Tuesday, June 12, 2018

It’s Never Too Late

Whenever we feel that a change is required, 
we often say -"It’s already too late"
We talk about the past being glorious - that how beautiful it was - that we have deviated 
from the original path so much that it is impossible to go back on the right track again - that 
we have lost everything, and it is not possible to regain what we had.
But it's not too late. 
Nothing is ever too late.
At any time, things can change if we really want them to.
But first and most important thing is to recognize the problem. 
Denying the problem is not a solution. 
Until and unless we see and admit that there is a problem, no solution can be found. 
History can be a great teacher. We can learn a great deal from it to understand why our 
ancestors were successful - how they achieved what they wanted to achieve. 
It can also teach us what mistakes they made, if any, for the failure of their future generations. 
We can find ways to correct those shortcomings and make sure not to make the same mistakes again. 
We can also learn from the history of others - by exploring, and examining the reasons of their rise 
and fall - and we can learn what mistakes we made - where we went wrong and try to find the 
ways to fix them and get back on the right track. 
However, denying, hiding or trying to justify the previous mistakes can create more problems. 
Therefore, transparency of our actions is extremely important. If we honestly put our sincere efforts 
to elevate our life and the lives of others - if we really want to bring the old glory back -
then it's never too late.

                       'Rajan Sachdeva'


  1. This was exactly what I needed to hear. Thanks old friend.

  2. Very good article. ��������
    Prem (Kamal) Dadlani


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...