Sunday, May 30, 2021

Keep your head in the right direction मन और बुद्धि को सही दिशा में रखें

Keep your head and heart in the right direction 
and you will never have to worry about your feet going in the wrong direction 

यदि मन और बुद्धि को सही दिशा में रखें
तो पैरों के ग़लत दिशा में जाने की चिंता नहीं रहेगी ।


  1. That is hard to do.. but with grace of Mahapurush and Master is required to keep mind and heart in right direction

  2. Dhan Nirankar

  3. Rightly said. If head and heart are towards right direction all walls barriers will be collapsed establishing good atmosphere


Happy Thanks Giving

Every day and every moment is an opportunity to embrace gratitude, compassion, and kindness, but today we come together to especially recogn...