Friday, May 29, 2020

Greatness is not in what you have बड़प्पन इस बात में नहीं

Your greatness is not in what you have 

It's in what you give - and do for others

आपका बड़प्पन इस बात में नहीं कि आपके पास क्या है - और कितना है

महानता इस बात में है कि आपने क्या दिया - और किसी के लिए क्या किया 

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Bichhad kay Mujh say Tu bhi

Tumhaari berukhee say meray dil mein rosh to hoga 
Bichhad kay mujhsay tu bhi gham say ham-aagosh to hoga 

Kya tum ye samajhtay ho ki saari galtee meri thee 
Rishta tootaa - is men teraa bhee kuchh dosh to hoga 

Ham itnay buray na thay ki jo thukraa diyaa tunay 
Apnay faislay pay tujh ko bhi afsos to hoga 

Jaantaa hoon tum apni anaa mein rahtay ho aqsar 
Sahee aur galat ka lekin tumhen bhee hosh to hoga 

Na kar sakay bhalaa magar kisi ka haq nahin chheena 
Meray dil mein martay vaqt ye santosh to hoga 

Kabhee sabr-o-qaraar dil ko aa hee jaeyga 'Rajan'
Khwahishon ka shoro-gul kabhee khaamosh to hoga
                                         ' Rajan Sachdeva'

Rosh                                  =    Resentment, Hurt, Anger
Gham say ham-aagosh  =   Embraced, Gripped with Sorrow 
Anaa                                   =  Ego

बिछड़ के मुझसे तू भी

तुम्हारी  बेरुख़ी  से  मेरे  दिल  में  रोष  तो  होगा 
बिछड़ के मुझसे तू भी ग़म से हमआग़ोश तो होगा 

क्या तुम ये समझते हो कि सारी ग़लती मेरी थी 
रिश्ता टूटा - इसमें  तेरा भी कुछ दोष तो होगा 

हम इतने बुरे ना थे  कि जो  ठुकरा दिया तूने 
अपने फैसले पे तुझ को भी अफसोस तो होगा 

जानता हूँ तुम अपनी अना में रहते हो अक़्सर 
सही और ग़लत का लेकिन तुम्हें भी होश तो होगा 

न कर सके भला मगर किसी का हक़ नहीं छीना 
मेरे  दिल  में  मरते  वक़्त  ये  संतोष  तो होगा 

कभी सबरो क़रार दिल को आ ही जाएगा 'राजन '
ख़्वाहिशों का शोरो गुल कभी ख़ामोश तो होगा 
                        'राजन सचदेव '

रोष                            Resentment, Hurt, Anger
ग़म से हमआग़ोश      Embraced, Gripped with sorrow 
अना                          Ego

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

इक अखबार हूँ... Ik Akhbaar Hoon

इक अखबार हूँ - औकात ही क्या मेरी मगर 
शहर में आग लगाने के लिए काफी हूँ 

Ik Akhbaar hoon - aukaat hi kya meri- magar
Shehar me aag lagaanay kay Liye kaafi hoon

लोकेषणा - वित्तेषणा - पुत्रेषणा

                           लोकेषणा - वित्तेषणा - पुत्रेषणा 

अक़्सर ये तीनों ही इंसान के पतित का कारण बन जाते हैं।  
इन के कारण बड़े से बड़े व्यक्ति भी सत्य मार्ग से हटते हुए दिखाई देते हैं। 

लोकेषणा - अर्थात लोक में - संसार में प्रसिद्धि प्राप्त करने की तृष्णा  
वित्तेषणा  - वित्त अर्थात धन की तृष्णा - धन का लोभ 
और पुत्रेषणा  - अर्थात संतान की आसक्ति 
       - केवल मोह के कारण अपनी शक्ति का दुरुपयोग करके अपनी पोजीशन, पद, और लीडरशिप उन्हें सौंप देना।  

 इन में से एक भी हो तो इन्सान अपने मार्ग से विमुख हो कर पतन की ओरअग्रसर होने लगता है। 

इनमें से एक का भी होना बड़े बड़े नेताओं और संतों के पतन का कारण बन जाता है।

सत्य के साधकों को हमेशा इन से दूर रहना चाहिए और सीधे एवं सत्य के मार्ग पर बढ़ने का प्रयास करते रहने करना चाहिए।

अपना ध्यान अपने लक्ष्य पर रखें - ताकि कोई भी ऐसी बाधा आपको सत्य के मार्ग से विचलित न कर सके। 
                                                         ' राजन सचदेव '

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Lokeshna - Vitteshna - Putreshna

                              Lokeshna  - Vitteshna - Putreshna  

Usually, these three cause people to deviate from the path of righteousness. 
Even the most distinguished people often get swayed away from their path - the path of Truth - because of these.

Lokeshna  - Desire to gain popularity in society.
Vitteshna - Desire to accumulate more wealth and possessions
Putreshna  - Over attachment for the children - handing over their leadership - position, power, and authority to them. 

Having even one of these can become the cause of the fall of the greatest leaders and Saints. 
Seekers of Truth should always stay away from all of these and strive to move on the straight path. 
Keep your focus on the goal - without any divergences and distractions. 
                                              ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Height of Positivity

A reporter was interviewing a ninety-nine-year-old man.
At the end of the interview, he said to the old man:
"I certainly hope I can return next year and see you reach a hundred "

The Old Man replied: 
" Why Not -
You look healthy enough to me.!!"

What is Collective Karma

Some people have asked what is 'Collective Karma', and how can it affect the individuals?
                                ~~      ~~      ~~      ~~     
We think that we are individual beings, but we are not. 
We are a part of the whole. 
Therefore we are affected by the Karmas of others as well.
If a tree shakes with the wind, then it's branches and leaves will also shake with it. 
Even though each leaf is an individual unit, yet, it can not have its own choice. 
It can not stay stable - steady and stationary when the rest of the tree is shaking. 

If one person gets sick, the whole family gets affected. The other members of the house also have to make some adjustments. Their routine and plans get disturbed. They also have to share the pain of their loved ones.  

Even though we have our own identities, yet, we are part of society. We are a part of nature.
We impact everything around us - and everything around us has an impact on us as well. 

Similarly, on the deep and subtle level also, we share the Karmas of others - our loved ones and the opponents as well - those who are close to us and those who may be far away. 
Just like a wave is a part of the vast ocean, and it gets affected by deeper and farther ocean currents, we being a part of the whole also get affected by other Karmas. 
But, nevertheless, our own Karmas have a much stronger bearing on our destiny. 
                                        ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Friday, May 22, 2020

किसी को ख़ौफ़ है Kisi ko Khauf hai

किसी को ख़ौफ़ है कहीं ख़ुदा न देख ले 
किसी की आरज़ू है - ख़ुदा देखता रहे

Kisi ko khauf hai kahin Khuda na dekh lay
Kisi kee aarzu hai - Khuda dekhta rahay

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Do Not Just Follow in the Footsteps

Do not just follow in the footsteps of the wise ones.
Seek what they sought  
Experience what they experienced 
And try to achieve what they achieved
                          ' Rajan Sachdeva ' 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Ten Commandments of a Robber

In the Mahabharata, there is a story of a robber named Kaayavya.
Because of the unfavorable circumstances, he became a robber.
But he was a gentle and kind robber. 
He never terrorized a poor, old or weak person and never took from anyone all they had. 
After keeping very little, just enough for his own and his family’s survival, he always distributed his ‘prize’ among the poor and needy people and those who came to him seeking help. 
There were many other robbers also in the area who were very cruel.
They would not even hesitate to kill. 
When Kaayavya became old, he retired from his profession of robbery and started living a life of discipline and Dharma.
One day, all the robbers from the surrounding areas gathered together and unanimously decided to choose Kaayavya as their leader.
They went to him and said, we want you to become our leader and guide. You know the area well. You are also very wise. You know the right places and appropriate times when people are more vulnerable. 
Please become our leader and guide us as parents would guide their children.
“Very well,” Kaayavya said. 
“But only if you promise to follow certain rules.”
“We will obey all your commands without question. 
Please tell us the ‘rules’ you want us to follow”, they asked.
Then, as their leader, Kaayavya told those robbers these Rules - these ‘commandments’ written in the verses 135:13 through 135:22 of the ‘Shanti-Parva’ of Mahabharata. 
1. You shall never kill a woman, a child, a feeble, or an ascetic.
2. You shall never kill anyone who is unarmed and not in combat with you.
3. You shall never hold a woman by force.
4. You shall not kill or violate a woman.
5. You shall look to the welfare of poor and noble, especially of those who are devoted to learning. If necessary, you shall even fight for their sake.
6. You shall not destroy a harvest in the fields.
7. You shall never obstruct a marriage ceremony nor create trouble where the gods, elders, and guests are respected.
8. You shall not use any force if they are willing to give you something voluntarily.
9. You shall always remember that the force may be used only against the wicked - Not against those who are old and frail - or those who are courteous to you. 
10. You shall never deprive the others of all of their possessions. That is considered a low act even among the robbers.
He further added, by following the Dharma (ethics) and watching their conduct towards others, even a robber can acquire a higher state of being. 
On hearing this, they said, To that, we give you our pledge.
Later, by following all these rules, all of them gradually gave up the violence and robbery altogether and became ‘Saadhu’ *(noble). 
Kaayavya did not give them long lectures on the topics of ‘non-violence’ or ‘robbery is bad’ etc. 
Instead, he used a different approach altogether to show them a better way of life. 
Shanti-Parva (Book of Peace) is the 12th of the 18 books of the Mahabharata and has 366 chapters.
* The literal meaning of Saadhu in Sanskrit is Noble. 
It is also used for saying ‘Shabaash’; very good or Well-done. 
                                             ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Thursday, May 14, 2020

वो तुम्हें याद करे Voh Tumhen Yaad Karay

वो तुम्हें याद करे जिस ने भुलाया हो तुम्हें 
मैंने तुमको भुलाया न कभी याद किया 

Voh tumhen yaad karay jis nay bhulaaya ho tumhen
Mainay tum ko bhulaaya naa kbhi yaad kiya 

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

On Punya Tithi - Baba Hardev Singh ji

                                     Blissful Memories 
I took four months off in 1987 to finish my thesis for Ph.D. and went to India. 
As always, I stayed in S. N. Bhavan Delhi for a couple of days to see and get blessings from 
Satguru Baba Hardev Singh ji. After enquiring how long I would stay in India, Baba ji said: 
“We are going on a three weeks long tour to your area and I want you to come along.”
I was surprised and asked, “which is my area Huzoor?” 
He smiled and said Jammu & Kashmir. Then he said that tour starts early morning on September 1st 
and if the dates of the presentation of my thesis do not fall in that period – 
I should come to Delhi by the evening of August 31st.  
I said ‘Sat-Vachan’, did Namaskar, and left for Chandigarh.
A couple of weeks later, I went to Delhi to be with Baba ji again for a couple of days. Obviously, 
He remembered the previous conversation and asked me if I knew the dates for my ‘exam’. 
I said no… not yet. 
Then He reminded me again by saying that his tour to J&K has been replaced for Himachal, 
but the dates are the same so I should still reach Delhi on August 31st. After enjoying the bliss of being with him for three days, I went back to Chandigarh to finish my work.

Suddenly, on August 30th - when I was getting ready and looking forward to going on tour with Baba ji
 - I received a letter to appear in front of the panel of judges for my thesis – on September 12.

My first thought was, “now…how can I go on tour with Baba ji?”
My mother said I should call Baba ji to let him know that I cannot accompany him and apologize. 
I said no – I will go to Delhi and apologize personally. So, I went to Delhi on the eve of August 31st. 
Baba ji was taking a walk in the Bhavan’s premises with few saints. 
I stood on the side with folded hands. A few minutes later, he looked at me and signaled to join him. 
I did Namaskar, and he said…. “Aa gaye”. I was struggling to find the proper words to say that yes, 
I have come but I will be unable to accompany – when he asked “koi date tan nahin aayi exam di?” 
(Have you received the date for the exam yet?)
I said “yes I have. It’s on September 12.”
“Oh. September 12? Then you cannot come with me during this tour. “Chalo theek hai. Agali vaar sahi” 
(Well…. it’s ok. You can join me next time.)

I felt so relieved that I did not have to say it. It was like he knew I was having a hard time saying it, 
so, he excused me on his own. I apologized by saying “Khima karna Maharaj” (Please forgive me, lord)
He said “It’s OK.
Hor? Tayaari ho gayi poori? (Are you all prepared?)
“Not really,” I said.
“Kinne din da kumm reh gya?” (How many days’ worth work is still left?)
I was about to say that I needed 2-3 weeks to finish it but I have only 11 days.
But suddenly, something happened - like a flash of thought, and I said:
“Huzoor. Aap ji ne hi taiyaari karni hai – aap ji ne hi exam laina hai te aap ji ne hi exam dena hai”. 
(You are going to do the preparation, you are going to give the exam and you are the one 
who will be taking the exam)
He laughed loudly and said in his typical style “Achha………. Phir chalo mere naal tour te”
 (Really? Then come along with me on this tour)

And without a second thought, I said: “Sat vachan ji”. He placed his hand on my back to bless and 
walked away to his room.

I don’t know how did I get that idea - that strength and conviction to say those words. But I am 
thankful to the unseen almighty force that made me say those exact words at that moment. 
I called my mother to inform that I am going on tour with Baba ji. She said, “what about your exam?”
I said I don’t know. Whatever happens - let it be. I don’t want to think about it.
“What about clothes?”
Since I had come to Delhi only for a night - to let Baba ji know that I won’t be going with him - 
I had brought nothing except a night suit and one pair of pants and a shirt for the next day.
I said I can manage in 2 sets of clothing… won’t be needing more.

The next few days were total bliss.
Very graciously, Baba ji asked me to travel with him in his car. I forgot all about my thesis and appearance in front of the judges. It was a wonderful and blissful time to enjoy the company of the Guru in so close proximity.
After 8 days, we reached Kullu and then Manali. It was a little cold, and the next day we were supposed to go to Rohtang Pass, an icy cold place at a much higher altitude. Mata ji noticed that I did not have any warm clothes. During the day, she went for sight-seeing and to the market for some shopping. 
When she came back, she handed me a sweater and said “I bought it for you. You will need it 
tomorrow at Rohtang.”
She thought of me while shopping? I was touched.

The next day at Rohtang, she gave me a shawl and said “Wrap this also around you. That sweater is not 
going to be enough in this cold.”
It was very touching to see how she cared for everyone like family.

After we came back to Manali that evening, I had the opportunity to spend some time alone with Baba ji and Mata ji. It was one of the best periods of time in my life – to be so close to the Guru and get his blessings.
On the morning of September 1o, I got ready and went in front of Baba ji and Mata Ji's room. 
The door was a little ajar. Mata ji noticed me standing outside the door and called me in. Baba ji was sitting on the bed and playing with little Sudiksha ji. I stood there mesmerized - watching him play with his daughter and thinking he is a perfect Guru and a perfect father as well. His face was shining 
with his usual smile.
Suddenly he looked at his wristwatch and said to Mata ji “Parson Rajan ji da exam hai. 
(Day after tomorrow is Rajan ji’s exam). Let’s send him back today.”
“What exam?” Mata ji asked.
“He has to appear for his Ph. D. exam,” Baba ji said.
Mata ji looked at me and said “You have a Ph. D. exam in two days? Why are you here then?”
“I told him to come with me.” Baba ji said. “Today he should go back”
So, he remembered it all along? I never said a word about it during the whole tour but obviously, 
he did not forget it.
Mata ji said the bus journey will take almost a whole day. She asked someone to buy a plane ticket for me and drop me at the airport. Later, I learned that she had even called Vivek Shauq ji to pick me up at Chandigarh airport and drop me at my parent’s house in sector 21.

The time, especially the personal moments spent with Baba ji during this unforgettable tour are 
among the most cherished memories of my life.

                                   ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

       Rohtang Pass
              At  Rohtang Pass

At Manila 

Monday, May 11, 2020

अब तो मुझे कोई तमन्ना ही नहीं Ab to mujhe koi tamanna hi nahin

बाख़ुदा -अब तो मुझे कोई तमन्ना ही नहीं 
फिर ये क्या बात है कि दिल कहीं लगता ही नहीं 

सिर्फ चेहरे की उदासी से भर आए आँसू 
दिल का आलम तो अभी आपने देखा ही नहीं 

वो करम करते हैं या हम पे सितम करते हैं 
इस नज़र से उन्हें हमने कभी देखा ही नहीं 

यूं तो रोने से बहुत दिल को सकूँ मिलता है 
इश्क़ ख़ुद्दार को लेकिन ये गवारा ही नहीं 

याद रखा है  तो  भूल भी सकता हूँ तुझे 
दिल पे मेरा भी हक़ है सिरफ़ तेरा ही नहीं 

दोस्त को दोस्त समझना तो है इक बात  'शमीम '
हमने दुश्मन को  दुश्मन कभी समझा ही नहीं 

                           ' शमीम जयपुरी '

Ba-Khuda ab to mujhe koi tamanna hee nahin 
Phir ye kya baat hai ki Dil kahin lagta hi nahin 

Sirf chehray ki udaasi say bhar aaye aansu
Dil ka aalam to abhi aap nay dekha hi nahin 

Yoon  to ronay say bahut dil ko sukoon milta hai
Ishq khuddar ko lekin ye gawaaraa hi nahin 

Vo karam kartay hain ya hum pay sitam kartay hain
Is nazar say unhen hum nay kabhi dekha hi nahin 

Yaad rakha hai to bhool bhi saktaa hoon tujhay
Dil pay mera bhi haq hai - sirf teraa  hi nahin 

Dost ko dost samajhnaa to hai ik baat 'Shameem' 
Hum nay dushman ko dushman kabhi samajhaa hi nahin 

                            " Shameem Jaipuri "

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Remembering my Mother on Mother's Day

My mother once asked me - "do you know why the army officers and soldiers get up early every morning, get ready in complete uniform, and do extensive exercises and parade? Why do they regularly check and clean their weapon?"

I said - because they don't have anything else to do since there is no war.
She smiled and said - No.
"Then I don't know. Please tell me, mother".

She said - even if there is no war, they know that enemy can strike anytime, so they want to stay prepared all the time. You know, in the past - many great armies lost the war because they were not ready. They were attacked suddenly in the middle of the night, while they were busy drinking and enjoying parties - or they were sleeping.
They lost because they had let down their guards. 
A Good general knows this and keeps his soldiers alert and ready all the time, so they are not caught unaware or unprepared."

She said - similarly, a Bhakta should also be always ready and prepared because the enemies such as Kaama, Krodha, and Lobha can strike at any time. 
Just as an enemy spy can secretly enter an army camp and destroy it from inside, similarly, the ego, attachment, and jealousy can also silently enter an inattentive and careless mind and destroy the Bhakti and Shradha (Devotion) from within.
 So the Bhakta must always stay alert and keep his 'weaponry' sharp. 
His weapons are Satsang and Sumiran.
Even a mighty great army may lose the battle if it does not keep its weapons sharp and up to date.
If a Bhakta does not keep his weapons - Satsang and Sumiran, sound and up to date, he might also lose the battle of conquering the Samsaara. 
This was a great lesson - one of the greatest gifts my mother gave me just a few months before she left this physical world.
Today, on Mother's day, I wish and pray that I may remember this great lesson she taught me - till the end of my physical journey; to win the battle of 'Samsaara' and be free from bondage.
                                                            ‘Rajan Sachdeva”

Friday, May 8, 2020

You are loved when you are born

You are loved when you are born.

 You will be loved and praised when you die.

In between, you have to manage to be loved.

But, Love and respect have to be earned - not commanded. 

Among the apes, the one who can seize from others by force becomes the leader.

However, those who sacrifice their own needs and desires for the sake of others - 
- are considered great leaders among humans. 

There is a big difference between human being and being human -
Only a few truly understand it.

                              " Rajan Sachdeva "

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Bhapa Ram Chand Ji - Pics


Bay ji (Mrs. Bhapa Ji )

With Seva Ram ji and Krishan Lal ji Gauba

Bhapa ji, Gulshan ji, Kuljas Rai Sabir ji

Punya Tithi - Bhapa Ram Chand Ji Kapurthala

                             Shat Shat Naman 
          Millions of prostrations to my biggest mentor 
          The most excellent soul I met in this lifetime
          Who left this mortal world on May 5th, 1970
                       Bhapa Ram Chand ji Kapurthala 

Monday, May 4, 2020

Bhagavad Geeta as I see - Knowing Real and Unreal

According to Bhagavad Geeta, Knowing both - the Real and the Unreal is crucial and very important.

Many times, unreal comes to us disguised as Real. 
And more often than not, it seems very much real to us.
We often get hurt by those who come to us as friends and wellwishers, and we fail to see their real faces.
In the famous epic of Ramayan, Ravan came to kidnap Mata Sita disguised as a Saadhu - a sage. 
But Sita ji could not see the 'Real - hidden behind the mask. 
She thought what she was seeing was Reality - a true sage.
She would have been safe if she could see the distinction by using simple logic - A real sage would not have asked and insisted her to step out of her safety zone. 
Instead of believing and obeying blindly to a fake Saadhu, she should have used logic - reasoning and common sense - a faculty that God or Nature has provided to humans in abundance. 

Bhagavad Geeta neither supports blind faith nor ritualism of any kind. 
It encourages the use of logic and reasoning to make a distinction between Real and Unreal.
Because without understanding the unreal, Real can not be realized.  
Lord Krishna says: the sincere seekers try to comprehend both of them thoroughly.

                           उभयोरपि दृष्टो अन्तः तु अनयो अनयोस्तत्त्वदर्शिभिः
           Ubhayorapi drishto Antah Tu Anayo Tattav-Darshibhih
The final truth about both of these is clearly seen by the knower of Truth   (Bhagavad Geeta 2-16)

I believe this is one of the most significant messages of Bhagavad Geeta - 
    - A first and crucial step towards realizing the Truth.  
                                          "Rajan Sachdeva"

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...