way we want them to. 

When we meditate upon the One Almighty Lord - our mind stops to wander. 
It becomes sturdy and stable. 
Many unnecessary desires and longings are eliminated - and we can achieve more peace and happiness in life.

                        Meaning of some Hindi words

Nar moodh ki Sangat = Company of foolish people
Vishayan                      =  Lust, Longings, Desires, etc.
Bharmaye                    = Mislead by
Tej                                 = Aura, Radiance, Glow  
Eeerkha                        =  jealousy 
Nij Mahima                 =  Self-praise
Anuchit                        = Improper, Unsuitable, Wrong, Problematic
Padhay-Padhaaye      = Reading, Learning, & Teaching
Aalas                             =  Lethargy, Laziness, Inertia, Sloth, Inaction, etc.
Santaap                       = Pain, Suffering, Greif, Despair, Sorrow, etc.
Dukh-Daridra            = Sorrow and Poverty, Misery, etc.
Aushadhi                     = Medicine
Timir                            = Dark, Darkness
Matsar                         = Envy, jealousy
Brahm                         = Supreme Being, Almighty Nirankar
Bhram                         = Delusions, Misconceptions, Misunderstandings, Blind faith, etc.
Santushti                     = Contentment, Gratification 
Dridhaaye                  =  Strengthen, Firmness, Tenacity, Perseverance  


  1. 🙏🙏🙏 Waah ji Waah

  2. Beautiful verses. Thank you.
    Sanjeev Khullar

  3. Thanks for sharing such actions that should be avoided🙏🌹🙏

  4. Awesomely awesome 👏
    Pranam 🙏🤲🙏


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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