Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Healthy, Genuine discussions are good

Humans have a natural tendency to give advice - to share their knowledge with others. 
Most animals and birds also do it instinctively. However, because of the limitations, they cannot share anything else other than teaching their offsprings how to meet the basic needs for survival.
On the other hand, humans have the faculty of language, which makes it easier to share with masses. 
As a part of their duty, parents, and teachers try to teach, whatever they know, to their children and students. However, parents and teachers can also learn from children and students if they keep their minds open. Questioning the old or popular concepts may open some new doors of knowledge for us. That is why healthy, genuine discussions are always good - as long as they are not for the sake of showing off or with the desire to win the arguments. 
Sharing what we have - including the knowledge and experiences is what makes us human - different than animals.  
Therefore, we must pass on our knowledge, wisdom, and experiences of life to others as much as possible. 
                 'Rajan Sachdeva '


A Practical Example of Injustice

A Beautiful Motivational Video:  A Teacher’s Practical Example of Injustice If we do not stand up for others today,        No one will stan...