Friday, August 11, 2023

Do you Believe in the Power of Prayer?

A businessman opened a Night club/Bar next to a famous Church.
The priest and the people who attended the church did not like it.
Every day after the sermons, the priest and all the devotees prayed against that nightclub business 
- that God should make that business fail - and they close it.

A few days later, the nightclub was struck by lightning - a fire broke out, and the club was completely destroyed.
The club owner sued the Church authorities for the cause of its destruction, as it was a result of their Prayers - the church was responsible for the destruction. 
Church denied any responsibility - saying that it was not responsible for the destruction in any way.

The judge commented -
"It's very difficult to decide and pass judgment on this case.
On one side, we have a nightclub owner who has complete faith and sincerely believes in the Power of Prayer.
And on the other side, we have an entire Church that doesn't believe in it and denies that prayers can have any results or they can bring about any change.


  1. Is it okay to judge others? Even more, is it okay to wish for suffering of others because of our judgement? And finally, is it okay to ask the Ultimate Authority to cause that suffering on others? Isn’t that the worst sin of all?

    1. You are absolutely right, Nagrani ji.
      But unfortunately, we all do similar things at one time or the other
      we constantly judge others from our own standards - from our own points of view.
      We always talk about high ideals, and in the end - we are all normal human beings.
      But it does not mean that we should not try to strive for perfection.
      As always, Thanks for your valuable comments ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

  2. this proves who has faith in God . You do not have to go to temple, gurdwara or church to prove that you are a believer

  3. The power of prayer is tremendous but one must have full faith ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน


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