Monday, March 30, 2020

शर्त - एक रुसी कहानी (A Russian Story)

 शर्त  - एक रुसी कहानी (A Russian Story)
                              मूल लेखक: Anton Chekhov 
                  (ब्लॉग के हिन्दी पाठकों के लिए अनुवादित)

एक बैंकर ने अपने कुछ मित्रों को अपने घर में पार्टी के लिए बुलाया जिस में एक वकील भी शामिल था। 
पार्टी के दौरान सभी अतिथि एक चर्चा में पड़ गए। 
चर्चा का विषय था - "इन दोनों में से क्या अच्छा है - मृत्यु दंड अथवा आजीवन कारावास" ?
बैंकर ने आजीवन कारावास की तुलना में मृत्यु को श्रेष्ठ समझा। 
जबकि एक युवा वकील ने असहमत होते हुए कहा कि वह मृत्यु के बजाय जेल में रहने का चयन करेगा। 
बात बढ़ी तो दोनों के बीच शर्त लगी। 
शर्त थी कि यदि वकील पंद्रह साल पूर्णतया एकांत में रह सके तो बैंकर उसे दो मिलियन (बीस लाख ) रुबल का भुगतान करेगा। इस दौरान वकील किसी अन्य व्यक्ति के साथ कोई सीधा संपर्क नहीं कर पाएगा लेकिन उसे जो चाहिए वह लिख के खिड़की में रख दे तो उसे पहुंचा दिया जाएगा। 
वकील ने यह शर्त स्वीकार कर ली।  
बैंकर ने उसे अपने फार्म हॉउस के पिछवाड़े में बने एक कमरे में बंद कर दिया। 
चौकीदार समयानुसार भोजन और आवश्यक सामग्री कमरे में बनी एक खिड़की में रख जाता। 
दो चार दिन तो आराम से बीत गए लेकिन कुछ दिनों के बाद वह उदास हो गया और कुछ खीझने लगा । 
उसे बताया गया था कि जब भी वह और बर्दाश्त न कर सके तो वो घण्टी बजा के संकेत दे सकता है और उसे  वहां से निकाल लिया जाएगा ।
जैसे जैसे दिन बीतने लगे उसे एक एक घंटा एक एक युग के समान लगने लगा । कभी वोअपने बाल नोचता, रोता, तड़पता, चीखता, चिल्लाता - लेकिन शर्त का ख़्याल कर के बाहर से किसी को नहीं बुलाता ।

अकेलेपन की पीड़ा उसे भयानक लगने लगी पर वो शर्त के अनुसार बीस लाख रुबल मिलने की बात याद करके अपने आप को रोक लेता ।
फिर उसने धीरे धीरे नई नई किताबें मंगवा कर पढ़नी शुरु कर दीं। उसने छै नई भाषाएँ भी सीख लीं। 
कुछ साल और बीतने पर उसने धर्म शास्त्र पढ़ने शुरु कर दिए। 
अब धीरे धीरे उसके भीतर एक अजीब शांति घटित होने  लगी।
अब उसे किसी और की आवश्यकता का भी अनुभव नही होता था। 
वो बस मौन बैठा रहता। एकदम शांत - उसका रोना, चीखना, चिल्लाना सब बंद हो चुका था। 

इधर, उसके बैंकर दोस्त का व्यापार चौपट हो गया था।  
पंद्रह साल पूरे होने को आ रहे थे। 
बैंकर को चिंता होने लगी कि शर्त का समय पूरा हो चला था लेकिन उसका दोस्त है कि बाहर ही नही आ रहा।
उसे चिंता होने लगी कि यदि उसके मित्र ने शर्त जीत ली तो इतने पैसे वो उसे कहाँ से देगा - वो दिवालिया हो जाएगा। 
ऐसा सोच कर - समय पूरा होने से एक दिन पहले बैंकर ने अपने दोस्त को जान से मार देने की योजना बनाई और रात के अँधेरे में उसे मारने के लिये चला गया। जब वो कमरे का ताला खोल कर अंदर गया तो देखा कि  उसका मित्र मेज पर सर रख कर सोया हुआ था। 
उसके होंठों पर हलकी सी मुस्कुराहट थी और उसका चेहरा चमक रहा था - उसके मुखमंडल पर एक अजीब आभा झलक रही थी।  
उसके सर के पास ही एक कागज़ पड़ा था जिस पर एक नोट लिखा हुआ था। 
उसने धीरे से वो कागज़ उठाया और पढ़ने लगा।  
उस नोट में जो लिखा था वो पढ़ कर उसके आश्चर्य का ठिकाना नही रहा। 
उस में लिखा था: 
प्यारे दोस्त। इन पंद्रह सालों में मैंने वो अनमोल वस्तु पा ली है जिसका कोई मोल नही चुका सकता। मैंने एकांत में रहकर असीम शांति का सुख पा लिया है और अब मैं ये भी जान चुका हूं कि  हमारी ज़रुरतें  जितनी कम होती जाती हैं हमें उतना ही आनंद और शांति मिलने लगती है। 
मैंने इन दिनों में परमात्मा के असीम प्रेम को जान लिया है और असीम शांति को प्राप्त कर लिया है। आज मुझे अनुभव हो रहा है कि बीस लाख रुबल ले कर जिस स्वर्ग की मैंने कल्पना की थी वह सब भौतिक वस्तुएं क्षणभंगुर हैं और दिव्य मोक्ष का मूल्य इन इन सब से अधिक  है।
इसलिए मैं अपनी ओर से यह शर्त तोड़ रहा हूँ अब मुझे तुम्हारे शर्त के धन की कोई ज़रुरत नहीं है। 
मैं निर्धारित अवधि से दो तीन घंटे पहले यहां से निकल जाऊँगा और इस तरह तुम हमारे समझौते का उल्लंघन करने से बच जाओगे।"

यह पढ़ कर वकील की आँखों में ख़ुशी के आंसू आ गए। उसने धीरे से अपने दोस्त का माथा चूमा और वापिस अपने घर चला गया। 

उस सुबह जब बैंकर बाद में उठा, तो चौकीदार ने आकर बताया कि वकील खिड़की से बाहर कूद कर निकल गया - और अपनी संपत्ति को छोड़ कर वहां से भाग चुका है।


इस कहानी में दो प्रमुख पात्र हैं - बैंकर और वकील।
बैंकर अधिकार की स्थिति में रहना पसंद करता है और दूसरों पर अधिकार जमाना पसंद करता है, खासकर उन पर जो लोग उससे असहमत होते हैं।
कहानी की शुरुआत में उसका चरित्र कुछ अलग है। 
वह बहुत हंसमुख और आशावादी दिखाई देता है क्योंकि वह तुरंत ही बीस लाख की शर्त लगा लेता है। 
लेकिन बाद में, धन की कमी उसे बेईमानी और हत्या की योजना के लिए प्रेरित करती है - यह उसकी कमजोरी को दर्शाता है।
वह जीवन की भौतिकवादी विलासिता से जुड़ा हुआ है और उसकी नज़र में  मानव जीवन का महत्व उसकी विलासिता से कम है - क्योंकि वह अपना धन बचाने के लिए वकील को मारने तक की योजना बना लेता है।
लेकिन दोस्त के लिखे नोट को पढ़ने के बाद - ये जानने के बाद कि अब उसे शर्त के पैसों का भुगतान नहीं करना पड़ेगा तो उसके विचार बदल जाते हैं। जब वह अपने दोस्त का माथा चूमता है तो वो भी इसलिए कि अब उसे वो बीस लाख नहीं देने पड़ेंगे। 

दूसरी ओर, वह वकील बुद्धिमान और आत्म-विश्वासी है।
वह पंद्रह साल के कारावास में रह कर भी टूटता नहीं है। 
वह धैर्यवान और दृढ़ निश्चयी है।
उस ने अपना अधिकांश समय पुस्तकें पढ़ने में व्यतीत करना शुरु कर दिया - आत्मनिरीक्षण और ध्यान में समय बिताने लगा। 
कहानी के आरम्भ में वह एक युवा, अधीर व्यक्ति के रुप में दिखाई देता है 
जो बीस लाख के लालच में पंद्रह साल एकान्त में रहने के लिए तैयार हो जाता है। 
जो अपने युवा जीवन के सर्वश्रेष्ठ पंद्रह वर्षों को मात्र धन के लिए निछावर करने को तैयार हो जाता है। 
लेकिन कालान्तर में उस की उत्सुकता धन और विलासिता की बजाय परम् शांति पाने की ओर अग्रसर होने लगती है। 
कहानी के अंत में, भौतिकवादी विलासिता में कोई दिलचस्पी नहीं रखने वाले व्यक्ति के रुप में उनका उदय तब परिलक्षित होता है जब वह बीस लाख का भी त्याग कर देता है और अंतिम समय पर स्वयं अपनी शर्त तोड़ कर  चुप चाप रात के अँधेरे में ग़ायब हो जाता है। 

                            इस कहानी को आज के संदर्भ में देखें और समझें

लॉकडाउन की इस परीक्षा की घड़ी में स्वयं को झुंझलाहट,चिंता और भय में न डालें
बल्कि परमात्मा की निकटता को महसूस करें और जीवन को नए दृष्टिकोण से देखने का प्रयास करें। 
विश्वास रखें कि जल्दी ही सब ठीक हो जाएगा 
शायद कुछ दिनों या कुछ हफ़्तों की ही बात है 
लॉक डाउन का पालन करें। 
स्वयं भी सुरक्षित रहें, और अपने परिवार, समाज, राष्ट्र और सारे संसार को सुरक्षित रखने में सहयोग दें 

                                     ' राजन सचदेवा '

The Bet - A Russian Story

The Bet   
By Anton Chekhov 

As the story opens, a banker recalls the occasion of a bet he had made fifteen years before. Guests at the party that he was hosting that day fell into a discussion of capital punishment; the banker viewed it as more humane than life imprisonment, while a young lawyer disagreed, insisting that he would choose life in prison rather than death. They agreed to a bet: if the lawyer could spend fifteen years in total isolation, the banker would pay him two million rubles. The lawyer would have no direct contact with any other person but could write notes to communicate with the outside world and receive whatever comforts he desired.
Confined to a guest room on the banker's property, the lawyer suffers from loneliness and depression at first but eventually begins to read and study in a wide range of subjects. He learned six different languages. By the sixth year, he started reading the Scriptures. 
As he takes advantage of the solitude to educate and amuse himself in various ways over the years, the banker's fortunes begin to decline. He realizes that if he loses, paying off the bet will lead to bankruptcy.
In the early hours of the day when the fifteen-year period is to expire, the banker resolves to kill the lawyer, but finds him greatly emaciated and sleeping at a table. A note written by the latter reveals that he has chosen to abandon the bet, having learned that material goods are fleeting and that divine salvation is worth more than money. 
"That I may show you in deed my contempt for that by which you live, I waive the two millions of which I once dreamed as of paradise, and which I now despise. That I may deprive myself of
my right to them, I shall come out from here five minutes before the stipulated term, and thus shall violate the agreement."
Shocked and moved after reading the note, the banker kisses the lawyer on the head and returns to bed. When the banker wakes up later that morning, a watchman reports that the lawyer has climbed out the window and fled the property, forfeiting the bet. 

There are two major characters featured in this story - the banker and the lawyer.
The banker likes to be in a position of authority and likes to wield power over others, especially those who happen to disagree with him. 
His character changes drastically from the beginning of the story - when he is very cheerful and optimistic as he quickly bets to pay two million and later, his lack of wealth drives him to dishonesty and plan for murder - it shows his weakness. 
He is very attached to the materialistic luxuries of life and values human life less than his luxuries as he plans on killing the lawyer. 
He plans on killing the lawyer for money, and nothing but money changes his mind. He kisses his friend's forehead when he learns he does not have to pay the bet. 

On the other hand, the lawyer seems to be persistent, intelligent, and self-motivating. 
He does not break down in the fifteen years of imprisonment as the banker foretold. He is intelligent, patient, and determined. 
He started spending most of his time reading so many books - spending time in introspection and meditation - which reflects in his eagerness to find peace within rather than claiming the final prize.
He starts as a young, impatient person, ready to spend fifteen best years of his life for two million. But in the end, his emergence as a person with no interest in materialistic luxury is reflected when he renounces the two million and settles with just having proved his point and the peace he found within.

The lesson to learn from this story is that in this hour of lockdown, do not put yourself in the annoyance, anxiety, and fear - feel the closeness of the Divine - spend some time in introspection, self-examination, and meditation - and try to see life from a new perspective.
Believe that everything will get better eventually.
Follow the lockdown. 
Stay safe, keep family, society, and your nation and the world safe.
                                     ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Saturday, March 28, 2020

कभी ये सोचा करते थे Kabhi ye sochaa kartay thay

कभी ये सोचा करते थे कि फ़ुर्सत के दिन चार मिलें 
काम धाम सब छोड़ें, अपने  घर बैठें - आराम करें 

क़ुदरत ने फ़ुर्सत तो बख़्शी लेकिन ये क्या ग़ज़ब हुआ 
समझ किसी की आए न - ये माजरा क्या अजब हुआ 

फ़ुरसत तो है सबको लेकिन ,चैन किसी को आए न 
कब ये मसला हल होगा ये समझ किसी को आए न 

क़ुदरत से खिलवाड़ नहीं अच्छा - ये सबने देख लिया   
क़हर मचा सकता है इक क़तरा -ये सबने देख लिया               

बेबस है, लाचार है दुनिया  -  न जाने कल क्या होगा 
मुश्किल के इस दौर में आख़िर बचने का हल क्या होगा 
रहम करो मालिक अपने बंदों पे दाता दया करो 
मिट जाए 'राजन 'ये दहशत दाता ऐसी मया करो 
                      'राजन सचदेव '

Kabhi ye sochaa kartay thay ki fursat kay din chaar milen
Kaam dhaam sab chhoden apnay ghar baithen araam karen

Qudrat nay fursat to bakhshi lekin ya kya ghazab huaa 
Samajh kisi kee aaye na ye maajraa kya ajab hua 

Fursat to hai sab ko lekin - chain kisi ko aaye naa
Kab ye maslaa hal hoga ye samajh kisi ko aaye naa

Qudrat say khilvaad nahin achhaa ye sab nay dekh liya 
Qahar machaa saktaa hai ik qatraa ye sab nay dekh liya 

Bebas hai, lachaar hai duniya - na jaanay kal kya hogaa
Mushkil kay is daur me aakhir bachnay ka hal kya hogaa 

Reham karo Maalik apnay bandon pay Daata dayaa karo
Mit jaaye 'Rajan' ye dehshat - Daata aesi mayaa karo 
                                   'Rajan Sachdeva'

Maajraa                         Incidence, Episode
Qahar                             Havoc, Devastation, Destruction 
Qatraa                           Tiny Drop, a Droplet, Very small, Minute
Bebas, Lachaar           Helpless, Feeble 
Mayaa                           Mercy, Compassion, Kindness

Friday, March 27, 2020

ज़रुरत क्या है ? Zaroorat kya hai ?

बेवजह घर से निकलने की ज़रुरत क्या है
मौत से आंख मिलाने की ज़रुरत क्या है 

सबको मालूम है बाहर की हवा है क़ातिल
यूँ ही क़ातिल से उलझनें की 
ज़रुरत क्या है 

जिंदगी एक नियामत - इसे सम्भाल के रख 
कब्रगाहों को सजाने की ज़रुरत क्या है 

दिल बहलाने के लिए घर में जगह है काफी 
यूँ  ही गलियों में भटकने की ज़रुरत क्या है                                          
                                      (Writer unknown)
               ~~   ~~           ~~   ~~

Be-vajah ghar say nikalnay ki zaroorat kya hai 
Maut say aankh milaanay ki zaroorat kya hai 

Sab ko maloom hai baahar ki hawaa hai qaatil    
Yoon hi qaatil say ulajhnay ki zaroorat kya hai 

Zindagi ek niyaamat - isay sambaal kay rakh
Qabr-gaahon ko sajaanay ki zaroorat kya hai 

Dil behlaanay kay liye ghar me jagah hai kaafi          
Yoon hi galiyon me bhataknay ki zaroorat kya hai 
                                         (Writer unknown)

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Suddenly We Realized

We slept in one world and woke up in another. 

Suddenly, Disney has no more magic  
Paris is no longer romantic 

In New York, everyone sleeps
and the Chinese wall is not a fortress anymore

Suddenly hugs and kisses become weapons
and not visiting parents and grandparents becomes an act of love 

Suddenly we realized that power is not that valuable 
and money is not that powerful.
                                     (Author Unknown)

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

सीरत नहीं है जिस में Seerat nahin hai jis may

सीरत नहीं है जिस में  वो सूरत  फुज़ूल है 
जिस गुल में बू नहीं है वो काग़ज़ का फूल है 

Seerat nahin hai jis may vo soorat fuzool hai
Jis gul men boo nahi hai vo kagaz ka phool hai

                               ~~~~       ~~~~       ~~~~       ~~~~

Seerat --- Good nature, Disposition, Generosity, Compassion, Kindness, etc.
सीरत --- स्वभाव, प्रकृति, अख्लाक़, सौजन्य
Gul ----- Flower
Boo ---- Fragrance

लोगों के देखने का नज़रिया बदल गया Dekhnay ka nazariyaa badal gayaa

कश्ती है पुरानी मगर दरिया बदल गया
मेरी तलाश का भी तो ज़रिया बदल गया

न  शक़्ल ही बदली - न बदला मेरा किरदार
बस लोगों के देखने का नज़रिया बदल गया

Kashti hai puraani magar dariya badal gayaa
Meri talaash ka bhee to zariyaa badal gayaa

Na shaql hee badli - na badlaa mera kirdaar
Bus Logon kay dekhnay ka nazariyaa badal gayaa 

Sunday, March 22, 2020

The doctrine of Karma & Destiny

The doctrine of Karma and destiny is essentially the law of cause and effect 
- Karma meaning the action and its outcome is destiny. 
Simply put, what you sow, so shall you reap. 

However, quite often, this concept has been misunderstood and misrepresented. 

Usually, we apply this principle only on an individual basis. 
If someone is sick or going through a rough time, we often pass a judgment saying it's the result of his or her Karmas - including the karmas of past lives.  
Many times it seems that some people are very kind - noble, generous, and honest - never did anything wrong in their life, and yet they suffer. The usual conclusion of a religious Hindu mind would be that they must have done something wrong in their previous life.

However, the doctrine of Karma is not as simple as that. 
Many other factors also play some significant roles in one's life.

While defining Karma and destiny - the theory of cause and effect, we tend to forget another significant aspect of Hindu philosophy that everyone and everything is a part of the whole - that everyone and everything is connected in the whole universe. 
The latest science experiments also show that, at the quantum level, one particle can affect the other particle instantaneously, regardless of the distance between them.
According to this principle, the Karma of one can affect others as well. 
Therefore, in addition to individual Karmas, there are joint and collective Karmas - that also have an impact on individuals.

Joint Karmas are the karmas and the consequences we share with our loved ones - those with whom we are attached physically and emotionally. 
Just as children share their parent's fortunes and debts in physical life, they share each other's destiny at the Sooksham (subtle) level as well.  When a couple ties the knots in matrimony, their Karmas also get knotted together. They become partners in each other's destiny as well.

Collective Karmas are the Karmas that are done by a group, society, or even humanity in general - either individually, or collectively - their consequences have to be shared together.

Then there are weak Karmas and strong Karmas. 
While weak karmas die quickly, Strong Karmas have more substantial and long-lasting consequences, which may affect many more people around us as well as many more future lifetimes - existences. 

Praarabdh' depends upon the previously Sanchit (accumulated) Karmas, which either provides opportunities - or denies them. 
To avail an available opportunity or lose it- is the individual's choice called freewill. 

The future destiny depends on previous and present Karmas together - including the free will of choosing immediate actions - but the joint and collective Karmas also play a role in shaping one's future. 

So, the doctrine of Karma is not just one aspect.
It's a blend of all the above factors.
                         'Rajan Sachdeva '

Do you know why Temples are closed?

Do you know why all the temples are closed? 

Because all the Gods are in Hospitals 

                  Wearing white coats  ---

                                Helping & Saving Patients!

What we receive is information

What we receive is information 
What we preserve is knowledge 
What we use is intelligence
But what, when and how we use it - 
         - is called Wisdom

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Frustration - Expectations

Frustration is a function of our expectations, 
and our expectations are often a reflection of the social mirror 
rather than our own values and priorities
                               (From a book by Stephen R. Covey)

Friday, March 20, 2020

A Question about pandemic on philosophical grounds:

A couple of days ago, the following question was asked in the comment section:
Rajanji, what is your take on coronavirus situation in the world? 
Want to know your philosophical point of view and your perspective. 
Please touch upon it when you have a moment.
                               ~~   ~~   ~~    ~~ 

Everyone is concerned about the Coronavirus pandemic these days. 
So much information about its cause, symptoms and preventive measures is being shared on Social media nowadays that it's hard to know what is authentic and what is not. Every social media is flooded mostly with rumors - false news and fake remedies. It seems that everyone is an expert in medical science - that they know how to handle this crisis and have a solution for everything. 

At the same time, the people in the medical profession - doctors, nurses, PAs, and all others are doing an excellent job of taking care of patients as always. Scientists are working hard to find a vaccine. Their dedication to the wellbeing of humanity is highly commendable, and we all should be very grateful for what they do. 
Hopefully, they will find a solution/remedy soon, and we all can go back to the daily routines of our lives. 

Now, on the philosophical side - as per the question.

Many ideas - other than the physical or scientific reasons about this coronavirus pandemic are also floating on social media. 
Some say it's a way of punishment from God. 
Some are questioning where is God now? And why is He doing this? 
According to Judo-Christian-Islamic ideology - as mentioned in the Torah, Old Testament, and Quran - when people disobey God, God casts His wrath upon the people. 

Naturally, a question comes to mind how can a benevolent, merciful God do such a thing to his creation or children if He loves them all equally? Even human parents - no matter how bad their children are, cannot throw deadly virus on their children to punish them. 

On the other hand, the ancient Indian philosophies - such as Hinduism and Buddhism advocate the doctrine of Karma and destiny. It's the law of cause and effect. 
Every action brings its reaction. 
In other words, what you sow, so shall you reap. 
Usually, we apply this principle only on individual bases. 
However, it also applies collectively to communities and societies - and humanity in general - Eventually affecting everything around us in the universe. 
According to Hindu philosophy, everyone, and everything, in one way or the other, is connected to each other. 
Even the science now believes that every particle in the universe is connected - as if with some invisible string. The action of one can affect the other and even cause a chain reaction - a ripple effect in the whole universe.
It seems that what is happening right now in the form of this pandemic is a ripple effect of the collective human actions against nature's ecosystem. 
Nature always tries to keep its balance. 
If we disturb nature, then nature disturbs us.
That is the principle of Karma and destiny. 
It may happen right away - or in some cases, it may take some time. But no action can be free of its consequences.

According to Bhagavad Geeta, God is merely a witness. 
The 15th Shlok in chapter 5 says:
'The Lord does not keep records of the bad or good deeds of anyone. In other words, the Lord neither punishes nor rewards. 
'Enveloped by ignorance, beings are deluded (by thinking that God rewards the faithful and punishes others).

In a way, we can say God created the order - the system and set it on the auto-mode. 
However, No one can escape the principle of Karma 
- neither individuals nor societies or humanity in general.
                                   ' Rajan Sachdeva '

कई रिश्तों को परखा Kayi Rishton ko parkhaa

कई रिश्तों को परखा  और नतीजा एक ही निकला
ज़रुरत ही सब कुछ है  - मुहब्बत कहीं नहीं होती

Kayi rishton ko parkhaa - Aur Nateeja ek hee niklaa
Zaroorat hee sab kuchh hai, mohabbat kahin nahin hoti

                                        ~~   ~~   ~~   ~~
Tested many relationships time and again
But the result was always the same.
All relationships seem to be based upon Self-interests and personal motives.
There is no True love anywhere. 

Thought of the day

Author unknown 

Thursday, March 19, 2020

No Blog for last few days

Recently, I have received several emails and WhatsApp messages asking why I have not posted anything for the last few days. Some were concerned about my health and wellbeing as well. 

It feels nice to know that there are many good friends and wellwishers out there who care and miss you.
So, First of all, I would like to thank everyone - and all those who were concerned about my health. 

Actually, I was busy trying to help a friend's family member, who was in dire need and desperate - her family in India was quite concerned and disturbed - going through a period of crisis. 
Being close to them, I was also worried. Trying to find an alternative but proper solution, I did not have time and the right frame of mind to write something new. 
Thanks to Almighty Nirankar and an old friend who was very helpful and supportive to solve the matter. 
Now that it's over, I hope to get back to my daily routine of reading and writing. 

Secondly, everyone is concerned about the Coronavirus these days. Social media is flooded mostly with rumors - false news and fake remedies. It seems that everyone is an expert in medical science, and already has a cure for this deadly virus - that they know how to handle this crisis and have a solution for everything. 

Remember: some times ignorance can be bliss - but not all the times - especially times like this.
As they say: God helps those who help themselves. 
Therefore, we must take this seriously, and do our part - proper action and efforts to take care of ourselves, families, and everyone else around us.  
May God bless all. 
                                         ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Monday, March 9, 2020

Bhagavad Geeta as I see it - Part 1- Background

Bhagavad Geeta literally means the Song of the Lord - which was written - or narrated around five to seven thousand years ago. 
Originally written in Sanskrit, it is an Indian Holy scripture that is part of the Mahabharata (chapters 23–40 of Bhishma Parva). It has 18 Chapters and 700 Shlokas (verses).
Bhagavad Geeta, apart from being a religious scripture, is considered a scripture of life as well - a book of human psychology - which shows a unique way of life that eases off the tension, so one can enjoy a happier and peaceful life. 
At first look, it may seem to be about a family feud - a war between the cousins and their allies over the territorial dispute of their kingdom. 
Some see it as Pandavas - the good and righteous people fighting for their rights against the wicked, unjust, greedy, and power-hungry Kauravas - and Krishna trying to convince Arjuna to fight for their cause.  
However, just like the other Scriptures, if we view this story of dispute, conflict, and battle as a metaphor, then the meaning changes.
When seen at a much deeper, spiritual level, it is a battle between good and evil thoughts over the territories of mind and intellect.

                                  Main Characters in the Bhagavad Geeta

1. Dhritrashtra - The blind king, who was the main reason behind Mahabharat. He spoke only once.
2. Sanjay - the narrator, who narrated what was happening in the battleground to the blind king. 
3. Arjuna - the student who is confused and depressed and needs Gyan - knowledge, direction, and motivation. 
4. Krishna -- the Enlightened one - The Guru - the teacher - the guide and motivator on a personal level - on one to one bases. 
However, after the initial introduction, the entire Geeta is a dialogue between Arjuna, the disciple - and Krishna, the Guru.
Therefore, we can say there are only two main characters - 
Arjuna, the curious and inquisitive but confused student -
and Krishna, the Enlightened Guru -  who stayed with his disciple till the end and personally guided him at every step during the battle.  

                 Dhritrashtra seems to be the main reason behind Mahabharat

However, in the entire Bhagavad Geeta, he spoke only once - in the beginning.
It doesn't really matter how much one speaks.
The damage can be done by speaking just a few words - or even by not speaking at all - by not condemning the wrong - the injustice and becoming a silent bystander. 
Dhritrashtra knew what was going on in his family - between his and his brother's children - yet he chose to turn a blind eye towards it. 
His mind became blind with feelings of over attachment for his sons. 
He wanted to keep all power and wealth only for his immediate family - for his own dynasty. 
By becoming oblivious and blind to the needs of his brother's children - by not giving them any part of the kingdom, he planted the seeds of Mahabharat in the first place. 

So, one of the greatest lessons of life in this epic is that a small rift between family members can eventually turn into a Mahabharat when the parents want to give everything unjustly to one favorite child - and make others unhappy.
Similarly, when the elders of society, leaders, and rulers become greedy - and they want to keep everything within their family - in their own dynasty, they start the process of a Mahabharat by transferring all their power and wealth to their children.  
Eventually, because of such family feuds and greed, even great empires such as of Dhritrashtra fall on the ground. 

                 ~To be continued~
                                                    "Rajan Sachdeva"

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Choice is yours

There was a saint who always seemed to be happy.  
People had observed him for many years, and they had never found him sad.
One day they asked him: ‘What is the secret of your happiness?’ 
He said, ‘There is no secret. 
Every morning when I wake up, I meditate for ten minutes, and then I say to myself: 
“Listen, there are two possibilities today… 
you can either be miserable - or you can be blissful. 
It’s your choice.”
And I always choose to be blissful.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Attachments and Expectations

We all have expectations from everyone around us.
Parents from children and children from parents - students from teachers and teachers from students - brothers and sisters - wives and husbands, friends and relatives, employees and boss, people and governments; all have 
some expectations from each other.
Even Gurus have certain expectations from their disciples - just as the disciples have expectations from the Guru.

It is extremely hard - almost impossible to get rid of attachments and expectations.
Sant Tulasi Das Says:
       Mamataa tu na gayi mere man tay 
       Paakay kes janam ke ssathi, laaj gayi Lokan tay
       Pag thaakay kar kampan laagay, Jyoti gayi nainan tay
       Sarvan bachan na sunat kaahu kay, Bal gaye sab indrin tay
      Tootay dasan bachan nahin aavat, sobha gayi mukhan tay
       Cough, vaat, pitt kanth par baithay - Sutahin bulaavat kar tay
       Jaisay sasi mandal vich syaahi chhootay na koti jatan tay 
My hair - companions since birth - has become grey. 
No more worry what people would say (about my appearance)
Feet are tired, and hands are trembling.
Eyesight has weakened.
Ears don’t hear when someone talks.
All Body organs have lost their strength.
Teeth are gone, and it’s hard to speak
The face has lost its shine and glow
Help is requested by hand-signals when it's hard to talk because of the cough.
Just as we may not be able to eliminate the dark spots on the moon - no matter how hard we try to look, the ‘attachment’ also prevails (no matter how hard we try)
                                            (Sant Tulsi Das)
In other words, the sense of attachment does not go away - even when everything else is gone. 

The attachment could be with anything - not only with people or personal possessions - but even with certain concepts, beliefs, and ideologies.
                           Attachments and expectations go hand in hand. 
Since there is an attachment with the loved ones, we have certain expectations from them too. 
If not much, we expect them at least to take care of us when we grow old or become helpless.
Not only from children, relatives, and the loved ones, we also have expectations from God, the Almighty as well.
We usually expect some returns and rewards for our Bhakti, devotion, and prayers. 
We expect God to get rid of the ‘evil’ and protect us from disasters and natural calamities etc.
And it is also believed, that God too, has certain expectations from us.
               Does it ever end?
                                    'Rajan Sachdeva'

       ममता तू न गई मेरे मन ते
       पाके केस जनम साथी, लाज गई लोकन ते
       पग थाके कर कंपन लागे, ज्योति गई नैनन ते
       सरवन बचन न सुनत काहू के, बल गए सब इंद्रिन ते
       टूटे दसन बचन नहिं आवत सोभा गई मुखन ते
       कफ पित्त वात कंठ पर बैठे, सुतहिं बुलावत कर ते
       भाई बंधु सब परम प्यारे नारी निकारत घर ते
       जैसे ससि मंडल बिच स्याही छुटै न कोटि जतन ते
       'तुलसीदास' बलि जाऊँ चरन ते, लोभ पराए धन ते

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...