Monday, June 1, 2020

Self Care is not selfishness

Self Care is not selfishness - Rather, it's a necessity.
Take care of yourself first -
Or you will have nothing left to give to others.
You cannot serve from an empty vessel.

How can you sacrifice something which you do not even have in your possession? 
You can only give what you have with you. 
First, Receive and then share with others. 
Obtain knowledge - before you teach or start preaching.
                               ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Thank you Uncle Ji very good lesson ๐Ÿ™

  2. Thank you Res. Rajan ji for your thoughts and your Blessing ji

  3. Wow - this is wonderful. Very progressive view.

  4. Thank you Ji. Nicely said. As they announce in flight, Put own your Oxygen Mask before helping your fellow passenger.


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