Thursday, May 27, 2021

Peace of mind

Peace of mind is a beautiful thing - 
which no one else can sell or deliver to us.
Only we can provide it to ourselves -
By not expecting anything from anyone.

When the desired expectations are not met, the mind becomes agitated - upset, and angry.

Whereas, the expectations that are fulfilled, not only give us a sense of pride and ego but also create the desire to expect more.
We start expecting more and more - until it reaches a point where they can not be fulfilled anymore.
And again - when all expectations are not met, pain is inevitable.

Either way, the expectations - fulfilled or unfulfilled - disturb the equanimity of mind.
Hence, Bhagavad Geeta and the Vedas proclaim:
Unfulfilled desires and expectations are the cause of pain. anxiety, distress, and grief.

Stay happy and content - by not expecting too much from anyone - including yourself.
                                                        ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Desires, expectations are directly proportional to pain and unhappiness. Lesser the desires, quotient of happiness increases 🙏🙏

  2. I've found it helpful when I'm troubled to look up at my picture of Mata-ji and say in my mind, "I hand this over to you."

  3. Thank you so much for blessing us with great messages to make the life simple and stable.

  4. Reading this really gave peace

  5. Dear Sachdeva ji,
    you wrote that one should not expect anything from anyone including ourselves.
    Not expecting from others is okay but from one's self?
    Is that not akin to giving up on ourselves, or, losing a bit of our enthusiasm?


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