Thursday, May 12, 2016

Humans and Animals...or just Beings

While living in India during my childhood, we lived in a small town. The street was very narrow and often while walking down to the school, office or market place, we would be sharing the road with people, chickens, dogs, horses and other pedestrians. After a while we stopped seeing ‘horse,’ dog, ‘chicken,’ ‘human’… we just saw living beings.

We were all just beings; sharing the street, making our ways to our chosen destinations.
It was quite cool.

Now, even a dog or a cat on the street, or a squirrel in the back yard catches our eye. We don’t see ‘Beings’ anymore; we see people and animals. Even among the animals, dogs and cats are looked at with affection, while the other animals get strange curious looks. 
What has changed? 
Perhaps it’s the western influence, because there are some basic differences between Eastern and Western Religious philosophies. 
All major Indian religions, such as Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism* believe that the same Aatma (soul), which is a part of ‘Parmaatma’, the Super Soul, resides in all living beings while the major western religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam believe that animals do not have souls… only humans do**. 

Indian Holy Scriptures state:
“Ishaa Vaasyamidam Sarvam” (Rig Veda)
(Ishwar (God) resides in every being whatsoever)

“Sab Govind hai, sab Govind hai, Govind binu nahin koi” 
                                                                 (Aadi Granth sahib)
“All is God, all is God, there is nothing but God”

On the other hand, western religions believe that God created man in his own image, and everything and every other being was created to serve humans and to be consumed by them. 

                                    ‘Rajan Sachdeva’  

*Buddhism does not use the word ‘soul’. They use the word ‘Mind’, a part of the ‘Universal Mind’ that goes on taking many different births until it achieves ‘Nirvaana’. The concept is same as Aatma or soul going into many re-incarnations until achieving “Moksha’.  

** Until recently, even the psychologists believed that the animals do not have ‘consciousness’. They live and react only on instinct.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

This world I see

This world I see, is a reflection of me, 
Wish I could see this world like Thee.

Caught up in every thought, I create my own scenes. 
I sit on a throne, thinking I'm queen. 

Failing to see, that all I know can shatter, 
I continue to do what I think matters 

Everyday I create a new worry, 
I go through moments in a hurry. 

Up here so high, everything I know looks so small. 
I wonder how I let myself feel tall ?

Today, in this moment I take in the sight
Today, in this moment I see YOUR light. 

Today I see so clear 
Today I feel YOU near 

No longer caught up in my scene 
I now see YOU in every scene 

Let me stay here, where I only see thee 
Let me stay here, I surrender to thee 

           Written by: Karuna Sachdeva Chander

Friday, May 6, 2016

कभी कभी Kabhi kabhi

कभी कभी मैं याद में तेरी यूं  खो जाता हूँ 

मैं नहीं रहता हूँ तब - बस तू हो जाता हूँ 

Kabhi kabhi main yaad me teri yoon kho jata hoon

Main nahin rehta hoon tab - bus Tu ho jata hoon 

Thursday, May 5, 2016


Hands grasp, but also give.
Mouth tastes, but also speaks.
Nose breathes, but also smells.
Eyes see, but also show.
Ears hear, but also balance.

The hands teach us not to be selfish.
The mouth teaches us to give thanks in word and song.
The nose teaches us to learn from our environment.
The eyes teach us to show compassion and sincerity.

All parts of our bodies give and receive. They function on a
principle of reciprocity inherent in their very character. If our senses are so noble, shouldn't we be as well?

The eyes of a dedicated person show an inner fortitude and charisma that the eyes of the ordinary do not. Scientifically, we know that an eye is an eye, a mere organ, yet experientially we know that the eyes are virtual windows to the soul. For us to achieve similar depth of character, we must live according to the inherent nobility of our natures. Each one of our senses is not simply an information-gathering faculty but is a channel of expression as well.

From: Tao Meditations
Deng Ming-Dao

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Negativity vs Positivity

There is no doubt that so much negativity is there in the world around all of us.

But then, there is so much positivity and goodness also present around all of us.

In a seminar on world’s current situation, a speaker made a comment that about half a billion people in the world are at war right now. A woman stood up in the audience and asked “What about the rest of the seven billion people of the world? Obviously they are not at war. Why talk so much about the half billion negative people and not talk at all about the other seven billion who are at peace?”

Unfortunately, most people are not able to see the positivity and goodness in others.

Of course, negativity and terrorism should be our concern, but talking only about the negativity around us brings us down and makes us sad and pessimistic, while recognizing positivity and goodness in others around us will uplift our spirit and encourage us also to be more positive and optimistic.  

Denounce negativity but at the same time, recognize and praise the positivity and goodness also. 

 ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...