Monday, June 8, 2020

Dukh Daaru - Sukh Rog Bhayaa

Usually, when we are happy and satisfied with our circumstances, we do not remember God. 
But when we are suffering or if we need something, we suddenly remember and start praying to God. 
And even if we do pray in the happy times - during joyous festivities and celebrations, it’s not with the same intensity as when we pray in distress.
When in distress, we desperately start looking for some help - and when nothing else works, we turn to God. 
That moment of distress and helplessness - that intensity of prayer is what brings us closer to Almighty.

When a child is full of energy, he does not want to be held by the mother and sit in her lap for long. 
He wants to play and run around. 
When full of energy and not hungry, he moves away from the mother - but when he is hurt and hungry, he runs towards the mother. 
Though the child always needs the mother - but the intensity of his love is different in different situations.
It’s when he is hurt or hungry he wants to nestle in the mother’s lap. 

Most of us also tend to do the same when it comes to God.
It’s natural to get absorbed with the joys of life - with dancing and entertainments during the parties and festivities and forget everything else. 
We may thank the Almighty occasionally for that joy and happiness - but the sincerity and intensity of our gratitude would be different.
It’s like that passenger, who is scared to death, praying for a safe arrival while riding in a cab with rough and reckless driver - versus praying in an air-conditioned congregation hall as a part of the routine or ritual.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could remember the Almighty and pray with the same passion during the happy moments also? 
It sounds good and reasonable, but it may not be so easy.
The human mind can’t stay focused on one particular thought all the time - or for too long with the same intensity. 
It needs a diversion.
Then, how can we remember God all the time with the same intensity? 

Remembering someone does not mean that we continually keep repeating their name over and over all day long. 
It is the love that keeps their memory alive in our minds. 
Similarly, we can remember God just by being grateful for whatever we have - by being thankful for every moment.
But at the same time, we should try to find some time during the day or night to contemplate God’s name with full intensity and concentration of the mind.
While working and doing the routine activities, we can remember certain other things such as dialogues, events, or people - including the Lord’s name - only in the back of our head. However, paying attention to one particular thought will make us lose the other one.
Therefore, occasionally we should spend some time at least to concentrate upon Sumiran with undivided attention and dedication towards the Almighty.
                                          ‘Rajan Sachdeva’


  1. Wonderful and very True.🙏

  2. So true. That WILL certainly bring bliss (Anand) in our life. Thanks.

  3. दुख में सिमरन सब करे दुख में करे न कोई ...

  4. Very true... however our stream of thoughts takes us more towards materialistic world during happy times..intensity of gratitude needs during happy timesttimes be as strong as prayer during difficult times..

  5. Very True and wish we could change.


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