Thursday, April 30, 2020

सेवा का दृष्टिकोण एवं न्याय का गणित

एक बार दो मित्र एक मंदिर के प्रांगण में बैठे बातचीत कर रहे थे। 
अंधेरा छा रहा था और बादल मंडरा रहे थे।
थोड़ी देर में वहां एक और आदमी आया और उन दोनों के पास बैठ कर उनकी वार्तालाप में हिस्सा लेने लगा। 
जल्दी ही उन में मित्रता हो गई। 
थोड़ी देर बाद बारिश शुरु हो गई। शाम ढ़ल  चुकी थी और सबको भूख लग रही थी। 
दोनों मित्र घर से कुछ रोटियां ले कर आए थे। लेकिन तीसरे सज्जन के पास खाने के लिए कुछ नहीं था। 
पहले मित्र के पास तीन रोटियां थीं और दूसरे के पास पांच। उन्होंने सोचा सब रोटियां इकठ्ठी मिला कर आपस में मिल बाँट कर खा लेंगे। 
लेकिन तभी ये प्रश्न उठा कि आठ रोटियों को तीन बराबर हिस्सों में कैसे बांटा जाए?
पहले आदमी ने राय दी कि अगर हम हर रोटी के तीन तीन टुकड़े कर लें तो हमारे पास चौबीस टुकड़े हो जाएंगे और हम तीनों आठ -आठ टुकड़े आपस में बाँट लें तो सबको बराबर का हिस्सा मिल जाएगा। 
दोनों को उसकी राय अच्छी लगी और उन्होंने आठ रोटियों के चौबीस टुकड़े करके आपस में बाँट लिए। 
इस प्रकार प्रत्येक व्यक्ति ने आठ-आठ टुकड़े खा लिए। 

रात हो चुकी थी - दोनों मित्रों का सफर लम्बा था।  
उन्होंने मंदिर के प्रांगण में सो कर रात बिताने का और सुबह प्रस्थान करने का निश्चय किया। 
तीसरे - अर्थात नए सज्जन ने उनके प्रेम और उपकार के लिए दोनों को धन्यवाद दिया और रोटी के आठ टुकडो़ के बदले चांदी की आठ गिन्नियां (सिक्के) उन्हें उपहार स्वरुप देकर चला गया।

उसके जाने के बाद पहले आदमी ने अपने मित्र से कहा कि हम दोनों चार-चार गिन्नियां बांट लेते हैं। 
दूसरा बोला नहीं - मेरी पांच रोटियां थीं और तुम्हारी सिर्फ तीन - इसलिए मैं पांच गिन्नियां लुंगा और तुम्हें तीन गिन्नियां मिलेंगी।
इस पर दोनों में बहस छिड़ गई और झगड़ा होने लगा।
झगड़े की आवाज़ सुन कर मंदिर का पुजारी वहां आ गया।  
दोनों मित्रों ने उसे पूरी घटना एवं समस्या बताई तथा आठों गिन्नियां उसे सौंप कर न्यायपूर्ण समाधान के लिए प्रार्थना की।
पुजारी असमंजस में पड़ गया। 
विद्वान् एवं ईमानदार प्रभु-भक्त होने के नाते वह कोई ग़लत फ़ैसला नहीं देना चाहता था। इसलिए उसने कहा मुझे सोचने का समय दो। 
अभी मेरी प्रार्थना का समय है और तुम लोग भी सो जाओ - मैं कल सुबह अपना निर्णय बताऊंगा। 

वैसे तो दूसरे आदमी की तीन - पांच की बाँट ही पुजारी को ठीक लग रही थी पर फिर भी पूजा-प्रार्थना के बाद वह इसी बात को सोचते सोचते गहरी नींद में सो गया। 
रात को उसने एक सपना देखा - प्रभु उस से पूछ रहे हैं कि क्यों चिंतामग्न हो?
पुजारी ने सारी बात बता कर न्यायिक मार्गदर्शन के लिए प्रार्थना की और कहा कि मेरे विचार से तीन-पांच का बंटवारा ही उचित लगता है।
भगवान मुस्कुरा कर बोले - नहीं वत्स। 
पहले आदमी को एक गिन्नी मिलनी चाहिए और दूसरे को सात। 

भगवान की बात सुनकर पुजारी चकित हो गया और विनम्रता पूर्वक पूछा - प्रभू ऐसा कैसे ?
भगवन मुस्कुराए और बोले :
पहले आदमी ने अपनी तीन रोटियों के नौ टुकड़े किये परंतु उन नौ में से उसने आठ टुकड़े स्वयं खाए और सिर्फ एक टुकड़ा ही बांटा - अर्थात उसका त्याग  रोटी के सिर्फ एक टुकड़े का था इसलिए वो सिर्फ एक गिन्नी का ही हकदार है।
दूसरे आदमी ने अपनी पांच रोटियों के पंद्रह टुकड़े किये जिसमें से आठ टुकड़े उसने स्वयं खाऐ और सात टुकड़े उसने बांट दिए। 
इसलिए न्यायानुसार वह सात गिन्नियों का हकदार है।  
ईश्वर के न्याय का सटीक विश्लेषण सुनकर पुजारी उनके चरणों में नतमस्तक हो गया।

इस कहानी का सार यह है कि हम अक्सर ईश्वरीय एवं प्राकृतिक न्यायलीला को जानने समझने में भूल कर जाते हैं । 
हमारा वस्तुस्थिति को देखने का, समझने का दृष्टिकोण और ईश्वर अथवा प्रकृति का दृष्टिकोण भिन्न हो सकता है। 
हम अपने कार्यों और बलिदानों को एक संकीर्ण और आत्म-प्रशंसात्मक दृष्टि से देखते हैं - जबकि प्रकृति इसे अलग - अधिक गहरे और व्यापक दृष्टिकोण से देखती है।
जिसे हम अन्याय समझते हैं - वह दूसरों की दृष्टि में न्याय हो सकता है।
हम हर चीज को - हर एक घटना को अपने तरीके से देखते हैं - अपने लाभ के लिए - और अपनी भावना - अपने दृष्टिकोण को सही ठहराने की कोशिश करते हैं। हम अपनी छोटी सी सेवा - छोटे से त्याग का भी बहुत बढ़ा-चढ़ा कर गुणगान करते रहते हैं और अक्सर शिकायत करते रहते हैं कि हमें हमारी सेवा और त्याग का सही फल - प्रशंसा अथवा सम्मान नहीं मिला। 
परंतु ईश्वर हमारे त्याग की तुलना हमारे सामर्थ्य एवं शक्ति अनुसार करके यथोचित निर्णय करते हैं। 
क्योंकि ऊपर से दिखाई देने वाली वस्तुस्थिति की तुलना में वास्तविकता बहुत भिन्न भी हो सकती है।
यह महत्वपूर्ण नहीं है कि हम ने कितना दिया -
महत्वपूर्ण यह है कि हमारे सेवा के कार्य में हमारी सामर्थ्य के अनुसार असल त्याग कितना है।
                                         ' राजन सचदेव '

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Mathematic of Justice

Once two friends were gossiping sitting near a temple. 
It was dark, and the clouds were hovering.
Later, another man came there and sat with them and started to sit and chat with both of them.
Soon, it started to rain. 
It was getting late - they were feeling hungry. 
Not knowing when the rain will stop, the two friends decided to eat the food they had brought with them. 
The third man said he was hungry too, but he did not have any food with him.
So, the two friends decided to share their food with him. 
The first man said I have three loaves, the second said, I have five loaves, and the three of us can share equally. 
Now the problem was how to distribute eight loaves among three people equally?
The first man suggested breaking each Roti into three pieces. 
This way, they will have 24 pieces, and each person can have eight pieces. This way, everyone will have an equal share.
Everyone liked this idea - and this is what they did. 
The two friends had a long journey ahead of them. So, they decided to spend the night at the Temple.
The third man, the guest, gave eight silver coins to them as a token of appreciation for the eight pieces of bread they had given to him and left.
After he left - the first friend said - let us divide these coins evenly - four coins for each. The second friend said that would be unfair - since I had shared five Rotis, while you had shared only three. Therefore, I should get five coins, and you should get three.
They started arguing.
Finally, they went to the priest - gave him the coins, and asked him to resolve the issue.
The priest said it was time for his nightly prayers - that they should rest for the night, and he will give his decision after the morning prayers. 
Before going to sleep, the priest thought dividing the coins in the ratio of three and five was the right thing to do. But he did not want to make a wrong decision, so he prayed to God for proper guidance.
Later, during the night, he had a dream. 
In his dream, God told him to give one silver coin to the first man and seven to the other. 
But my Lord, wouldn't that be unfair? The priest asked.
Shouldn't the ratio of three and five be more appropriate?
God said: look. 
They broke each Roti into three pieces, and each man ate eight pieces. 
The first man had three Rotis. He gave 9 pieces but took eight of them back.  So, he sacrificed only one piece for the guest.
On the other hand, the second man had five Rotis, which were broken into fifteen pieces. He also took eight for himself and sacrificed seven for the guest.
Therefore, the first man should get one coin, and the second should be given seven. 

The essence of this story is that our point of view and God or Nature's perspective might be very different.
We may not be able to understand Nature's sense of justice. 
We may see our actions and sacrifices in a narrow and self-praising style - While the Supreme or Nature might be looking at it from a different - more profound and broader angle. 
What may seem injustice to us might be seen as justice by others. 
We tend to see things our way - for our advantage - and try to justify our sense of justice. We tend to magnify our sacrifices and complain if we don't get the returns as much as we want. 
We may think we deserve much more for whatever little sacrifices we make. However, the reality could be very different than what it appears to be on the surface. 
                                                      Rajan Sachdeva 

Monday, April 27, 2020

बहुत गई - थोड़ी रही - थोड़ी भी कट जाई

                                     एक पुरातन कथा 

एक बार एक राजा ने अपने दरबार में एक उत्सव रखा 
जिस में अपने मित्रों और राज्य के गणमान्य व्यक्तियों एवं अपने गुरु को भी सादर आमन्त्रित किया ।
उत्सव को रोचक बनाने के लिए राज्य की सुप्रसिद्ध नर्तकी को भी बुलाया गया ।
तीन पहर रात तक नृत्य और गायन चलता रहा।
तभी नर्तकी ने गाते गाते एक दोहा पढ़ा -
                         " बहुत गई - थोड़ी रही - थोड़ी भी कट जाई
                        थोड़ी देर के कारने - कहीं कलंक नाहिं लग जाई "

नृत्य करते हुए नर्तकी ने यह दोहा तीन चार बार दोहराया।

तभी अचानक युवराज अर्थात राजा के पुत्र ने अपना रत्न जड़ित हार उतारकर नर्तकी को भेंट कर दिया ।
यह दोहा सुनते ही राजा की लड़की ने भी अपने रत्न जड़ित स्वर्ण कंगन उतार कर नर्तकी को भेंट कर दिए।
महाराज के कानो में जब ये आवाज़ पड़ी तो वो भी धीरे धीरे अपने सिंहासन पर बैठे बैठे थोड़ा आगे की ओर खिसकने लगे 
और सेवक को एक हज़ार स्वर्ण मुद्राएँ नर्तकी को देने का आदेश दिया।
जब यह दोहा महाराज के गुरु जी ने सुना तो उन्होंने भी अपनी सारी स्वर्ण मुद्राएँ उस नर्तकी को अर्पण कर दीं ।

यह सब देख कर राज मंत्री बहुत हैरान हुआ।
वह सोचने लगा रात भर से नृत्य चल रहा है पर यहअचानक एक दोहा सुन कर सब लोग इतनी मूल्यवान वस्तुएं नर्तकी को क्यों भेंट कर रहें हैं। यहां तक कि उस नर्तकी के सभी साथी वादकों ने भी उसे अपनी तरफ से कुछ न कुछ दिया।
मंत्री ने तबला वादक से पूछा कि आप लोग तो सब साथ में गाते बजाते हो और अपना अपना पारिश्रमिक लेते हो। तो ऐसा क्या हुआ कि आपने उस नर्तकी को अपने पारिश्रमिक का आधा हिस्सा दे दिया ?
तबला वादक ने कहा कि बात ये है कि इतनी देर रात तक हम सब अपने साज़ बजाते बजाते थक गए थे। 
जब नर्तकी ने देखा कि तबला वादक एवं सभी संगीत वादक तक कर ऊँघ रहे हैं और उसने सोचा कि तीन पहर रात तो बीत चुकी है। 
अब थोड़ी सी रात ही बाकी है। अगर महाराज ने सबको ऊँघते देख लिया तो कहीं सभी को दंड न दे दें। इसलिए उनको सावधान करना ज़रुरी है। यह सोच कर उन को सावधान करने के लिए नर्तकी ने गाते गाते यह दोहा पढ़ा था।
                 " बहुत गई - थोड़ी रही - थोड़ी भी कट जाई
             थोड़ी देर के कारने - कहीं कलंक नाहिं लग जाई "
और यह सुनते ही हम सभी वादक एकदम सतर्क होकर अपना अपना साज़ बजाने लगे। 
लेकिन अगर यह हमें सावधान न करती तो हमें पारिश्रमिक की जगह दंड मिल सकता था।
मंत्री ने युवराज से पूछा कि एक दोहा सुन कर आपने इतना कीमती हार क्यों दे दिया ?
युवराज ने कहा - " मैं बहुत देर से राजा बनने के स्वप्न देख रहा हूँ। पिता जी वृद्ध हो गए हैं लेकिन फिर भी मुझे राज नहीं दे रहे थे ।
मैंने आज सुबह होते ही अपने सिपाहियों से मिलकर आपका कत्ल करवा देना था ।
लेकिन इस नर्तकी के दोहे को सुन कर मैंने सोचा कि आज नहीं तो कल - आखिर राज तो मुझे ही मिलना है। बहुत समय बीत गया - थोड़ा और सही। अब थोड़ी देर के लिए क्यों मैं अपने पिता की हत्या का कलंक अपने सिर पर लूँ ?
नर्तकी के इस दोहे ने मुझे पिता का हत्यारा होने से बचा दिया इसलिए जो मैंने इसे दिया वो बहुत ही कम है "

मंत्री जी ने राजकुमारी से पूछा तो उस ने कहा - "मंत्री जी ! मैं जवान हो गयी हूँ । लेकिन मेरे पिता आँखें बन्द किए बैठे हैं - मेरी शादी नहीं कर रहे - आज रात मैंने अपने प्रेमी के साथ भागने की तैयारी की हुई थी। लेकिन इस नर्तकी के दोहे ने मुझे सुमति दी है कि जल्दबाजी मत कर - आज नहीं तो कल तेरी शादी हो ही जाएगी। इस बात ने मुझे अपने पिता को कलंकित करने से रोक लिया"

मंत्री ने हिम्मत कर के महाराज से भी इसका कारण पूछ लिया।
महराज ने कहा कि मैं वृद्ध हो गया हूँ। मुझसे राज्य का भार नहीं संभाला जा रहा। मैं चाहता था कि पुत्र को राजपाट सौंप कर शेष आयु आत्म-ज्ञान और प्रभु भजन में लगा दूँ लेकिन राज-ऐश्वर्य और राज्य-शक्ति के लोभ ने मुझे रोक रखा था। इस नर्तकी के गीत ने मुझे समझा दिया कि बहुत आयु बीत गई है - थोड़ी रहती है वो भी ठीक ही बीत जाएगी। अब इस राज्य के लोभ को छोड़ देना ही ठीक है। तो मैंने मन में निश्चय कर लिया कि सुबह होते ही युवराज का राजतिलक कर दूंगा।

जब यह बात राजा के गुरु ने सुनी तो गुरु के नेत्रों में आँसू आ गए और गुरु जी कहने लगे - "महाराज ! इस नर्तकी के इस दोहे ने मेरी भी आँखें खोल दी हैं । मुझे लगता था कि इतने साल साधना - तपस्या आदि करके मुझे क्या मिला। मैं भी अगर कुछ और करता तो शायद अच्छा रहता।
इस ने मुझे समझा दिया कि बहुत समय भक्ति साधना में बीता अब थोड़ी बची आयु में अपने मार्ग से विचलित होना अच्छा नहीं।

यह सब देखकर नर्तकी ने सोचा - "मेरे एक दोहे से इतने लोग सुधर गए - उन की सोच बदल गई तो मुझे भी सोचना चाहिए।
ऐसा सोच कर नर्तकी के मन में भी वैराग्य आ गया ।

नोट : ये कहानी 1975-76 में जम्मू के एक वयोवृद्ध महात्मा अमर नाथ गुप्ता जी अक़्सर सुनाया करते थे 
                                              " राजन सचदेव "

दो शिष्यों के बीच कोरोना वार्तालाप Dialogue about the current situation

चतुरदास जी के दो शिष्यों के बीच कोरोना वार्तालाप
                         Scroll down for Roman Script 

                           पहला शिष्य :

बाहर निकल भ्रमण जिन कीन्हां।
खाकी-गण दारुन दु:ख दीन्हां।।

लम्ब डण्ड से होत ठुकाई।
करहु नियंत्रण मन पर भाई।।

डाउन लॉक रहहु गृह माहीं।
भ्रमण फिज़ूल करहु तुम नाहीं।।

                           दूसरा शिष्य :

सत्य सखा तव सुंदर वचना
भेदि न जाइ पुलिस की रचना

खाकीधारी अति बलशाली
मारहि लाठि देहिं बहु गाली

पृष्ठ भाग खलु करहिं प्रहारा
चहूं ओर मचै हाहाकारा

जदपि सखा इच्छा मन माहीं
तदपि कदापि न टहलन जाहीं।

Chaturadaas jee kay do Shishyon kay beech dialogue about the current situation due to Coronavirus

                                    1st Shishya :

Baahar nikal bhraman jin keenaa
Khaakee-jan daarun dukh deenaa

Lamb dand say hot thukaayi
Karahu Niyantran man par bhaayi

Lock-Down rahahu greh maahee
Bhraman fizool karahu tum naahee

                                    2nd Shishay :

Satya sakhaa tav sundar vachanaa
Bhedee na jaayi police kee rachanaa

Khaakee-dhaari ati bal shaalee
Maarahi laathi dehin bahu gaalee

Prishth bhaag khal karahin prahaaraa
Chahun oar machai haahaa-kaaraa

jJadapi Sakha ichchha man maaheen
Tadapi kadaapi naa tehalan jaaheen

Friday, April 24, 2020

A Man Asked God

A man died of Coronavirus. 
When he went to heaven, he asked God:
Dear God, I had heard and read in the Holy Scriptures that you always protect your devotees, who believe in you.
That you always come to save them whenever they need you. 
I chanted your name, and prayed to you every day and night, why did you not come to save me? 

God replied: My dear child - I came to you so many times - 
Sometimes as PM, or as CM - as doctors or as policemen - 
as friends or as employees of the city corporation -
and I told you to stay at home. 
I even sent you messages on TV and social media. 
But you never listened to me. 
So, I had to call you here. 
                                 Stay home - Stay safe. 
If you must leave, then take all precautions.
                                May God bless all. 
             "Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah - Sarve Santu Niraamaya" 
May everyone in the world stay well and happy. 
May everyone in the world be without any disease. 
                                (From the Vedas)

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Lock down - End it or Extend it.

For those arguing on both sides that we must open now or it is too soon to open - this is the most important thing, you’ll read. 

Here's the question:

When will it be safe to end the lockdown, to reemerge? 
May 1st? May 15th? June? July? August?

Here's the real answer:
It will never be "safe".

Social distancing, staying at home, all of these measures were not to "cure" Covid-19. 
These were measures to slow it down, so as to not overwhelm our healthcare system.
For the most part, we've done that.
It does not change the virality of Covid, how it spreads from one person to another.
It has no effect on the mortality rate.
It was intended to delay it.
But as soon as we emerge, the virus will spread again and the people with weakened immune systems will still succumb to it.
This is a harsh fact.
The people who missed it this time may eventually get it - regardless of if we emerge on May 1st or September 30th.

We need to protect our healthcare system to handle the load, but we don't need to mislead ourselves over the outcome of this quarantine. 
It is slowing it down, but not curing it.

If you're driving to Pune from Mumbai (or Chicago to New York) at 50 miles an hour or 100 miles an hour, the distance doesn't change.
If your lifestyle is causing you to have a weakened immune system, use this time to correct that.
Otherwise, you've placed a target on your own back.
Now is not the time for indulging in comfort food - it's a time to give ourselves the healthiest, most robust immune system our body is capable of.
Detox yourself and maintain social distancing for the next couple of years. 
It's as simple.
The above text is posted as received. 
Let us hope and pray for a vaccine and total destruction of the virus by the heat of summer. 
In the meantime boosting our immune system and safety precautions would be prudent. 
                                   (Sent by a Doctor Friend)

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

हर ज़र्रे विच सूरत तेरी Har Zarray Vich Soorat Teri

Har Zarray Vich Soorat Teri - Har Pattay tay Tera Naa
                     हर ज़र्रे विच सूरत तेरी हर पत्ते ते तेरा नां 

Click on the blue Link to listen!AlSoca96ZMsLh5B2l-400DEMXo_OwQ?e=cKlMiy

Monday, April 20, 2020


I heard that we are in the same boat. 

But it's not like that. 

We are in the same storm, but not in the same boat. 

Your ship can be shipwrecked and mine might not be. 
Or vice versa. 

For some, quarantine is optimal: a moment of reflection, of re-connection. Easy, in flip flops, with a whiskey or tea.
For others, this is a desperate crisis. 

For some, it might be time for introspection - for self-examination  
For others, it is facing loneliness. 

For some, peace - rest time, vacation.
Yet for others, Torture: How am I going to pay my bills?

Some were concerned about a brand of chocolate for Easter (this year there were no rich chocolates).
Others were concerned about the bread for the weekend, or if the noodles would last for a few more days.

Some were in their "home office".
Others are looking through trash to survive.

Some want to go back to work because they are running out of money.
Others want to kill those who break the quarantine.

Some need to break the quarantine to stand in line at the banks. 
Others break it to escape.
Some criticize the government for the lines.

Some have experienced the near-death of the virus, some have already lost someone from it, some are not sure their loved ones are going to make it, 
And some don't even believe this is a big deal.

Some of us who are well now may end up experiencing it
And some believe they are infallible and will be blown away if or when this hits someone they know

Some have faith in God and expect miracles during this 2020.
Others say the worse is yet to come.

So, friends, we are not in the same boat.
We are going through a time when our perceptions and needs are completely different.
And each one will emerge, in his own way, from that storm.

Some with a tan from their pool. 
Others with scars on the soul (for invisible reasons).

It is very important to see beyond what is seen at first glance.
Not just looking, more than looking, seeing.

See beyond the political party, beyond religion, beyond the nose on your face.
Do not underestimate the pain of others if you do not feel it.
Do not judge the good life of the other, do not condemn the bad life of the other. 

Don't be a judge. 
Let us not judge the one who lacks, as well as the one who exceeds him.

We are on different ships looking to survive. 

Let everyone navigate their route with respect, empathy, and responsibility.
                                   --Author unknown --

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Keeping Anger in the Heart

Keeping anger in our hearts is like holding burning coal on our hands. 
It burns us, not the others. 

Anger is like poison in our body - it kills us, not the others.

Staying angry with others all the time does not help or solve anything. 
The longer we stay angry, the longer we feel hurt. 

Let go of anger, and you will feel relieved - alleviated. 
Keep your space if you want, but give space to others as well. 

Life is short. It's not worth living in anger and negativity all the time. 
We don't know how long we will be here. 
So, why not live in peace and enjoy whatever we have -
by making adjustments and compromising - may it be things, people, or relationships. 

Peace to all. 
          Shanti - Shanti - Shantihi 
                                            ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Friday, April 17, 2020

आस, वादे, ख़्वाब, अरमां Aas, Vaaday, Khwaab, Armaan

आस, वादे,  ख़्वाब, अरमां, आरज़ूएँ, हसरतें 
ज़िंदगी क्या क्या खिलौने दे के बहलाती रही 
                            " बेदिल सरहदी "

Aas, Vaaday, Khwaab, Armaan, Aarzuen, Hasratain
Zindagi kya kya khilaunay day kay behlaati rahi 
                                         " Bedil Sarhadi "

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

On Cloudy & Gloomy Days

Sunflowers turn according to the position of the sun. 
In other words, they “chase the light.” 

Have you ever wondered what happens on cloudy and rainy days 
  - when the sun is covered by clouds? 

You might think the sunflower withers or turns its head towards the ground. 

But, actually, they turn towards each other to share their energy.
Nature’s perfection is amazing. 

Now let’s apply this reflection to our lives. 
Many people may become low-spirited, and most vulnerable ones may even become depressed.

How about following the example of the beautiful sunflowers - supporting and empowering each other?

We can solve so many problems by talking, compromising, understanding, and helping each other.

Wishing everyone the quality and spirit of the sunflowers - turning towards each other on their cloudy and gloomy days.
Nature has so much to teach us.
Spread will come back to you.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Roop Rang tay Rekhon Nyaaray रुप रंग ते रेखों न्यारे

रुप रंग ते रेखों न्यारे तैनू लख प्रणाम करां 
Please click on this blue Audio file link to listen!AlSoca96ZMsLh5BnXrLDjlXVQtDkeQ

Thursday, April 9, 2020

ना देखो हिन्दू सिख Na dekho Hindu Sikh

ना देखो हिन्दू सिख मुसलमान कौन है
ये  पता करो दुखी  इन्सान कौन है 
मन्दिर मस्जिद गुरद्वारे में ना उलझो यारो
बस ये पता करो कि परेशान कौन है 

Na dekho Hindu Sikh Musalman kaun hai
Ye pataa karo dukhi  insaan kaun hai 
Mandir Masjid Gurdwaray mein na uljho yaaro 
Bus ye pataa  karo ki pareshaan kaun hai

Monday, April 6, 2020

What is Hindu Culture

This morning, I received a message from Himachal Pradesh, India -  
To describe the Hindu culture.
Every culture is a reflection of the thoughts and ideology of its people - its thinkers who had shaped it.

The first and most important aspect of Hindu thought and culture is
         Ekam Satya - Bahudha Vadanti Viprah
Meaning, there is only one Truth - which is defined differently by different teachers - wise and learned scholars.

This thought makes Hindu culture the most tolerant culture. 
It allows Hindus to respect every other culture and not criticize them. 
That's why they can live peacefully in any society and country - along with people from different cultures. 
They can respect and adapt to other cultures quickly and yet able to maintain some distinctive and valuable features from their own culture as well. 

The second fundamental teaching of Hindu culture is:
           Tamaso ma - Jyotir Gamay
           Asato ma - Sad Gamaya
Meaning:  Not darkness, but move towards the Light.
Follow the Truth - Not falsehood.
This doctrine helps Hindus to seek new truths - to embrace new concepts, ideologies, and new scientific theories quickly. This is why Hindus have never been against science or new experiments and discoveries. 

Another significant and fascinating aspect of Hindu culture is the belief that nature is the manifestation of All-Pervading, Almighty God. 
Therefore, they have immense respect for nature and all other beings. 

During my childhood - I remember seeing one unique aspect of my grandmother's daily routine, which was common among all Hindus in the olden days. 
Every day, while making Rotis for the family, she would always keep the first four Rotis aside - one for the Kul-Purohit (Family Brahman priest), one for the cow, one for the dogs, and one for the crows. 

In the olden days, when there were no schools in villages, people would send their children to the Brahmin priest for learning. They never charged any fee for the teaching, nor they had any other means of earnings. People in their Communities would provide them food and other necessities voluntarily - according to their capacity and desire.

However, there is an interesting concept behind cooking and offering food to Cows, dogs, and crows every day. 

Cows are considered sacred - among the higher level of creatures because they provide milk, which suits quite well to humans also. Milk is regarded as a complete diet - as it can provide protein, essential vitamins, and necessary minerals for toddlers and even newborns. 
Now, because the mother provides milk to her children - the cow is granted the same status as the mother - the highest regard. 

Dogs, unlike in the west, were regarded as a lower level of creatures in India - a symbol of greed, violence, lust for territorial control, and hostility toward their own kind. 

Crow is usually regarded as a repulsive ugly creature with an unpleasant tone. 

Every day, four Rotis were kept aside for different types of creatures - from higher to lower - from beautiful to ugly - and from the giver to the violent taker, showing the regard and compassion for all kinds of beings.

Respect for all beings and cultures of other communities - for their beliefs and lifestyle - and urge to explore and adopt new Truths as we advance - are some of the main characters of Hindu culture that make them humble, tolerant, open-minded, and peaceful people. 

In short, following Dharma, the eternal duties, such as honesty, charity, tolerance, patience, self-control, Ahimsa (non-violence), and compassion, etc. are an essential part of Hindu culture.
                                        'Rajan Sachdeva '

The earth whispered but you did not hear

                            Nice write up by Vivienne 

The earth whispered but you did not hear. 
The earth spoke but you did not listen
The earth screamed but you turned her off.
And so I was born...
I was not born to punish you.
I was born to awaken you.
The earth cried out for help...
Massive flooding. But you didn't listen. 
Burning fires. But you didn't listen. 
Strong hurricanes. But you didn't listen. 
Terrifying Tornadoes. But you didn't listen.
You still don't listen to the earth when 
Ocean animals are dying due to pollutants in the waters. 
Glaciers melting at an alarming rate. 
Severe drought.
You didn't listen to how much negativity the earth is receiving.
Non-stop wars. 
Non-stop greed.
You just kept going on with your life.
No matter how much hate there was.
No matter how many killings daily.
It was more important to get that latest iPhone than worry about what the earth was trying to tell you.

But now I am here.
And I've made the world stop in its tracks. 
I've made you finally listen. 
I've made you take refuge. 
I've made you stop thinking about materialistic things.
Now you are like the earth.
You are only worried about YOUR survival.
How does that feel?
I give you fever.. as the fires burn on earth. 
I give you respiratory issues.. as pollution filled the earth’s air. 
I give you weakness as the earth weakens every day.
I took away your comforts.
Your outings. 
The things you would use to forget about the planet and its pain.
And I made the world stop...
And now... 
China has better air quality.
Skys are clear blue because factories are not spewing pollution unto the earth's air. 
The water in Venice is clean and Because the gondola boats that pollute the water are not being used.
YOU are having to take time to reflect on what is important in your life.
Again I am not here to punish you.
I am here to Awaken you...
When all this is over and I am gone... 
Please remember these moments.
Listen to the earth. 
Listen to your soul. 
Stop Polluting the earth. 
Stop fighting amongst each other. 
Stop caring about materialistic things. 
And start loving your neighbors. 
Start caring about the earth and all its creatures. 
Start believing in a Creator.
Because next time I may come back even stronger...
And next time don't know how long you will survive........

                               ' Written by: Vivienne R Reich '

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

APRIL full of God's Blessings

Some call it APRIL FOOL 
But for you and your beloved family 
And everyone in the world
I wish  APRIL FULL of .................

APRIL full of God's Blessings
APRIL full of God's Favour
APRIL full of God's Mercy
APRIL full of God's Joy
APRIL full of God's Greatness
APRIL full of God's Abundance
APRIL full of God's Goodness
APRIL full of God's Honour
APRIL full of God's Goodies of life
APRIL full of Progression in life
APRIL full of  Productive Ideas
APRIL full of Purpose for your life
APRIL full of Promotion
APRIL full of Good Health
APRIL full of Financial Breakthrough
APRIL full of a Closer Walk with God
APRIL full of God's Help

 I wish you and your beloved family 
a month of FULLNESS in everything in your lives

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...