Saturday, May 8, 2021

The Mind affects the Body

Someone told me yesterday that his friend's mother was diagnosed with COVID-19 and they said 95% of her lungs were damaged.
However, the family told her that 10% of her lungs were damaged and they wanted to keep her in the hospital for a few days - just for precautionary measures.
She agreed. They put an oxygen mask on her face but, being unaware of her actual condition, she was not panicked or worried at all. She stayed happy and did not think much about her illness.
They kept telling her that her condition is quickly improving a lot - that she is doing very well.
And so she believed in her heart.
Within few days she recovered completely.
When she came home then they told her that actually her lungs were damaged, not ten but by 95 percent.

The mind has a big impact on the body. A positive mind can help heal the body much faster.
On the other hand, having constantly negative thoughts all the time can worsen the physical conditions and weaken the immune system too.

I remember Baba Avtar Singh ji used to say that it's not hard for a strong horse to pull an old broken carriage out of muddy roads but an old sick horse can not even pull a new cart in perfect conditions. 
With this analogy, he used to emphasize that we should keep a stable and stronger mind - have strong faith in Almighty Nirankar and positive vibes because our mind affects our bodies and our surroundings.

Therefore - Stay positive - and spread positivity among others.
                                      ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Beautiful advice !
    Needs blessings to think positive
    all the time !

  2. Moral support is the best medicine

  3. We tend to underestimate psychosomatic effects. There's no question about that. Thanks for the timely reminder.

  4. Thank you.
    Much needed in these difficult times
    Dr. J Sachdeva


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