Wednesday, April 30, 2014

We cannot direct the wind, but

We cannot direct the wind,
but we can adjust the sails.


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

What do we really want?

What do we really want?

In the depth of our being, we all want ‘Happiness’.

At the same time, we want ‘Freedom’ also.

In other words we want conditional happiness.

If we are offered every kind of luxury and comfort in a lifelong prison, with no freedom at all, most of us would not accept it.

So we want happiness but not at the cost of our freedom.

Freedom and Happiness, both are the basic requirements every human being wants. It is part of our nature.

Occasionally, we sacrifice one for the other.

As mentioned before, we deny the happiness of a comfortable and luxurious life in the prison to keep our freedom.  

Young children and older parents sacrifice their freedom to stay happy with their parents and children respectively. They know they cannot stay happy without them and may not even survive on their own. So they sacrifice their freedom in order to stay comfortable and happy.

Sometimes we surrender both, freedom and happiness unconditionally; simply out of love and respect to some, like parents, children, spouses, beloved friends, Gurus and finally God.

But we do that with our ‘own choice’.

Not out of fear or force, but with the “freedom of our own choice’.

‘Surrender’, which is out of fear or forced upon, is defeat, not ‘surrender’.

Only if it is done willingly, with our own free will, it will bring happiness.

Even if we want to give happiness to others, we like to have the freedom to decide ‘what, when, and how’ to provide it.

So in the end, in the depth of our consciousness, our only desire is to be ‘Free’; to attain ‘Mukti’.

What kind of freedom or Mukti would bring Happiness?

‘Mukti’ or Freedom from excessive or unreal desires;
Mukti from ego, anger, greed and jealousy;
Mukti from desire of achieving and holding on to power;
Mukti from worry and fear;

This kind of ‘Mukti’ or ‘Freedom’ is real ‘Happiness’.

That is what ‘Moksha’ or ‘Nirvaana’ is.

                         ‘Rajan Sachdeva’ 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

‘Varsha Pratipada’… The New Year’

The Hindu traditional way of celebrating ‘Varsha Pratipada’…
                                      ‘The New Year’

Recently Varsha Pratipada; The New Year’s day according to the Hindu calendar, was celebrated by traditional Hindus all over the world including USA, Canada and UK . It was the first day of Chaitra Shukla, the first month of the Hindu lunar year which happened to be on March 31, 2014.

Whereas the New Year’s Day of Christian era (January 1st) is celebrated with eating and dancing joyfully in parties and exchanging fancy gifts, the traditional Hindu way of celebrating their New Year’s Day is quite different.

Traditionally, the tender leaves of Neem (lime tree) mixed with Jaggery ** (Gurh) are distributed as Prasaadam (gift) on this occasion.

It has a great symbolic meaning.

First, the neem-jaggery blend is offered to Ishwar (God) as Naivedya.

Then it is distributed among the family and friends as Prasaad.

This is one of the highest philosophical attitudes taught by the ancient Hindu spiritual masters.

The Neem, extremely bitter in taste, and jaggery sweet and delicious, signify the two conflicting aspects of human life —Joy and sorrow, success and failure, ecstasy and agony. 

It is a reminder that the life is not always ‘Bitter’ or ‘Sweet’ all the time. It is a combination of the two and so might be the coming New Year.

By first offering this bitter-sweet blend to God and then accepting it as Prasaad, has a symbolic meaning; of preparing ourselves to face, and by the grace of God, accept whatever may happen in the future.

By exchanging the gift of this ‘bitter-sweet blend’ with friends and loved ones, we acknowledge that the relationships may also have some sweet and bitter moments that by God’s grace, can be accepted as part of life and solved mutually.

We usually tend to disregard the old traditions as ‘out of date’ or even non-sense, but if we try to understand them, we will find that many traditions have some deep and meaningful hidden messages.

                                     May God bless us all.

                                                                           ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

**  jaggery  …..  Chunks of raw sugar made from sugarcane.

A friend without faults,

He who seeks a friend without faults, 
ends up having no friends at all...

Mistakes and Forgiveness

If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is always another chance for you. 
What we call failure is not the falling down but the staying down.

                                                                  "Mary Pickford" (1893 - 1979)

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.

                                              Mahatma Gandhi (1869 - 1948)

Monday, April 21, 2014

No problem can be solved from........

"No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it. We must learn to see the world anew"

                                "Albert Einstein "

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Divine Truth

Divine Truth
Divine Truth, "The Ultimate Truth" is uniform and universal but it cannot be defined with words. Though, from time to time, numerous sages, scholars and enlightened ones have tried to explain it in many different languages, in their own ways; according to their own perception and experience. The details may vary but the basic concepts are quite similar and everyone agrees that ‘Truth' cannot be understood thru intellect. 
Truth is much more than just knowledge. It's experienced not learnt.
But, knowledge is the first step and devotion is next. 

Knowledge and devotion, together provide the direct experience to understand and 'see'  the 'Truth'.
                                  ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

If you keep your head and heart

If you keep your head and heart in the right direction,

then you will never have to worry about your feet going in the wrong direction. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Nice things are born internally

Nice things are born internally

A fake smile stays only on the lips.
The smile that comes from within
brightens the eyes.

A sincere prayer in simple words
that comes straight from the heart
 is more effective than a ritualistic formal prayer
 that has fancy words but no emotions.

Giving is better than receiving.
But if giving boosts one’ ego
Then receiving is better
 if it makes one humble.

A charity that comes from the goodness of heart
 is better than a thousand deeds of charity
 done for recognition.  

All acts of love and kindness are carried out in the outer world
But they all are born in the inner world, within the heart.

May God bless us all. 

                                              “Rajan Sachdeva”

Sunday, April 6, 2014

If someone points out your mistakes,

  If someone points out your mistakes, 

be happy that at least someone is interested in what you are doing. 

Friday, April 4, 2014

Religion vs. Spirituality

Religion vs. Spirituality

Religion and spirituality, though related, are not synonymous. 

Religion is organized.

Spirituality is individual.

Religion is a creation of people and cultures.

Spirituality is the direct personal relationship with God. 

Religions often degenerate into convention, ritual, and eventually, corruption.

Spirituality elevates the inner sprit or mind to angelic and godly level.

Religions create divisions among people and even hatred for other religions.

Spirituality creates oneness with God and His creation.

Religions are broadcasting but Spirituality is silence.

Spirituality is simple, pure and perfect, while religions are flashy pompous and imperfect. 

When their founders fade, even the holiest words gradually lose their power.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

"I laugh, I love, I hope .....

"I laugh, I love, I hope, I try,
I hurt, I need, I fear, I cry.
And I know you do the same things too,
So we're really not that different, me and you."

                                                                            ~Colin Raye ~

Smile vs Anger

             Smile & passion are the debit cards of life.
Pay now and use later..!

Anger & Ego are like credit cards of life.
                    Use now and pay later..!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

संवारना तो अलग है Sanvaarna to Alag hai (In Hindi)

मै पल दो पल का शायर हूँ पल दो पल मेरी कहानी है

 "मै  पल दो पल का शायर  हूँ पल दो पल  मेरी कहानी है "
    पल दो पल मेरी हस्ती है पल दो पल मेरी जवानी है "
  साहिर साहिब ने तो ये नज़म  ना जाने किस ख़्याल से लिखी होगी। 
 लेकिन हर पढ़ने और सुनने वाला हर चीज़ को अपनी समझ 
और अपने  interest के मुताबिक़ सुनता और समझता है।
 मैं समझता हूँ कि साहिर साहिब ने इस नज़म में जाने या अनजाने में
रुहानियतअथवा आध्यात्मिकता के चारों पहलूओं को यानि चारों steps को छूआ है।  
रुहानियत का पहला कदम है जीवन की क्षणभंगुरता का अहसास हो जाना   यानि  इस सच्चाई को समझ लेना कि ये संसार और यह जीवन स्थाई नहीं है।   

                 "मै  पल दो पल का शायर  हूँ पल दो पल  मेरी कहानी है 
                 पल दो पल मेरी हस्ती है पल दो पल मेरी जवानी है "

दूसरा कदम है अहम भाव (ego) का त्याग। 
    ये अहसास हो जाना कि मेरे जैसा सिर्फ मैं  ही नहीं हूँ
    कई और भी थे, कई और भी होंगे।  बल्कि मुझसे बेहतर थे और होंगे भी 

                 "मुझसे पहले कितने शायर आए और  कर चले गए
                 कुछ आहें भर कर लौट गए ,कुछ नग़मे गा कर चले गए  " 
                " कल और आएंगे नग़मों की खिलती कलियाँ चुनने वाले   
                  मुझसे बेहतर कहने वाले,  तुमसे बेहतर सुनने वाले "

तीसरा कदम है  वैराग्य ; एक किस्म  का  depression ....  

 कि यह संसार असार है।  सब अस्थाई और बेकार है।
 जब मैं जाऊंगा तो सब यहीं रह जाएगा
और मेरे ना रहने से कोई भी काम रुकने वाला नहीं।
फिर मेरे होने या  होने से क्या फ़र्क़ पड़ता है। 

                      "कल कोई मुझको याद करे , क्यों कोई मुझको याद करे 
                        मसरुफ़ ज़माना मेरे लिए क्यों वक़्त अपना बर्बाद करे "

     चौथी स्टेज stage में विरह यानि  longing  पैदा होती है।
संसार की असारिकता  समझ में  जाने के बाद 'सत्य ' को जानने की तीव्र इच्छा
 पैदा होती है।
शायद यही स्टेज सबसे मुश्क़िल है। अक़सर बहुत से लोग पहले ही कहीं रुक
जाते हैं।
लेकिन इन चारों stages  को पार करके जब सत्य का सही ज्ञान हो जाए तो दॄष्टि बदल जाती है। 
 संसार अनेक से एक दिखने लगता है। 
 ब्रह्माण्ड का एक एक कण एक दूसरे से connected, जुड़ा हुआ महसूस होता है 
 जब सब कुछ एक दूसरे से मिला हुआ है तो मैं भी किसी से अलग नहीं हूँ 
 तब विशालता के इस भाव से विभोरित कवि अनायास ही कह  उठता है :

             "मै हर इक पल का शायर हूँहर इक पल मेरी कहानी है  
               हर इक पल मेरी हस्ती है,   हर इक पल मेरी जवानी है 

              इक फूल में तेरा रुप बसाइक फूल में मेरी जवानी है
              इक चेहरा तेरी निशानी हैइक चेहरा मेरी निशानी है"

          तब वो सिर्फ अपने लिए नहीं बल्कि सारे संसार के लिए मांगने लगता  है  

          "तू अपनी अदाएं बख्श इन्हें,  मैं अपनी वफ़ाएं देता हूँ
            जो अपने लिए सोचीं थी कभीवो सारी दुआएं देता हूँ"
इस स्टेज पर पहुँच कर हर भक्तहर संत , हर महाँपुरुषचाहे वो किसी 
भी धर्म से संबंध रखता हो, उस की भावना और कामना यही हो जाती है कि;
"सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः मा कश्चिद् दुःखभाग्  भवेत् "  (ऋग्वेद )
          "नानक नाम चढ़दी कला,  तेरे भाने सरबत का भला"      (गुरबाणी )   
  "तेरा रुप है यह संसार , सब का भला करो करतार "    (अवतार वाणी )
                                          “Rajan Sachdeva”
Note ;  
आपकी सुविधा के लिए पूरी  नज़्म या कविता यहाँ दोबारा लिख रहा हूँ  

"मै  पल दो पल का शायर  हूँ पल दो पल  मेरी कहानी है 
  पल दो पल मेरी हस्ती है, पल दो पल मेरी जवानी है "

मुझसे पहले कितने शायर आए और  कर चले गए 
कुछ आहेँ भर कर लौट गए कुछ नग़मे गा कर चले गए 

 वो भी इक पल का किस्सा थे मैं भी इक पल का किस्सा हूँ 
कल तुम से जुदा हो जाऊँगा गो आज तुम्हारा हिस्सा हूँ 

पल दो पल मैं कुछ कह  पाया इतनी ही सआदत काफी है 
पल दो पल तुमने मुझको सुना इतनी ही इनायत काफी है 

कल और आएँगे  नग़मों की  खिलती कलियाँ चुनने वाले 
मुझसे बेहतर कहने  वाले तुम से बेहतर सुनने  वाले 

हर नसल इक फसल है धरती की आज उगती है कल कटती है 
जीवन वो महंगी मदिरा है जो क़तरा क़तरा बटती है 

सागर से उभरी  लहर हूँ मै  सागर में फिर खो जाऊँगा 
मिट्टी की रुह का पसीना हूँ   फिर मिट्टी में सो जाऊँगा 

कल कोई मुझको याद करे क्यों कोई मुझको याद करे 
मसरुफ़ ज़माना मेरे लिए क्यों वक़्त अपना बरबाद  करे"

                             Part 2

रिश्तों का रुप  बदलता है, बुनियादें खत्म नहीं होतीं
ख़्वाबों  और  उमँगों  की   मियादें  खत्म नहीं होतीं

इक फूल में तेरा रुप  बसाइक फूल में मेरी जवानी है
इक चेहरा तेरी निशानी हैइक चेहरा मेरी निशानी है

तुझको मुझको जीवन अमृत अब इन हाथों से पीना है
इनकी धड़कन में बसना हैइनकी साँसों में जीना है

तू अपनी अदाएं बख़श इन्हेंमैं अपनी वफ़ाएं देता हूँ
जो अपने लिए सोचीं थी कभीवो सारी दुआएं देता हूँ

मैं हर इक पल का शायर हूँ हर इक पल मेरी कहानी है
हर इक पल मेरी हस्ती है हर इक पल मेरी जवानी है

                         (अब्दुल हयी "साहिर लुध्यानवी")

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...