Wednesday, June 10, 2020

सागर को ढूँढती हैं Saagar ko dhoondati hain

                       सागर को ढूँढती हैं नदियाँ न जाने क्यों
                       पानी के लिए पानी की ये प्यास - अजीब है

आत्मा रुपी नदियां परमात्मा रुपी सागर से मिलने के लिए बेचैन रहती हैं
कितनी हैरानी की बात है कि पानी - पानी के लिए ही प्यासा है

स्वयं का ज्ञान ही इस तृष्णा का समाधान है

        Saagar ko dhoondati hain nadiyaan na jaanay kyon
       Paani kay liye paani kee ye pyaas - Ajeeb hai

Aatma - like a river - invariably tries to find a way to reach Parmatma - the vast ocean of existence.
Water is thirsty for water - what a great wonder it is.

Self-knowledge is the only solution to this craving
                              'Rajan Sachdeva' 


  1. Beautiful. I need to know my true self instead of searching myself(true self). The search of a river ends the moment it realizes that it is water exactly like ocean. Knowing that 'Atma hi parmatma hai' ends my search for God. I guess being aware of this knowledge all the time is important as well. 🙏

  2. Pramatama is 24 carat pure gold. Aatma can meet Pramatma if it also becomes 24 carat pure gold by shunning away the impurities. Appears to be too difficult to achieve


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