Thursday, August 24, 2023

Clinging to the hollow trees खोखले पेड़ों से लिपट गये

कुछ ऐसे बदहवास हुए ऑधियों से लोग 
जो पेड़ खोखले थे उन्हीं से लिपट गये
                                   ताहिर तिलहरी

Kuchh aesay bad-hawaas huye aandhion say log
Jo ped khokhlay thay - unhin say lipat gaye 
                                       " Tahir Tilhari "

Some people became so desperate during the storm 
that they started clinging to the dead trees - 
     - that themselves were hollow inside. 

کچھ ایسے بدحواس ہوئے آندھیوں سے لوگ 
جو پیڈ کھوکھلے تھے انہیں سے لپٹ گئے 


A Practical Example of Injustice

A Beautiful Motivational Video:  A Teacher’s Practical Example of Injustice If we do not stand up for others today,        No one will stan...