Sunday, June 10, 2018

Ideology Separates People

Ideology Separates People. 
That is why most Religions have been fighting with each other.
The difference in their ideologies keeps them apart and brings animosity among them.
Even within the organized religions, when the difference in ideology arises among its top leaders, 

it creates problems. It gives birth to small sects within the organization and creates complications 
which gradually lead to an internal clash. Eventually, when the clash grows and becomes quite 
obvious to the followers, a split within the organization becomes inevitable. 
A new religion gets born – with a mixed feeling of - a little sense of belonging to the original religion 
and at the same time, some animosity towards it. Eventually the animosity prevails and overpowers 
the sense of belonging – and unfortunately, the Religion loses its real aim. 
Instead of bringing people together, it ends up pushing them away from each other. 
More divisions, more sects and new religions come in existence and we see more animosity, more 
hatred and more fighting in the world.
Therefore, the sole responsibility lies on the leaders of the organizations. If they really want to bring 
people together and keep them together – then they must forget their differences and stay together, 
and work unitedly to face any adverse situation – to achieve their goal – which is -
                   'Oneness and Peace in the world.'

                                         "Rajan Sachdeva"


  1. Very True...but history shows this rarely is the case. But in a sense its a beautiful thing. When ideologies differ or sects are born peacefully thats how you get such a diveristy of thoughts. But yes when the splits are violent etc its sad.

  2. Prosedures like maryadas and their superemacy are main cause Of intolrance and separations in society. Reformist movements Takes birth in New shape.later these reformist May entangle them likewise Due to wealth and property.all should be cautious to avoid these divisions and concentrate Only oN BASIC Of their spiritual traits May take them to long innings.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...