Saturday, March 31, 2018


Last night my mom and I were sitting in the living room, talking about life... In-between, 
we talked about the idea of living or dying. 

 I said to her: ' Mom, never let me live in a vegetative state, totally dependent on machines 
and liquids from a bottle. If you see me in that state I want you to disconnect all the 
contraptions that are keeping me alive'.  

My mom asked "Are you sure?

I said "Yes Mom! I'd much rather die than being hooked on machines and bottles.

Then my mom got up from the sofa with this real look of admiration towards me...
and proceeded to disconnect the TV, the Cable, the Dish, the DVD, the Computer, the Cell Phone, 
the Ipod, and the Xbox, and then went to the fridge and threw away all my bottles of coke and beer  !!


                                                    " Author.... Unknown "

How to fill a pitcher with five holes? पाँच छिद्रों वाले घड़े को कैसे भरें?

किसी ने उत्सुकतावश गुरु से प्रश्न किया - 
पाँच छिद्रों वाले घड़े को कैसे भरेंगे ?

गुरु ने मुस्कान के साथ उत्तर दिया  -
पानी में ही डूबा रहने दो - भरा ही रहेगा !

इसी तरह यदि हमारा मन - पाँचों ज्ञान इन्द्रियों सहित परमात्मा में डूबा रहेगा 
तो सदा ही परमात्मा से एकीकार बना रहेगा   

A disciple eagerly asked his Guru –
How can we fill a pitcher that has five holes in it?

The Guru responded with a smile –
“Let it remain immersed in the water – it will stay filled!

Similarly, if our mind - along with all our five sensory senses, is immersed in the divine, 
then we can always remain united with God.
                                            'Rajan Sachdeva'

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

When my daughter made me Cry

While visiting my mother's home town Kotkapura in Punjab - this morning I read a short Hindi story written by Nidhi Oberoi in a local Hindi paper 'Madhurima' - which really touched me deeply and thought of sharing it..

The following is my version in English based on Nidhi Oberoi's story:

                         "My daughter made me cry"

One day, my grown up daughter suddenly asked me:
"Papa, have I ever made you cry?"
I said yes.
She was surprised – "When? How?"
"When you were about one year old. One day, you were crawling on the floor.
I placed some coins, a pen and a toy at a little distance from you and sat down on the other side.
I wanted to see which object you will choose. Your choice would have indicated what you will value more in your life. "
"How"? She asked.
"Choice of book or pen would have indicated that you would value education in your future life – choosing coins would mean wealth, and toys would mean entertainment and joy."
"And what did I choose?" she asked enthusiastically.
"You stared at everything for a moment – crawled towards them and looked at everything again.
Then suddenly you pushed them aside and crawled through those objects and came straight towards me – grabbed my hand and sat in my lap with a big smile on your face.
Suddenly, at that moment I realized that I had given you only three objects to choose from - a coin, a pen and a toy - but you were looking at four things. The fourth choice in your mind was me –
and you chose me over everything else.
Tears started to flow out of my eyes and I could not stop crying".

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...