Thursday, June 18, 2020

We are born as Thinkers

We are not born winners
We are born as thinkers

We are not born losers
We are born as choosers

So, Choose 
Patience and Tolerance
Peace and Acceptance
Positivity and Equanimity
Truth and Honesty
And Choose 
Simplicity - Not Complexity
                 'Rajan Sachdeva'


  1. Well said. Thanks for sharing.
    We are actually present at the leading edge of thought - in this 'experience' journey called life!

  2. Life is "B" to "D". Birth n Death. Word "C" comes in between B n B. C denotes "CHOICE" And Choices penned by you are virtues which need to be adopted in lifetime.

  3. Beautiful . Inspirations like this changes our attitude which can change our life. Thank you for blessings.


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