Friday, November 29, 2024

ये दुनिया - Ye Duniya - This world

कहने को तो ये दुनिया अपनों का मेला है
पर ध्यान से देखोगे तो हर कोई अकेला है

Kehnay ko to ye duniya apnon ka mela hai 
Par dhyaan say dekhogay to har koi akela hai 

This world seems to have plenty of festivities with loved ones, 
But if you look carefully, you will see that everyone is alone.


  1. You are right ✅️

  2. So true and sometimes inner loneliness eats you from inside . So faith in God is very important.

  3. True🙏🙏🙏🙏

  4. This is the harsh reality that we all live in. All relationships in this world, no matter their weight, are temporary. Our best friend today, can be our enemy tomorrow. Our own family member can turn their back on us without any warning. This temporary quality is what makes us always feel alone.
    The only relationship that is not temporary is our connection with God. Whenever priority is given to our relationship with God, we will never feel alone.

    Thanks for sharing Ji!

  5. यहां कोई किसी का यार नही किसी को सच्चा प्यार नही

    1. हां जी - लेकिन सोचने की बात ये है कि दूसरे लोग हमारे बारे में भी यही कहते हैं


Wise or Naive -- Hoshyar ya Seedhaa Saadaa

Chaahay koi hoshyar hai Ya hai seedhaa saadaa  Har ik banda paapi hai koi thoda hai koi zyaada Chhup jaatay hain paap kisi kay, koi pakdaa ...