Thursday, September 3, 2020

What is Moksha?

A couple of days ago, I received a message from Chandigarh, India asking:
                                'What is Moksha?'

Moksha means liberation, or Freedom - 
Freedom from fear - sorrow, and misery.
According to the Shastras - the ancient Hindu Scriptures, Moksha is not located in some other Loka or planet. 
It's a state of mind. 
              Mokshasya na hi vaaso-asti na graamantarmeva va
              Agyaan-hriday-granthi naasho Moksha iti smritah
                                                                   " Shiv Geeta "
'Moksha is not located in some other Loka; another planet - another plane of existence - nor it belongs to a particular place -a city, or a village, or a house.
The elimination of the veil of Agyaana - ignorance and false knowledge that clouds the mind - is known as Moksha.'

In other words, it is a delusion, misconception that we will achieve Moksha after the death - 
that we will be living on a different plane of existence. 
By lighting the lamp of Gyana in our heart and thus attaining the state of enlightenment is called Moksha. 
                                            'Rajan Sachdeva'


A Practical Example of Injustice

A Beautiful Motivational Video:  A Teacher’s Practical Example of Injustice If we do not stand up for others today,        No one will stan...