Friday, May 7, 2021

A pebble inside the shoes

If the path is filled with pebbles and stones - one can still walk on it by wearing a pair of good shoes.
But if there is a small pebble inside the shoe, then regardless of how good the road is - it becomes difficult to walk even a few steps.

Similarly - we do not always lose because of outside forces - we succumb because of our inner weaknesses.
This principle applies not only to one's personal life but also to society.
No society or country is as threatened or damaged and endangered by external powers as it is by its own people.
The biggest reason for Ravan's defeat was his own brother who did not support him and joined hands with the other side.
Whatever be the reason, when people do not support their family - their society or country - it does not take much effort for any external power to topple that family - to destroy - to overthrow and end that society or country.

In times of crisis, success can only be achieved by eradicating the mutual estrangement - by supporting each other - by uniting and fighting the enemy together - whether the crisis is from a person - from another country, or a natural calamity.

Today, while the whole world is struggling with a terrible natural calamity, some people, instead of making their positive contribution, are playing a blaming game.
They keep on blaming others for their own selfish motives or just for the sake of entertainment - by pointing out the mistakes of others and spreading doubts and misgivings by twisting the truth - while the time is to fight this disaster together and emerge from this crisis.

If we cannot make any positive contribution, then at least let us not help in propagating negativity everywhere - because doing so, diminishes the morale of good people and hinders the way of those who are willing and trying to perform good deeds.
No person or society can ever move forward by becoming a pebble inside the shoes.
                                        'Rajan Sachdeva'


  1. Totally agree with you Rajanjee. This is how I have been feeling for the last two weeks.

  2. Totally agree with you Rajanjee. This is how I have been feeling for the last two weeks.

  3. Thanks Dr Rajan ji
    Bless me I can follow
    Your thoughts In the crisis
    We are going thru now !


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