Friday, May 21, 2021

What we have - does not belong to us

What we have - does not truly belong to us.
Though it may appear as a part of us - as if we are the owners.
Everything we have - was given to us by the Creator - to utilize - to enjoy and to share it with those who enter our lives.
Although no one enters our life without a reason.
And we do not cross our path with others accidentally - without a reason.

There is much to give and to receive -
Much to teach, and much to learn from everyone - and from every experience we have - may it be positive or negative.
If negative things happen, even then we should remember that everything happens for a reason.
Therefore, do not grieve for what happened.
Constant complaining will not do any good to us, rather it will cover our eyes to see our path clearly.

Therefore, we should always try to learn from negative experiences and move on - and try to make the best of everything.


  1. My truck's license plate reads "GKRUPA" and a plaque by the front door bears the inscription, "Guru Krupa." It's my attempt to remember that my body, mind and wealth have been entrusted to me by God.


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