Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Complaining hurts you more

We all want more - more Success - more love - more money - intelligence - health - more of everything. 
But we tend to overlook that which we already possess in abundance.
We continually keep on complaining about the things we do not have.
But we never appreciate what we already have. 
A person can do a hundred things for us, but if he misses one thing, we forget about all the hundred things they did for us and start complaining about the one thing that was not done right. 
The reason is simple. 
It's because we are too selfish and self-centered. 
We cannot think of anything and anyone else - other than our own self-interest. 
This tendency of selfishness keeps us unsatisfied and unhappy all the time. 
We try to become more dominant and start insulting and hurting others - including our families, for not serving our personal interests thoroughly. 
However, in the end, it is us that suffer more. 
Just because of our selfishness - and because of our inability to see our selfishness, we end up being more miserable. 
No one likes to hear complaints all day long - all the time. The more we complain, the farther we push them away. 
So, stop complaining - and start appreciating the things they do for you.
Even if they do one thing wrong, appreciate the other ten things they did right. 
Saying things like - you never do anything right - or you have never done anything for me in your whole life - will turn them away. Knowing that they will still have to hear the complaints, they would want to stop doing whatever they have been doing to help - and stop caring.
Even a mother starts ignoring the child who complains and cries all the time.
So, if you want to be happy - then stop complaining and start appreciating everyone around you.
Be grateful for whatever they do for you. 
Seeing the appreciation, they would want to do more for you.
And in the end, that will make you happier. 
                            ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Your thoughts add positivity in our lives 🙏🙏

  2. Lovely thoughts 🙏 May everyone can imbibe this in life

  3. Haanji, nicely said. Thank you uncle ji

  4. Har haal main shukarana...����awesome teachings uncle ji..keep blessing...now we can follow it in our practical life����


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